The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/19/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/15/2020 2:44:45 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

doppelganglander 3/19/2020 5:11:13 PM
It looks like chloroquine may be both a preventative and a cure for Coronavirus. I've been taking it in the form of hydrochloroquine (Plaquenil) every day for 25 years for lupus. I'm feeling pretty good about my chances, but I'm drinking gin and tonic just in case.
buzzsawmonkey 3/19/2020 5:12:52 PM

In #1 doppelganglander said: I'm drinking gin and tonic just in case.

Disinfect from the inside out!

doppelganglander 3/19/2020 5:14:24 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 2:

Absolutely. Plus, it's the first day of spring, as of 11:50 pm.

JCM 3/19/2020 5:18:43 PM
Patent Pending

Six foot human cone of shame to maintain social distance!

I'm genius!

doppelganglander 3/19/2020 5:32:33 PM

Reply to JCM in 4:

I saw a picture of a guy in Italy walking around with a six-foot diameter cardboard disc around his waist.

vxbush 3/19/2020 5:57:04 PM

In #4 JCM said: Six foot human cone of shame to maintain social distance!

No way. I decided to use hula-hoops with a 6 foot radius for the same purpose yesterday!

JCM 3/19/2020 6:27:04 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 5:

Cone of shame doubles as sneeze and cough guard!

Kosh's Shadow 3/19/2020 7:21:55 PM

We're 6 feet away so we'll feel OK
At the Covid Jamboree

original jukebox

Syrah 3/19/2020 7:52:51 PM

California now under a “stay at home order”.

California Shutdown.

Kosh's Shadow 3/19/2020 7:56:26 PM

In #9 Syrah said: California now under a “stay at home order”. California Shutdown.

So where will all the movies and TV shows be made to bash Trump?

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:15:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

“Bashing Trump” will be listed as an essential service. 

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:19:18 PM

The news tomorrow will be an “outrage!” Fest against Senators that sold stocks when they learned how bad things were in China. 

Before you grab your pitchforks and brands, think back to how alarmist it sounded when some of us were calling out what we seeing coming out of China in January and February.

they will say “insider trading”. 

I saw it coming.

in January.

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:21:40 PM

Reply to Syrah in 12:

part of my problem is that December, January and February are very slow times for my business so I had way to much time to surf the inter webs and “feel” the news. 

I saw some scary shit. It looked surreal. It was real. 

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:26:46 PM
14 truck sized fogger machines, running three and four abreast down streets in Wuhan, hosing down streets and buildings, and later, moon-suit- hazmat clothed people hosing down people on the streets and inside buildings with back pack fogger machines. 





The traffic in my little town looked like an average Sunday. 

Except it is Thursday.

surreal and real. 

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:38:12 PM
Are we having fun yet?
@PBJ3 3/19/2020 8:43:19 PM

Reply to Syrah in 9:

Our governor wants to have a hospital ship offshore near Los Angeles.  He figures that 50% of Californians will die.

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:49:13 PM

While I think we will do better than China, Italy, Iran, Spain, and much of the rest of the world, think that a big part of problem with the WuFlu is that we don’t have accurate data. 

In order to have accurate data, we would need to be testing people with large (1000+) random sample sizes in order to calculate an accurate fatality rate for this virus. (With data collected for age and underlying health conditions.)

We are looking only at those that have been tested, selected because they displayed symptoms or were in close proximity to known cases.

that is not a good sample. It will result in a larger than real fatality number.

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:53:17 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 16:

we don’t have accurate data. The samples are skewed towards the horrific so things will look worse than what is real.

things ARE bad. We just don’t know how bad, and it may be much less bad than people fear.

50% is a huge number and almost certainly wrong by several magnitude. 

10 times worse than the regular flu would be very bad, and closer to 1% than 50%.  

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:55:08 PM

A fatality rate of between 5% and 1% is huge. 

50% is what we would expect from a nuclear exchange. 

We are not in that bad of shape. 

Syrah 3/19/2020 8:58:34 PM

A 50% “infection” rate might be about eight, with a fatality rate of between 5 and 1 percent. 

The infection rate is not that same as fatality rate. Newsom May have been a bit confused or poorly briefed. 

@PBJ3 3/19/2020 8:59:20 PM

In #17 Syrah said: that is not a good sample. It will result in a larger than real fatality number.


@PBJ3 3/19/2020 9:01:48 PM

In #20 Syrah said: The infection rate is not that same as fatality rate. Newsom May have been a bit confused or poorly briefed. 

Maybe I am mistaken.  It's a Los Angeles Fox 11 headline.  He might have said infection rate.  I'll see if I can find it on Twitter.

Syrah 3/19/2020 9:02:51 PM

I am not saying that this is all nothing.  It is something. We just don’t really know what it is yet.

We will all need to keep a clear head in the days to come. 

@PBJ3 3/19/2020 9:14:06 PM

In #23 Syrah said: I am not saying that this is all nothing.  It is something. We just don’t really know what it is yet. We will all need to keep a clear head in the days to come. 

I'd better keep a clear head too.  I couldn't the headline or the article but other articles indicate that Newsom does want the ship for over 50% rate of infection.  I am probably but happily incorrect about the death rate going that high.

Syrah 3/19/2020 9:14:14 PM

If some one had confused Newsom into believing that 50% of California was going to be killed by the WuFlu, that would make his California Shutdown order seem less over the top.

i think Gavin is a bit of a boob, but I think we can allow for him to have been fed bad info in this crazy situation. 

Syrah 3/19/2020 9:16:13 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 24:

i can sympathize with Gavin on this. 

A 50% infection rate will scare the hell out of people. 

Hoard as much chocolate as you can. 

Syrah 3/19/2020 9:19:23 PM

(Hoarding Chocolate)

i am only half joking about that. If we are all quarantined for an extended period of time, simple pleasures, like chocolate, coffee, Brandy and other things that are relatively useless but pleasant to the sense, will help us keep our sanity.

Syrah 3/19/2020 9:22:41 PM


time to buy by the case or carton, or to quit altogether. 

@PBJ3 3/19/2020 9:26:06 PM

Reply to Syrah in 26:

Sadly I cannot even eat chocolate any longer  but if I get the WuHan I might need to have some around. LOL

Our daughter has to work, as far as I know.  She has to physically go to the courthouse every other day but is telecommuting on the alternate days.  Perps have the right to a speedy trial.  I believe the county was able to semi-postpone (30 days) the jury trials, providing the innocent party agreed but the hearings, arraignments,  etc., will still go on, last she has heard


Syrah 3/19/2020 9:30:38 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 29:

I can empathize with your daughter. 

I am in the local household goods and yard equipment delivery business.  

If I get a call, I have to go. I keep as much distance between me and the customer as possible. Everyone seems to understand and be good humored about this. That is helpful. Business has dropped off significantly. 

Here I am. On the raggedy edge. 

We do what we must.

on the upside, I found some good chocolate to hoard. I will be buying more tomorrow. 

Syrah 3/19/2020 9:34:01 PM

On a completely different note:

Cowboys and Aliens. 

How did Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford get talked into this thing?

it is not a bad movie. They tried really hard to take the story seriously, but it is a bit of a stretch...

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