The Liberty Pub

Sunday pub

Posted on 01/06/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2019 1:30:55 PM
Sunday Pub

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

turn 1/6/2019 5:01:41 PM
turn 1/6/2019 5:02:32 PM

Reply to turn in 1:

I'm making Apple pie at the moment 

turn 1/6/2019 5:05:53 PM

Reply to turn in 2: Kosh after you get this working to your satisfaction look into condensing the post comment box size by small sizing the buttons or something. Plus put a refresh page button at the bottom of the page to cancel a post midway 

turn 1/6/2019 5:06:21 PM

Reply to turn in 2: Kosh after you get this working to your satisfaction look into condensing the post comment box size by small sizing the buttons or something. Plus put a refresh page button at the bottom of the page to cancel a post midway 

turn 1/6/2019 5:07:23 PM

Reply to turn in 2: I have proven double posts are possible, leave it to me huh?

turn 1/6/2019 5:08:32 PM

Reply to turn in 2: Kosh plus give replies a page indent to the other posts 

JCM 1/6/2019 5:15:28 PM

Reply to turn in 5:

And we have our THIRST banning!

Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2019 5:18:49 PM

Reply to turn in 5:
I need to add a wishlist to the bugs thread.

I will look into changing the comment box size, I think it is large so that the code can send all our comments to China so we have bad social scores there./// (which is fine with me) (The developer of the editor is Chinese. I just use it.)

Indentation is a good idea, too,

turn 1/6/2019 5:20:27 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:


Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2019 5:20:59 PM

In #7 JCM said: And we have our THIRST banning!

Note you can hide your own posts. Not that I currently have an easy way of getting them back.

Sorry, using SQL Management Studio to connect to the database at the hosting company and changing the value is not something I want to do.

But I will write a page that lets editors unhide posts. Someday. I have a class coming up.

Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2019 5:23:22 PM

If you want an LOL, a psychiatrist my wife uses was kiteboarding in Florida and barely avoided being nailed by a hammerhead shark.

A few months ago he was threaded by a needlefish.

He ended up at the same hospital as before.

I think the deep ones have it in for him


turn 1/6/2019 5:24:20 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

It's all Greek to me :.)

Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2019 5:29:46 PM

Reply to turn in 12:
If you note, there is a Hide link beneath all your posts (or all that I see, since I am an editor)

You can click that - and the post will be hidden (Comment error 475)

But you will have to beg me to get it back./

turn 1/7/2019 8:56:02 PM
casa turn circa 1941

turn 1/7/2019 8:56:55 PM

Reply to turn in 14:
I could get used to this Kosh, sweet!

turn 1/7/2019 9:00:08 PM

Reply to turn in 14:

That's Mr. Mann between his two children in the background there bending over. He built this house, he was 96 the day he knocked on the back door and told the turnwife just that.

"You don't know me, I'm Mr. Mann. I built this house."


vxbush 1/8/2019 6:06:17 AM

My turn to come in here and kick the tires. Impressive formatting bar, I must say. I'm wondering if I'll be able to customize my avatar, of course. Spaceman Spiff must be present.

And then, we shall play....

vxbush 1/8/2019 6:14:25 AM

In #16 turn said: Unfriggenbelievable

Oh, interesting. I created the quote below of #17 first, put my cursor after the text I wrote ("... which could be useful.") and then went back to quote #16. That got moved and put into first place. Interesting. I would consider that a bug, myself. 

In #17 vxbush said: And then, we shall play....

Aha. Nice--or so I wrote first, even though it shows up later in the message. But I note that quote works even if I have nothing selected, which could be useful. 

vxbush 1/8/2019 6:14:57 AM

So how big can you make the text you enter in terms of wasted white space?

vxbush 1/8/2019 6:15:32 AM
Quite large, I see. 😉
vxbush 1/8/2019 6:17:43 AM
Testing, testing....



Question: is there some way to reflect in the formatting bar the current formatting status for the first box with presets? I can't tell when I've got a header or code formatting turned on. I can apply it after the fact, of     course.  
vxbush 1/8/2019 6:26:54 AM

So I want to play with the tablesTo see how much adaptation they have. 
Not sure if I can figure anything special out.Just playing, as always.
It seems to set up 100% width by default. 

So how can I add a row? I'm not figuring out how to do it.

Oh, but the HTML code view sucks. Why is it limited to only 40 characters or so wide? Can it not take over the whole editing pane? 

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2019 4:36:05 PM
Thanks for all the tests

The editor is a package, so there isn't much I can do to fix it. I can try a different one, but I only found two free ones when I looked,

As for replies and quotes, I will look into this. Please put it in the bug thread. 

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