The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 04/23/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 4/19/2020 2:26:15 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

midwestgak 4/23/2020 5:10:32 PM

Thirst.  Evening all. 

I was given an EpiPen.  My friend gave it to me when he was dying.  It seemed very important to him that I have it.

buzzsawmonkey 4/23/2020 5:12:36 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 1:

I've got one of those, from years ago when it seemed I was having an allergic reaction.  Never used it.

buzzsawmonkey 4/23/2020 5:19:33 PM
Time for Ramadan caroling!

It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year!
While devout Muslims fast they'll send bombers to blast any infidels near
It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year!

Each year at a different time it befalls
With a calendar that's lunar which they know the kuffar won't follow at all
Each year at a different time it befalls

They'll all fast through the daytime
But at nightfall the gay time 
Starts with feasting that lasts through the night
And if they should choose to fix
Up some jihadi tricks
The Koran tells them that it's all right

It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year
Flying limbs and beheadings infidels are dreading 
And the jihadis savor that fear
It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year

They'll all fast through the daytime
But at nightfall the gay time 
Starts with feasting that lasts through the night
And if they should choose to fix
Up some jihadi tricks
The Koran tells them that it's all right

It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year
Flying limbs and beheadings infidels are dreading 
And the jihadis savor that fear
It's the most bloodthirsty time 
Yes, the most bloodthirsty time
Oh, the most bloodthirsty time
Of the year!
midwestgak 4/23/2020 5:22:17 PM

In #2 buzzsawmonkey said: Never used it.

Glad to hear you didn't need it.

Occasional Reader 4/23/2020 7:06:13 PM
I just got finished with the second of two virtual happy hours for the evening. I may well indeed have a virtual hangover tomorrow.
buzzsawmonkey 4/23/2020 7:11:27 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

So much virtue...

@PBJ3 4/23/2020 11:13:56 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5: LOL

@PBJ3 4/23/2020 11:29:24 PM

public advantage

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