The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/06/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/1/2020 1:29:45 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 3/6/2020 6:19:35 PM
Bartender! One 70% isopropyl alcohol shot, please, with a Corona chaser.
Occasional Reader 3/6/2020 6:26:07 PM
Hypothesis: if you’d ever been thinking about treating yourself to a decadent weekend at a local five star spa resort, now might be the perfect time.

They’ll probably be dirt cheap; and they’ll be among the least crowded places around, in terms of epidemiology risk.
Kosh's Shadow 3/6/2020 6:45:09 PM

OR, as for Little OR, look up the Isaac Asimov story "A Felling of Power". It is about a world where everyone relies on their calculators, and one person figures out how they work and how to calculate without them.

Now, that would have been possible with the mechanical calculators of the time he wrote it, but today, even if someone figured out how calculators work, and the software, they'd be doing calculations in binary or binary coded decimal.

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