The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/14/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/8/2020 2:51:37 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2020 5:54:20 PM
No, this pub is not closed due to COVID-19. Just keep at least 6 feet between you and others, a proper social distance.
lucius septimius 3/14/2020 6:41:41 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

As a misanthrope, social distancing is as natural to me as swimming is to a fish.

buzzsawmonkey 3/14/2020 7:27:14 PM
It's a Great World After All
Syrah 3/14/2020 7:31:55 PM

...and my work tr Do crapped out. 

Off to the shop with it on Monday. 

They might be glad of the work with the whole world shutting down.  

Some of the big draw restaurants here are suffering from the empty parking lot disease. A local Italian place that is usually packed on a Saturday had only one car In the front parking lot. 

I can’t eat there. Everything is a variation cheese or cream or some dairy something or other that would make me explode.

i suspect this is going to be a big problem for the small mom&pop restaurants.  

buzzsawmonkey 3/14/2020 7:32:05 PM
The Stuff is Here and It's Mellow
Syrah 3/14/2020 7:35:53 PM

Reply to Syrah in 4:

“work truck”

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2020 7:38:20 PM

Buzz, didn't you post a link to a song

Bad News Is Just Around the Corona

a few days ago?

Where I work STRONGLY ENCOURAGES anyone who can work from home to do so, changed rules to make it easier, and is letting people take desktop computers home. I have to set mine up, with 2 montiors, tomorrow

buzzsawmonkey 3/14/2020 7:58:02 PM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: Buzz, didn't you post a link to a song Bad News Is Just Around the Corona a few days ago?

There Are Bad Times Just Around the Corner

Great Noel Coward post-war song.  I'd try and rewrite it for today, but the number of British place-names and his superb internal rhymes make it a challenge.  It's still been running in my head for days.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2020 8:15:12 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

Yes but you are the only one who can write such a parody!

lucius septimius 3/14/2020 8:24:31 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

Not to be confused with the Not Noel Coward Song.

Syrah 3/14/2020 8:36:23 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 10:

a fun euphemism song from the other side.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2020 8:40:55 PM

I think garden parties are now banned


Syrah 3/14/2020 8:51:13 PM

While I was stuck in my brother’s driveway, a little worried about how the work truck was refusing to start, snow flakes started drifting by the windows.  They were the lonely, hesitant and trepidatious snowflakes that signal the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

this song came to mind.

Saturday, in the Park,...

buzzsawmonkey 3/14/2020 8:54:22 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

It is depressing to see the amount of ignorance in lyric transcriptions, both on YouTube videos and the "lyrics" that pop up when one does a Google search.  There are so many obvious errors.  

Coward's song, of course, owes a lot to WWI songs which enjoyed renewed popularity in WWI.  He relies on an inversion of "Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag" ("...and smile, smile, smile.  While you've a lucifer [match] to light your fag [cigarette], smile boys, that's the style..."), with references to "Keep the Home Fires Burning" (i.e., "there are home fires smoking, from Windermere to Woking"), and to the WWII song "There'll Be Bluebirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover" (i.e., "There are black birds over the greyish cliffs of Dover").

The thing that really gets me, though, is the incorrect transcription of the early line, "For the rake is going West, lads---and so is everyone else"; the transcriptions have it as "For Drake is going West, lads...": the transcribers clearly do not know the meaning of "rake," i.e., a wanton or dissolute person (see, e.g., Hogarth's famous series of images, "The Rake's Progress," which chronicles the downfall of a spendthrift).  "Going West," in British slang, means basically "going to pot, going to the devil," probably originating as a disparaging reference to people who, having gotten in trouble at home, "went west" to the US or Canada.  I've not been able to find a clear reference to "the rake gone west" via Google, but Google's been incredibly uncooperative in recent months when trying to find anything more than about 10 years old. 

In any event, the Coward song is layered not merely with allusions to British place-names but with other cultural references, which makes a parody true to the original a task indeed.

Syrah 3/14/2020 9:25:54 PM

Movies for being trapped in a quarantine. 

Tremors - Good dumb fun.

Syrah 3/14/2020 9:31:27 PM

Reply to Syrah in 15:

these to guys live in a high desert town called “Perfection”. 

The whole town amounts to about twenty people. 

It looks like paradise to me, except for the murderous, people eating sand worms. That part is a little off putting.

Syrah 3/14/2020 9:55:38 PM

Ref. 9mm ammo shortage. 

I found two small boxes of 20 rounds of .147 9mm in the next county west of me. I bought all they had. 

What the hell?

how is 9mm suddenly hard to find?  It’s not like you can wipe your ass with these things. They are not rolls of Toilet paper.

are people really treating this sniffles thing like we are on the verge of the Zombie Apocalypse?

buzzsawmonkey 3/15/2020 3:39:49 AM




buzzsawmonkey 3/15/2020 3:40:17 AM




buzzsawmonkey 3/15/2020 3:40:43 AM




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