The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/11/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2020 1:11:09 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 5:09:41 PM
I killed the day thread.  Someone else can kill this one.
Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 5:17:43 PM
Perhaps I can kill the thread by introducing the topic of “great moments in zombie apocalypse preparation“. Which is to say, I’m about to try my first “mountain house“ brand freeze dried meal. Just to test drive them, so to speak.
Syrah 2/11/2020 5:20:34 PM

Yang drops out.

A toast to the only Democrat candidate that might have been fun to hang out with in a bar so long as you didn’t have to talk to him about politics or economics. 

All of the remaining Democrats are the kind of people that make bars good places to avoid.

Will Warren drop out before or after Bennett drops out?

Syrah 2/11/2020 5:25:14 PM

Listening to Warren now. 

Sounds like she might drop out now. 

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 5:26:22 PM
Syrah, you definitely have a stronger stomach than I do if you can watch/listen to this shit.
Syrah 2/11/2020 5:28:21 PM

Reply to Syrah in 4:

maybe not so much. 

It sounds like she is close to throwing in the towel. 

lucius septimius 2/11/2020 5:30:49 PM

Reply to Syrah in 6:

"Yang is out" sounds funnier than any of the other's dropping out (other than Butt Plug).

Syrah 2/11/2020 5:32:26 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

that was clever.

i may steal that.  

lucius septimius 2/11/2020 5:36:56 PM
Jukebox for the dems.
Syrah 2/11/2020 5:37:41 PM

Biden has already bailed out of New Hampshire and fled to North Carolina.

Nevada looks like it will go full Iowa and they haven’t even had a single vote cast yet.

Bernie is a really scary candidate. I hope he is as unelectable as a hope he is if he wins the nomination. 

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2020 5:39:06 PM

In #4 Syrah said: Listening to Warren now. 

Campaign be trail of tears for Fauxohauntus

lucius septimius 2/11/2020 5:40:00 PM

In #10 Syrah said: 10 Biden has already bailed out of New Hampshire and fled to North Carolina.

I really wanted to see him cry in the snow Edmumd Muskie style.

lucius septimius 2/11/2020 5:40:19 PM
Right now, it looks like Buttplug is the one t beat.
Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2020 5:41:42 PM

I have yet to read a commentator saying the impeachment shot Biden in the back.

They said Trump abused his power by getting Ukraine to investigate corruption by withholding aid.

Biden boasted about getting Ukraine to not investigate corruption so his junkie son could keep his 50,000/month job that he was totally unqualified for.

This is not lost on some voters.

Syrah 2/11/2020 5:43:56 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

What makes Buttigieg scary is that he has mastered the art of “sounding reasonable and moderate” while spewing insane bullshit.

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 5:44:58 PM

In #12 lucius septimius said: I really wanted to see him cry in the snow Edmumd Muskie style.

If Biden is musky, I really don't want to know about it...

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2020 5:45:31 PM

In #9 lucius septimius said: 9 Jukebox for the dems.

Not this?

We'll be fighting in the streets.... 

What the Sandernistas say will happen if he doesn't win

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2020 5:45:44 PM

In #9 lucius septimius said: 9 Jukebox for the dems.

Not this?

We'll be fighting in the streets.... 

What the Sandernistas say will happen if he doesn't win

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 5:46:30 PM

Okay.  Mountain House chicekn and rice is... mostly rice.  Fairly tasty.  And very carby.

So, a gun question for the gun follks.

A friend who is an utter shooting newbie is asking my advice for buying a gaun - one gun (for now) - for basic home defense.  He lives in a nice house in Bethesda with a wife and two adolescent sons.  He has a bit of a prepper bent tio him; so is spooked by coroinavirus NCov2020; but whether it's for the apocalypse, a two--week lockdown, or "hearing breaking glass at 2 am", a gun is a good thing to have.

My iniitial advice was a 12 gauge pump.  Gun store guy rrecommended him a Ruger AR-platform rifle, which is still legal in Maryland (with no flash suppressor, I think(; and high-cap mags, while illegal to sell in Maryland, are not (as they are here in DC) illegal to own.  So I think gun store guy may have a point.

Youse's thoughts? 

