The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 01/08/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 1/5/2020 3:59:18 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 5:06:47 PM

I have a great THIRST for rainwater and grain alcohol.

If that wimp Trump doesn't order an attack on Eye-Ran, I'll have to order Wing Attack Plan R!

buzzsawmonkey 1/8/2020 5:20:05 PM
How long before the Swedish pest-child licenses out her name for a vegan fast-food franchise?  Just imagine the advertising:  Greet a Thun-Burger!
lucius septimius 1/8/2020 5:35:44 PM
Given that yesterday I died in DRUMPF'S WORLD WAR III!!!!!eleventy!!!!!, I'm feeling pretty good today.
doppelganglander 1/8/2020 6:05:28 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 3:

Wait, didn't you die of Net Neutrality a while back? Then whose funeral did I send flowers to?

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 6:11:44 PM

For all those who think they're going to get drafted for a war with Iran (even though the war would be over before they get out of basic training)


Occasional Reader 1/8/2020 6:23:18 PM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: Wing Attack Plan R!

That was developed by the regular patrons at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, NY.

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 6:27:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:

Name in the song made me think...

Chow and Lie

a combined Chinese restaurant and brothel

Occasional Reader 1/8/2020 6:39:07 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

Sounds disgusting. It would probably be filled with rodent excrement. You know: Mousie Dung.

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 6:51:33 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

They do have a great bar, where you can Taiwan-on

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 6:52:28 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

However, should you take advantage of the brothel part, be careful, as there is a lot of Peking going on.

Occasional Reader 1/8/2020 7:03:25 PM

In #10 Kosh's Shadow said: as there is a lot of Peking going on.

Formosa the clientele, that’s probably all they need.

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 7:03:49 PM

Boy, the Chinese brothel joke killed this thread like a knife cutting Kraft paper.

(who gets that one?)

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 7:05:11 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

Some Yangtze, eh?

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 7:29:19 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

Some women there are so hot the Schezuan fire!

Syrah 1/8/2020 8:08:45 PM

What would happen to a community where there were no laws against theft. No consequences. 


Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2020 8:25:59 PM

In #15 Syrah said: What would happen to a community where there were no laws against theft. No consequences. 

That means everyone gets to share in what only the government is usually allowed to do/

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