The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 05/26/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 5/25/2020 12:41:33 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 5/26/2020 5:15:44 PM
In the wake of Memorial Day, I'd like to recommend to people the Preston Sturges film "Hail the Conquering Hero."  

The story involves Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith, played by Eddie Bracken, who was born at the same time his father died a hero at Belleau Wood. He tries to enlist in the Marines in WWII, but washes out, and is ashamed to go back home. He meets and both befriends, and is befriended by, six Marines back from Guadalcanal---one of them someone who knew his father and saw him die. The six Marines decide to return Woodrow to his hometown, where he is hailed as a hero due to the lies they tell about him. The story gets more interesting from there. 

When I first saw the film---which, like most Sturges films, is a comedy---I was told it was "a sendup of the concept of heroism." It is not. It is an examination of different types of heroism. The Marines, genuine heroes of battle, "adopt" Woodrow as one of their own, and through him vicariously enjoy appreciation for what they've done---but they also recognize that he, and his town, represent what they're actually fighting for, even if they can't share it themselves.  

Like all Sturges movies, it is both plain-funny and sarcastic-funny, and it pokes a great deal of fun at general American foolishness, but it is done with deep love for America and its people despite recognition of the many boobs and gasbags among us. And it certainly does not stint its respect for the Marines.
Kosh's Shadow 5/26/2020 6:05:42 PM
Jukebox found in my youtube announcements. Reminds me of a meme we used to have going at C2
buzzsawmonkey 5/26/2020 6:22:07 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:


doppelganglander 5/26/2020 6:48:29 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

I watched it a few years ago on your recommendation. It's very enjoyable. TCM shows it pretty regularly, especially on patriotic holidays, for those who have cable.

Occasional Reader 5/26/2020 7:24:29 PM

And so, Little OR's new, now most-treasured "toy" arrived today:  

A wall chart of the Periodic Table of the Elements.

He's already quizzing me.

I'm doomed... 

Kosh's Shadow 5/26/2020 7:36:22 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

This song might help

Kosh's Shadow 5/26/2020 7:41:55 PM

Globull warming

Temperatures here went from the 60's to the 80's

And my first world problem is the battery in my office air conditioner remote is dead, and it is a 2025. I have 2032's, but they are 0.7 mm thicker and don't fit (electrically, they would work)

So I have to get up and adjust the ac!

Kosh's Shadow 5/26/2020 7:51:28 PM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: And so, Little OR's new, now most-treasured "toy" arrived today:   A wall chart of the Periodic Table of the Elements. He's already quizzing me. I'm doomed... 

Wait until he is interested in charts like this:

That was my field (pun intended, but no one will get it) before I decided academia stinks and I'd be better off as a software engineer.

Kosh's Shadow 5/26/2020 7:53:15 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

I do find it interesting that bosons (Bozos?) like to stick together, while Fermions practice social distancing.

Occasional Reader 5/26/2020 8:02:04 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

i will definitely play that for him tomorrow, he'll get a kick out of it.

As things stand, I"m dealing with questions like: "Daddy, what do we have in our home that has atomic number 12 [etc.] in it?"

Occasional Reader 5/26/2020 8:04:17 PM

In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: That was my field (pun intended, but no one will get it)

Believe it or not, I did (I think), if just superficially. 

Kosh's Shadow 5/26/2020 8:15:06 PM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: That was my field (pun intended, but no one will get it) Believe it or not, I did (I think), if just superficially. 

The quantum theories of electrodynamics, and subatomic particle interactions, are called quantum field theories.

I had a class with Cooper, of the BCS (Bardeen, Cooper, Schiffer) theory of superconductivity. Lousy teacher, and his TA was worse. But then, if you can't figure this out on your own, you don't belong in academia. So I left.

Kosh's Shadow 5/26/2020 8:23:31 PM

And I need to get to sleep soon, Good night, and may G-d bless, as Red Skelton would say.

Not that he could get away with it now

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