Syrah 2/11/2020 5:50:58 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

my thought on this is that the pistol should be one that the wife can work with, In case she is the one that gets to it first. 

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 5:51:33 PM

In #10 Syrah said: Bernie is a really scary candidate. I hope he is as unelectable as a hope he is if he wins the nomination. 

Yes.  Very mixed feelings here about him getting the nomination.  On the plus side, I think he'll get clobbered by Trump.  On the down side, what if he doesn't? 

midwestgak 2/11/2020 5:52:17 PM

In #3 Syrah said: Will Warren drop out before or after Bennett drops out?

Dunno, but when she does remove the ancestral running feather of her campaign, how wildly will she waive it?  Now that's what I want to know.

Syrah 2/11/2020 5:53:05 PM

Reply to Syrah in 20:

that is, if she loves her husband.  If not, the heavier the pistol the better. 

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 5:54:13 PM

In #15 Syrah said: What makes Buttigieg scary is that he has mastered the art of “sounding reasonable and moderate” while spewing insane bullshit.

Pete Buttigieg is using his Open Homosexual Lifestyle the same way that Barack Obama used his skin tone---as a Magic Shield of Invulnerability™ against any inconvenient questions.  

Obama used his skin tone as a way of avoiding any questions regarding his racist pastor, his Leftism in general, etc.  The same with Buttigieg: as the Official Gay-Rights Movement First Openly Homosexual Presidential Candidate, he should be queried, loud and often, on his views regarding the gay-rights movement's recent and continuing assaults on the First Amendment and religious liberty; on the cake-and-florist wars, on his hate-hardon for former Indiana Governor Mike Pence, who by all accounts has never said or done anything against him; on the ever-younger "sex-ed" grooming in schools (were he elected, Buttigieg would, after all, be the head of the Department of Education); on his attitudes regarding "transgender" demands, and his attitudes regarding underage drag queens and the infliction of "transitioning" drugs and the like upon the underaged; on his opinion of the appropriateness of "drag queen story hours."

I see, on other sites, lots of folks making "fag jokes," ostensibly at Buttigieg's expense.  They are too stupid to realize that these "fag jokes" increase the power of his Magic Shield of Invulnerability rather than weakening it; they should instead be demanding that the First Openly Homosexual Candidate answer questions regarding policy and political behavior.

lucius septimius 2/11/2020 5:54:41 PM
End credits of The Incredibles.  Were I ever to teach a class on orchestration, I think this would be the final exam question.
Syrah 2/11/2020 5:55:35 PM
Yang whipped it out, Steyer stuffed it and Bennet bugged out. 
Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 5:56:04 PM

In #20 Syrah said: my thought on this is that the pistol should be one that the wife can work with, In case she is the one that gets to it first. 

A pistol requires a good deal more practice for proficient handling than a long gun.  I think he and his are beter off with a long gun.  An advantage to the AR compared to the shotgun is that it's easier to shoot and control for a smallish woman. 

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 5:57:35 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 25:

BTW, Lucius---I hope you saw my daytime notes on The Big Sleep (not that they'd likely be news to you).

lucius septimius 2/11/2020 5:58:15 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: They are too stupid to realize that these "fag jokes" increase the power of his Magic Shield of Invulnerability r

Up to a point.  Biden actually came up with a way of getting at Buttplug by focusing on his "successes."  Buttplug has been a largely ineffective mayor, but his "successes" are laughably trite.  Getting people to put chips in their dogs, for example.  He really has no record, and as the WSJ was pointing out today, that opens the door for his Dem rivals to get at him.  

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 5:59:38 PM
Hey, buzz, guess what I"m watching right now?  The Big Sleep (Bogart/Bacall version)
PaladinPhil 2/11/2020 6:00:33 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27:

In that case, SKS. Cheaper, light kick, and solid construction without too much weight. :)

midwestgak 2/11/2020 6:02:07 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: they should instead be demanding that the First Openly Homosexual Candidate answer questions regarding policy and political behavior.

