The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 06/15/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2020 2:19:33 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

JCM 6/15/2020 5:25:13 PM

Welcome to 'Exploding Whale Memorial Park' on the Oregon coast!

FLORENCE, Ore. – Welcome to the newest park on the Oregon coast – Exploding Whale Memorial Park!

The new park is named after the state's decision to blow up a 45-foot, 8-ton whale that washed ashore near Florence in November of 1970.

Nearly 50 years later, the town asked for name suggestions for its new park along Rhododendron Drive.

They asked the public for name suggestions and held a public vote, and the people have spoken.

Welcome to Exploding Whale Memorial Park!

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 5:34:04 PM

Reply to JCM in 1:

There used to be an amusement park in central Mass, Whalom Park- their ad said have a Whale of a time.

The park is now gone

buzzsawmonkey 6/15/2020 5:37:19 PM
Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 5:39:08 PM

Don't confuse moral bankruptcy with racism

It is simply delusional to suggest that there has been hardly any change in the gaps in income and wealth between blacks and the rest of the nation over the more than half-century since the passage of the Civil Rights Act because of “systemic racism.”

If there is a racism that accounts for these persistent disparities, it is the racism of big-government liberals. Now we see some Republicans, many business leaders and even some black conservative leaders signing on to this. It is a racism that says black Americans cannot adhere to the same eternal truths, to the same law, as everyone else and take personal responsibility for their lives.

Let’s recall the observation attributed to George Orwell that says, “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” All Americans today sorely need to hear the truth amidst the deceit that is now rampant.

In a recent interview, Heckman was asked, “What do you think are the main barriers to income or social mobility?”

His answer: “The main barriers to developing effective policies for income and social mobility is fear of honest engagement in the changes in the American family and the consequences it has wrought. It is politically incorrect to express the truth and go to the source of problems. Public discourse, such as it is, cannot speak honestly about matters of culture, race, and gender. Powerful censorship is at play across the entire society. “The family is the source of life and growth. Families build values, encourage (or discourage) their children in school and out. Families — far more than schools — create or inhibit life opportunities.”

In 1960, a few years before passage of the Civil Rights Act, 61% of blacks over 18 were married. By 2010, 31% were.

In 2015, per Pew Research, 54% of black children compared with 19% of white children were living in a single-parent home.

If black Americans are victims of anything, it is that they live in a country that has become a wasteland of moral relativism.

But the only systemic racism that poisons and divides our country is the insistence of the powerful to see everyone through the lens of race, placing one’s race ahead of one’s humanity. The result is the isolation and separation of the “black community” that they claim to care so much about from the community of the nation.

BTW, the author of the column is black

lucius septimius 6/15/2020 5:40:20 PM

Reply to JCM in 1:

Sushi on the wing.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 5:43:19 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:

As I have said, my parents kept kosher at home and ate treif out.

We'd go to a restaurant in NH called Yoken's, and it had a whale motif. Neon sign with a whale and Thar She Blows

That's all that's left of the place.  Inside was all whaling pictures, harpoons on the wall, etc.

Actually did sell whale for a while.

lucius septimius 6/15/2020 5:43:41 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

My daughter's comment today:  the problem is not that some people are racist; the problem is that some people are dicks.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 5:45:39 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

Kids are smarter than Democrats. When Michelle Obama had her rules on school lunches, my boss' 9 year old daughter noted that the meal was cheaper if you got fruit - "So I can get the meal with fruit, throw out the fruit, and save money"

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 6:02:41 PM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: We'd go to a restaurant in NH called Yoken's, and it had a whale motif. Neon sign with a whale and Thar She Blows

Had a gift shop to visit while you wait "Kosh party of 5, your table is ready"

Ah, where I first had lobstah. Seemed such a long car ride.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 6:08:26 PM

In #21 lucius septimius said: Radar went from nothing to a big bright red blob in 20 minutes and it should hit the house in about three minutes.

Are you sure the radar wasn't jammed (video)

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 6:31:49 PM

In #10 Kosh's Shadow said: Are you sure the radar wasn't jammed (video)

This time with link

lucius septimius 6/15/2020 6:34:10 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

When I was a kid we went out to Seattle every summer for one of my dad's dealer meetings.  One place we always ate was Ivar's Acres of Clams.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 6:43:15 PM

In #12 lucius septimius said: Ivar's Acres of Clams.

Did they sell the real fried clams, with the bellies, not the fried rubber bands clam strips?

lucius septimius 6/15/2020 6:46:57 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

No rubber bands.  In those days my favorite thing were prawns.  Can't get them here (yes, very treif -- at home "scavengers of the sea" were not on the menu).

