The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 06/07/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 5/31/2020 5:56:45 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 6/7/2020 5:08:31 PM
It looks like, if the Minneapolis city Council get their way, things in that city will soon be “Mogadishu Nice”.
doppelganglander 6/7/2020 5:40:37 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

The people of Minneapolis should get what they voted for, good and hard.

I expect the same useless Democrats to win re-election in November, but I can also picture a major increase in Republican voters that will scare the living tar out of them.

Kosh's Shadow 6/7/2020 5:42:38 PM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: It looks like, if the Minneapolis city Council get their way, things in that city will soon be “Mogadishu Nice”.

Not a surprising result of the American Intifada (article)

Occasional Reader 6/7/2020 7:15:48 PM
Until very recently, I used to dismiss the idea that circulates at so many conservative forums that the United States is headed for a “hot“ Civil War, or at least a national break up of some kind. In light of current events, I no longer find that idea easy to dismiss.
Syrah 6/7/2020 7:22:20 PM

Minneapolis is toast.

Syrah 6/7/2020 7:24:52 PM

How many mid to large size corporations will be moving out of Minneapolis before the year’s end?

Kosh's Shadow 6/7/2020 7:33:48 PM

In #6 Syrah said: 6 How many mid to large size corporations will be moving out of Minneapolis before the year’s end?

All of them. And no store will be able to remain open without private security, and then they'll complain about the cost.

Amazon will probably stop delivering there, too, or add a surcharge for needing to use armored cars and guards.

Occasional Reader 6/7/2020 7:46:55 PM

In #6 Syrah said: How many mid to large size corporations will be moving out of Minneapolis before the year’s end?

You misspelled "week's".  

Occasional Reader 6/7/2020 7:47:50 PM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: And no store will be able to remain open without private security

Even that won't be enough. Private security can't deal with a riot, you need police for that.  

Kosh's Shadow 6/7/2020 8:04:54 PM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: Even that won't be enough. Private security can't deal with a riot, you need police for that.  

But after the riots, what do you do with no police? Pay protection to gangs or leave.

Occasional Reader 6/7/2020 8:18:47 PM

In #10 Kosh's Shadow said: But after the riots, what do you do with no police? Pay protection to gangs or leave.

Well, yeah, that's my point.  It's hard to see this leading to anything other than a complete collapse of the city's economy.  Detroit, on steroids.  

The Democrats have gone truly stark, staring mad.  The crazies have taken over the party.

Anyway.  Good night to all. 

Kosh's Shadow 6/7/2020 8:28:32 PM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: The Democrats have gone truly stark, staring mad.  The crazies have taken over the party.

Exactly what I have been saying.

Good night, don't let the demonstrators bite.

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