The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/18/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/15/2020 2:44:12 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

PaladinPhil 3/18/2020 5:12:02 PM

Tales from the front lines of the Corona virus epidemic.

Today at work, I made 5 mixes of dough. All of it went to loaves of bread with left overs going to morning set ups. Our commercial bread section was at zero. So I had the glory of trying to keep people in their grains. The word is that we will get a shipment in the morning. My expectations is a deep hearty cynical guffaw. WE are so boned it's painful.

PaladinPhil 3/18/2020 5:17:51 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 1:

To give perspective. I typically do about 4 mixes a day. Smallest one being about 5 kilo's. Today they were all at 20 kilo's. I baked over 200 loaves of bread, where I normally bake about 60 loaves.

doppelganglander 3/18/2020 5:23:26 PM
From Downstairs
Lucius, I am in favor of you catering any event,  not least because I'm the only person close enough to enjoy the food while it's still hot.
Occasional Reader 3/18/2020 6:13:31 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 2:

Went to my local Safeway today, and it was pretty much fine.   No hand sanitizer of course; and low on TP but not out of it by any means; plenty of milk, meat, etc.  Bread was low but available.  I think it will take a few more cycles of shelves being “magically” replenished before people calm the eff down and stop panic-buying.

PaladinPhil 3/18/2020 6:17:34 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

A couple cycles? Dude., we've been through at lest FIVE cycles in the past week or so. Corporate is losing their ever loving minds over this. Sales are beyond Christmas level for the past god damned week!

Occasional Reader 3/18/2020 6:24:58 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 5:

okay, a “few” to a “bunch”

Kosh's Shadow 3/18/2020 6:38:20 PM

Apparently, Psalm 88 is the psalm for those quarantined for COVID-19 (link)

You have estranged my friends from me; You have made me an abomination to them; [I am] imprisoned and cannot go out.

midwestgak 3/18/2020 6:50:07 PM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: I think it will take a few more cycles of shelves being “magically” replenished before people calm the eff down and stop panic-buying.

Hoarding by some has emptied the shelves. Working in the Store, "lack" of supplies/food readily available to shoppers promotes the fear in others of not having enough in the future which further promotes hoarding.

I suspect when the hoarding subsides, shelves will once again offer what is needed and the panic will lessen. There is enough supply.  Years of meeting the community's needs is my evidence to support that opinion.

Syrah 3/18/2020 7:39:51 PM

Are we all dead yet?


But from what they are saying on the news....

Syrah 3/18/2020 7:42:18 PM

Evictions have been temporarily outlawed in Washington State. 

I am glad that our tenants are decent people working in one of the few fields where everyone is till going to work, landscaping. 

I suspect we will see a lot of landlord bankruptcies if this madness lasts too long. 

lucius septimius 3/19/2020 8:11:53 AM

Reply to midwestgak in 8:

I had made a normal toilet paper buy before the panic started.  At the beginning of the panic we had ten rolls in the package.  Today there are eight in the package, a full roll in one bathroom and half a roll in the other one.  And this is with an average of three people in the house over that time.  At this rate, I won't need to buy toilet paper again for nearly two months, which is my usual schedule.

lucius septimius 3/19/2020 8:18:07 AM
Latest from the Georgia Dept. of Health -- 197 cases in the state, one fatality (.51%).  In my county there are 18 cases, and from what I can see, they seem to be concentrated in the poorer and more densely populated areas.

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