Nods.  But it isn't about substance for them, so forgetabout it, as some might say.

lucius septimius 2/11/2020 6:04:46 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 28:

I did.  What's interesting in the comparison with Blade Runner are the cinematographic aspects.  As I said, the use of rain as a metaphor for the endless confusion/obfuscation that seems to impede the shamus at every turn.  And there are points where the film cleaves closer to the novel than to the film, but in a way that only the initiated would get (references to the Lundgren character, for example).  Again, it's not an exact replay, but the parallels are significant.  Deckard and Marlowe are practically the same character.

One thing we were talking about last night after watching BR was the fact that, given the chronology, nearly all of the main characters in BR would have been "millenials," which raises questions about how accurate the predictions were.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 6:04:53 PM

In #31 PaladinPhil said: In that case, SKS. Cheaper, light kick, and solid construction without too much weight. :)

I'd still pick an AR over that, if I could (can't legally own an AR here in DC).  Among other things, modern ARs have equipment rails, and I'm a YUUUGE believer that any firearm that one might reasonably think of using for home defense should have a tactical light on it.    As for the cost, he earns well as does the wife, so not a big issue.

No, my only problem with him getting an AR is that *I* can't have one... (and given that I'm his immediate supervisor at work, I don't want him to outgun me if he snaps and shows up for that workplace shooting spree...)

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 6:08:44 PM

In #30 Occasional Reader said: Hey, buzz, guess what I"m watching right now?  The Big Sleep (Bogart/Bacall version)

That is the version---and Chandler worked on the film.  Nonetheless, I urge you to read the book (it's a quick read); it tallies close to the film, but is much better.

doppelganglander 2/11/2020 6:11:12 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 24:

There is a truly vicious quality about Buttigieg. Something about his face - actually, his facial expressions - that scream contempt for everyone and everything because he is convinced of his innate superiority. He can't control it all the time. He'll appear quite genial yet if you watch closely, there's a supercilious curl to his mouth and a barely suppressed eye roll. All the things you say are true, and he will do his best to dismantle any semblance of morality in this country. 

midwestgak 2/11/2020 6:11:13 PM

In #21 Occasional Reader said: I think he'll get clobbered by Trump.  On the down side, what if he doesn't? 

Ask Hillary.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 6:11:19 PM

In #35 buzzsawmonkey said: I urge you to read the book

Yes, yes, one of these days, I'll get back to reading Grownup Books on a regular basis... 

lucius septimius 2/11/2020 6:11:28 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 35:

There is a bar in SF (or there was) that I used to go to when I was visiting which was something of a Chandler haunt.

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 6:13:28 PM

In #29 lucius septimius said: Up to a point.  Biden actually came up with a way of getting at Buttplug by focusing on his "successes."  Buttplug has been a largely ineffective mayor, but his "successes" are laughably trite.  Getting people to put chips in their dogs, for example.  He really has no record, and as the WSJ was pointing out today, that opens the door for his Dem rivals to get at him.  

Poking fun at Buttigieg's minimal mayoral successes is nothing like forcing him to carry the can for the excesses of the gay-rights movement.

Force him to do that, and his candidacy would be dead in a week.

midwestgak 2/11/2020 6:15:46 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 36: 

SNL did a funny skit about him being a bot.  Saw an out take on FOX.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 6:21:43 PM

In #40 buzzsawmonkey said: forcing him to carry the can for the excesses of the gay-rights movement.

Well, the obvious issue with that strategy would be; can he be credibly tied to said excesses?

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 6:22:02 PM

To continue:

Pete Buttigieg wants to pack the Supreme Court by expanding it; he wants to abolish the Electoral College; he supports late late late term abortion,  he supports sneaking "Medicare for All," aka "Obamacare on Steroids," etc.  Those are terrible things, but most people do not understand them. Get him on record as supporting "Desmond is Amazing," supporting Drag Queen Story Hour for small kids, supporting "transgenderizing" bathrooms and underage "transitioning," and he's dead.

He's using the "I'm openly gay" routine to avoid having to be questioned about this stuff, since the media cowards wince at the prospect of being called "homophobic." That is precisely why he has to be questioned about it---online, on Twitter, on anything that will hold the question for half a second.  If he wants to be the Official Gay-Rights Candidate---and he clearly does/is---then he has to be queried about this stuff and made to account for it.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2020 6:22:08 PM

In #41 midwestgak said: SNL did a funny skit about him being a bot.  Saw an out take on FOX.

