The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/13/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2020 2:39:26 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 2/13/2020 5:14:39 PM
So we went from torrential rain to freezing cold.  Lovely day.
Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2020 5:43:54 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

buzzsawmonkey 2/13/2020 5:59:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

And, the Hillary Clinton campaign song version:

This Old Hag
---apologies to Stuart Hamblen, and "This Old House"

This old hag once was a lawyer
This hag worked on Watergate
This old hag was fired from that job
'Cause ethical she ain't
This old hag bought cattle futures
That were cover for a bribe
But she managed to skate on that
Because evidence she'd hide

But to everybody's wonder
She is now a candidate
And to hear her people tell it
She's right next door to a saint
Every where she goes she's followed
By a foul corruption scent
She's the Democrats' front runner
Wants to be the president

This old hag attacked the women
Her husband abused and raped
She worked as her man's enabler
Helped to get him out of scrapes
She likes to pose as a champion
Of women's equality
But the only woman that 
She truly cares about is she

But to everybody's wonder
She is now a candidate
And to hear her people tell it
She's right next door to a saint
Everywhere she goes she's followed
By a foul corruption scent
She's the Democrats' front runner
Wants to be the president

This old hag worked for Obama 
As Secretary of State
She set up the Ambassador
And she left him to his fate
She ran all her email business 
On a private server, too
Which is why our security 
Is now well and truly screwed

But to everybody's wonder 
She is now a candidate
And to hear her people tell it
She's right next door to a saint
Everywhere she goes she's followed
By a foul corruption scent
She's the Democrats' front runner
Wants to be the president

This old hag has a foundation
That collects cash everywhere
The Chinese or the Islamists
What's the source? She doesn't care
If they want to give her money
She believes that it's all good
And her assistant is a honey
From the Muslim Brotherhood

But to everybody's wonder
She is now a candidate
And to hear her people tell it
She's right next door to a saint
Everywhere she goes she's followed
By a foul corruption scent
She's the Democrats' front runner 
Wants to be the president

Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2020 6:02:27 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:


midwestgak 2/13/2020 6:50:10 PM
Kosh, that pic would make a great zig saw puzzle.
Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2020 6:58:59 PM

In #5 midwestgak said: Kosh, that pic would make a great zig saw puzzle.

If you have Windows 10, there is a Microsoft Jigsaw game in the Store. The free version makes you watch a 30 second ad every time you play, and shows ads on the screen (sometimes hanging if it can't get the ad), but worth the price///

It has a "create jigsaw from photos", so you could download that image, (right click and save image as), then import it into jigsaw.

The game works well (although the pieces aren't rotated) and just completing puzzles (and seeing the ads) gets you credit to "buy" more sets of puzzles. I haven't given them a cent but have had some fun with it.

doppelganglander 2/13/2020 7:08:42 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:

Someone on Twitter pointed out the resemblance between Elizabeth Warren and John Denver. I got to thinking of a parody of Annie's Song that begins, "My proposals are senseless/Like the CFPB/Like student lo-oan forgiveness/And higher minimum wage..." It's pretty bad, but if you'd like to pick it up and run with it, be my guest.

Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2020 7:33:33 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 7:

Liz Warren and John Denver? Well, her campaign is crashing like his plane (bad taste, I know)

The only song of his I can think of is Rocky Mountain High

Fake Indian High

She was born in the summer of her something-something year
Comin' home to a tribe she never knew before

All I have time for now

midwestgak 2/13/2020 7:38:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:


Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2020 8:07:43 PM

In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: The only song of his I can think of is Rocky Mountain High

I forgot this one

Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2020 8:11:14 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

Almost heaven, Hahvahd Law School
This fake Indian.......

Occasional Reader 2/13/2020 8:37:10 PM
Yay, after a fairly rough week at work I have tomorrow off. Headed for a little overnight mini vacation with a lady who is a relatively new friend of mine. Hopefully it will all be nice. How are you all this evening?
Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2020 8:53:32 PM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: How are you all this evening?

Getting tax info together. For the entire upcoming long weekend. 

And Mass. Department of Revenue should, under truth in advertising, remove the M


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