The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/20/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/15/2020 2:45:17 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Syrah 3/20/2020 5:17:00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/20/2020 5:29:46 PM

Reply to Syrah in 1:


Kosh's Shadow 3/20/2020 5:40:20 PM

Reminds me

Buddha could be a big Pest when was Hungary/

Kosh's Shadow 3/20/2020 6:24:54 PM
I guess everyone else is sheltering in place.
Syrah 3/20/2020 6:30:00 PM

In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: I guess everyone else is sheltering in place.

We are all hiding in our living room blanket forts.

Syrah 3/20/2020 6:33:30 PM

I heard through the rumor mill this early afternoon that Washington State was going to follow the California model and shutdown for a month.

the governor said “not yet”.

my guess is that will happen here next week or the following.

i am relatively ready. 

It will be an interesting summer. 

don't hoard the bottled water. Hoard the important stuff, like chocolate, tequila, beer and bullets. 

Occasional Reader 3/20/2020 6:43:47 PM
So.  Did anything happen this week?
Occasional Reader 3/20/2020 6:45:27 PM

In #6 Syrah said: and bullets. 

  Better still, cartridges...

doppelganglander 3/20/2020 7:30:28 PM
I ran out to pick up a couple of things and the self-service card scanner was not working. The clerk had to take my card and I had to use the touchscreen. No hand sanitizer available, but I had some in my purse and used it immediately. And as soon as I got home, I wiped off my card, my wallet, and my entire purse with sanitizer wipes. I think I'm going insane.
Kosh's Shadow 3/20/2020 7:43:48 PM
There was almost an HMS Pansy in WWII
Occasional Reader 3/20/2020 7:56:26 PM

In #10 Kosh's Shadow said: There was almost an HMS Pansy in WWII

Well, the Soviets fielded a fighter jet in the early 50s called the Faggot, so why not.

/okay, okay, it was Fagot.... and we called it that, not them

lucius septimius 3/20/2020 8:35:01 PM
Just got finished watching Goodfellas.  The scene where Tommy gets whacked - damn.
Occasional Reader 3/20/2020 8:48:35 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:

We had a problem. He’s gone. And we couldn’t do nothing about it.

Syrah 3/20/2020 10:09:05 PM
When everything goes “Mad Max”, it will be a war one against all over “Gaz-o-Leen”. And soap. Soap will be important. 
@PBJ3 3/20/2020 10:10:16 PM
Howdy from Southern California.  I still feel well, thank goodness.  I went out for groceries and two  big bottles of booze (wore a mask and gloves).  I tried to go to two banks afterwards but they had both closed at 4:00 PM.  I'm trying very hard to shelter in place but I did need food.  They didn't have the food I wanted but I settled for whatever.  There seems to be a shortage of bread.  I am on a diet for high potassium so have to eat Wonderbread or the like, lol.  I kind of wanted some hot dog buns but they were out.  I might have to use the week-old Wonderbread in place of a bun.  I got an onion and some honey mustard to go with the dogs.  I also have about 20 chicken legs, not what I wanted but I suppose they'll have to do.  My daughter's significant other went to Bev Mo today and people were buying 6 - 10 bottles of booze!!!  If anyone is interested in getting it from Bev Mo, apparently you have to call the order in and give them your credit card or whatever, then you can stop buy to pick it up whenever they tell you to.
@PBJ3 3/20/2020 10:14:40 PM

Reply to Syrah in 14:

You are so correct about the soap.  I should have looked for some today but I am in the age group that really should not be out there looking.  I did get some last week, liquid Dial at the 99 cent store but it's almost gone.

Syrah 3/20/2020 10:16:45 PM

I was at the dentist today. 

The new WuFlu rules almost shut down the dentist office. No elective surgeries or treatments. Fortunately, if that is the right word, my replacement of a lost filling on a crushed tooth was considered more than just an elective need. 

I am still in some discomfort. It was a back tooth and my tongue kept attacking the drill. The drill won those fights of course, which is a painful problem.

no citrus for a day or two until everything heals up.

the good news is that I was able to forestall a root canal, which would have been financially painful and physically uncomfortable. 

@PBJ3 3/20/2020 10:29:45 PM

Reply to Syrah in 17:

I'm sorry you had to go through that,  I'm sure it's painful.  My l8 year old cousin had  probably the only surgery in Orange County, California today.  He has horrific arthritis and needed cartilage from the knees of a donor.  He's been waiting for months for this and it actually happened today but was originally scheduled for yesterday.  He is already home.

Feel better soon, Syrah.

Syrah 3/20/2020 10:31:38 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 16:

the problem with Prepping for the end of the world is that it is the commonplace things that we forget to stock the bomb shelter with. 

I remember an old carton of a couple sitting in their underground bomb shelter with world war three raging over head, stacks of canned goods in plentiful supply and the wife asks the husband where the can opener is. He has an “Oh Shit!” Look in his face. 

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