I have been looking for the opinion piece I read on that. Can't find it, and I have to take out the trash tonight, and it is full of failed Dem candidates./

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 6:23:19 PM

In #42 Occasional Reader said: Well, the obvious issue with that strategy would be; can he be credibly tied to said excesses?

He needs to be questioned about his support---or not---for them, and then have his support (or his denials) analyzed.

PaladinPhil 2/11/2020 6:23:57 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 34:

Well aside from the cost and personal jealousy... It would be a good and cheap introductory firearm to see if they are further interested. As to enhancements, you can trick them out and I have heard of rail systems being manufactured for them. Think a company close to where I live does them. Friend of mine showed me the site, wasn't really that interested though. I am more an old school type of person. Iron sights and stuff.

Oh, finally took my 9mm Norinco out to the range today. Didn't do as bad as  I thought I would. Still need a lot more practice to hone my skills, but not a horrible shot.

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 6:24:25 PM

In #36 doppelganglander said: There is a truly vicious quality about Buttigieg. Something about his face - actually, his facial expressions - that scream contempt for everyone and everything because he is convinced of his innate superiority. He can't control it all the time. He'll appear quite genial yet if you watch closely, there's a supercilious curl to his mouth and a barely suppressed eye roll. All the things you say are true, and he will do his best to dismantle any semblance of morality in this country. 

I agree with you.  He's a rattlesnake in an Alfred E. Neuman mask.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 6:31:00 PM

In #45 buzzsawmonkey said: He needs to be questioned about his support---or not---for them, and then have his support (or his denials) analyzed.

But he could - fairly, in my opinion - retort that he has no reason to answer such questions; unless and until some link was substantiated between him, and those excesses.  Otherwise, it's like demanding that Candidate Buzzsawmonkey answer for, I dunno, the JDL, or Candidate Occasional Reader for the IRA or the Westies. 

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 6:34:52 PM

In #35 buzzsawmonkey said: That is the version

I hope you won't hate me for saying that I find the famous Bogart/Bacall dialogue a little... tedious?  

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2020 6:35:36 PM

Another great song about socialism

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 6:38:58 PM

In #49 Occasional Reader said: I hope you won't hate me for saying that I find the famous Bogart/Bacall dialogue a little... tedious?  

Hell, no.  I like the film---my brother and I had a contest in high school to see if we could manage to see all of Bogart's movies---but I think that the filmmakers were trying to replicate the snappiness of Bogart/Bacall's first film together ("To Have and Have Not," which in absolutely NO way resembles the Hemingway book), but unsuccessfully.  

The book (a quick read, if I may say so) is much better.

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 6:44:16 PM

In #48 Occasional Reader said: But he could - fairly, in my opinion - retort that he has no reason to answer such questions; unless and until some link was substantiated between him, and those excesses.  Otherwise, it's like demanding that Candidate Buzzsawmonkey answer for, I dunno, the JDL, or Candidate Occasional Reader for the IRA or the Westies. 

If I were running for office, I would expect to get inappropriate queries about the JDL, or the Israeli settlers, or any number of Jew-related stuff.  It comes with the territory.  You would probably get the same as an "Irish candidate."

The same is not so for black candidates---especially First Black Candidates for [insert here].  Nor is it true for First Openly Gay Candidates for [insert here]; such candidates expect their Firstness---or, if not Firstness, their Nearly-Firstness---to protect them from the need to answer questions about their vile prior associates.

Did Obama have to answer any real questions about his slaveringly racist pastor foaming at the mouth for the twenty years Barry sat in his pews? Of course not.  Petey Barnum Buttigieg is riding on the same bogus immunity.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 6:45:35 PM

In #46 PaladinPhil said: As to enhancements, you can trick them out and I have heard of rail systems being manufactured for them.

True, I got a Picatinny rail for my Mini-14 even though it's not stock, I imagine the same's true for the SKS.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2020 6:50:11 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 53:


Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 6:51:41 PM

In #52 buzzsawmonkey said: You would probably get the same as an "Irish candidate."

Well... speaking for myself, if I were running for office, and I got a question along the lines of "Mr. Reader, do you now or did you ever support the Provisional IRA?" I'd politely tell the questioner to go f**k him/herself.  I guess we just disagree on this.

revobob 2/11/2020 6:55:06 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: A friend who is an utter shooting newbie is asking my advice for buying a gaun - one gun (for now) - for basic home defense.  He lives in a nice house in Bethesda with a wife and two adolescent sons.  He has a bit of a prepper bent tio him; so is spooked by coroinavirus NCov2020; but whether it's for the apocalypse, a two--week lockdown, or "hearing breaking glass at 2 am", a gun is a good thing to have. My iniitial advice was a 12 gauge pump.  Gun store guy rrecommended him a Ruger AR-platform rifle, which is still legal in Maryland (with no flash suppressor, I think(; and high-cap mags, while illegal to sell in Maryland, are not (as they are here in DC) illegal to own.  So I think gun store guy may have a point. Youse's thoughts? 

OR- My suggestion would be for a fairly new class of gun- A PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine). This category is rapidly growing in popularity right now, for a number of good reasons. There are a bunch of good ones from various brands, although I think my next purchase will be the Ruger version.

These are basically short rifles, chambered for handgun cartridges- most commonly the 9mm. Advantages are lighter weight than an actual rifle, easier to shoot decently than a handgun, low recoil, less danger of over-penetration in housing walls, and less expensive ammo. I believe the Ruger comes with the option of using high capacity magazines from a choice of brands (Ruger obviously, but they can also accept Glock mags and perhaps others.) This can aid in commonality if they later want to add a handgun. They are available with rails that will accept lots of bells and whistles. Even though money seems not to be an issue, they usually fall between handguns and rifles- the Ruger can be had for $600- 650 or so. 

There are a number of AR pattern rifles also being offered in pistol calibers, but you pay more for things that aren't really necessary for his purposes.

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 7:00:32 PM

In #55 Occasional Reader said: Well... speaking for myself, if I were running for office, and I got a question along the lines of "Mr. Reader, do you now or did you ever support the Provisional IRA?" I'd politely tell the questioner to go f**k him/herself.  I guess we just disagree on this.

I understand that, and don't disagree with it---but if the First Openly Homosexual Presidential Candidate in American History™ tried that on, he'd be pilloried; and, given the excesses of the gay-rights movement (of which he is an exponent) in recent years, not inappropriately so.

revobob 2/11/2020 7:00:33 PM

In #53 Occasional Reader said: True, I got a Picatinny rail for my Mini-14 even though it's not stock, I imagine the same's true for the SKS.

There are aftermarket stocks for the SKS that make them more comfortable for regular sized people, and I believe some of those include light rails, etc.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 7:02:10 PM

Reply to revobob in 56:

Thanks, interesting option, though he'd have to check Maryland legality.  

revobob 2/11/2020 7:10:48 PM

In #59 Occasional Reader said:

Yes- I don't know what Maryland has come up with lately. FWIW, locally many of the defensive matches allow both handguns and PCCs to compete (in separate classes). Based on times and scores (sometimes for the same shooter- people can enter with more than one gun), the PCCs are noticeably faster on the same courses of fire.

revobob 2/11/2020 7:18:46 PM
Time to walk the dogs (plural now). We thought a friend for Emma The Terrier Princess might be a good idea. The county shelter had one whose owner apparently died about New Years, No family or friends to take him, so he ended up in the shelter. Some kind of mix, and apparently he had been abused- very timid, flinches at ANY loud sound (a dropped spoon hitting the floor will have him running to hide in his bed.) It is heartrending to see, but he seems to be starting to recover a wee bit. He is very affectionate and well behaved. 
revobob 2/11/2020 7:19:46 PM

Have y'all seen this?


Occasional Reader 2/11/2020 7:25:23 PM
Good night.
buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2020 7:28:08 PM

Reply to revobob in 62:

linky no worky.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2020 8:06:50 PM

In #64 buzzsawmonkey said: Reply to revobob in 62: linky no worky.

Reply to revobob in 62:
Link is to a file on revo's computer.

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