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 6:51:35 PM

In #14 lucius septimius said: No rubber bands.  In those days my favorite thing were prawns.  Can't get them here (yes, very treif -- at home "scavengers of the sea" were not on the menu).

Prawns are just big shrimp, aren't they?

buzzsawmonkey 6/15/2020 6:53:32 PM

In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: Prawns are just big shrimp, aren't they?

They're the lowest players on the Oceanic Chress Board...

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:04:51 PM

In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: They're the lowest players on the Oceanic Chress Board...

Certainly higher than brook trout

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:11:23 PM

In #17 Kosh's Shadow said: Certainly higher than brook trout

Lower. PIMF
I know the knight fish will get me if I joust too much

Occasional Reader 6/15/2020 7:16:13 PM
Should I even be paying taxes to DC, considering that the city government was willing to turn over the city to rioters? 
doppelganglander 6/15/2020 7:20:36 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

It might be time to think about your and Little OR's safety. I wish my daughter would move to the suburbs. 

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:24:01 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: Should I even be paying taxes to DC, considering that the city government was willing to turn over the city to rioters? 

I know if I were a property owner in one of the cities devastated by riots, I'd be asking for a property tax abatement. And if that were in Chaz/Chop, I'd insist they make the value negative and pay me. Actually, in that case, a lawsuit that by abandoning the area, they took the property by making it valueless, and should pay 100% compensation, should be filed.
As for income tax, different question.

I am very pleased I live far enough out of Boston - and that even at its worst, Boston didn't get it so bad. (Maybe, just maybe, BLM didn't want the black police commissioner to look bad? Or maybe he actually is good at his job and has good relations with the black community, and is trying to keep them safe. So the looters went for the tony Newbury St. shopping district.)

I live far enough out that most people, even in Mass., don't recognize the bigger towns in the area.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:28:34 PM

Back for a few minutes of Duck Soup. The war plans are somewhere in the house.

What kind of idiot would hire Harpo and Chico as spies?

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:29:28 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21:

One other thing - the town I live in probably has a fair amount of gun owners. I know the across the street neighbors hunt.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:31:38 PM

In #22 Kosh's Shadow said: What kind of idiot would hire Harpo and Chico as spies?

"Now remember, whatever you do, don't make a sound" and she leaves Harpo near a clock and Chico at a piano.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:36:13 PM

In #24 Kosh's Shadow said: "Now remember, whatever you do, don't make a sound" and she leaves Harpo near a clock and Chico at a piano.

So Harpo plays the strings in the piano like a harp.

Occasional Reader 6/15/2020 7:52:01 PM

In #20 doppelganglander said: It might be time to think about your and Little OR's safety.

The thought occurs to me.  

We did not have any major sh*t in our neck of the woods, fortunately.  But one wonders what other fun is coming up. 

lucius septimius 6/15/2020 7:57:41 PM
We all watched 20,000 Leagues under the Sea tonight.  Amazing how well that movie holds up 65 years later.
Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:57:41 PM

In #26 Occasional Reader said: We did not have any major sh*t in our neck of the woods, fortunately.  But one wonders what other fun is coming up. 

Just wait until Trump wins in a landslide. The media will not be able to figure out how, and the riots now - all to keep Trump from being re-elected - will look like a children's march.

We live in interesting times.

Cynical? Pessimist? Me?

I find I'm not disappointed if I expect the worst. Or, I never sausage such times as this; certainly the wurst.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 7:59:29 PM

In #27 lucius septimius said: We all watched 20,000 Leagues under the Sea tonight.  Amazing how well that movie holds up 65 years later.

Originally written even longer ago. I have an edition of the book dated 1917, with images from a movie of the time - long before the Disney one

Occasional Reader 6/15/2020 8:02:31 PM

In #28 Kosh's Shadow said: Just wait until Trump wins in a landslide.

I'm seriously considering arranging to be out of town with Little OR on Election Night (and telling his mom to do the same).  West Virginia, perhaps.

doppelganglander 6/15/2020 8:14:13 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 26: 

Daughter lives in Navy Yard, which seems to have escaped the worst.

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 8:18:40 PM

In #30 Occasional Reader said: I'm seriously considering arranging to be out of town with Little OR on Election Night (and telling his mom to do the same).  West Virginia, perhaps.

Israel. They'll applaud a Trump victory.

Occasional Reader 6/15/2020 8:20:45 PM

In #31 doppelganglander said: Daughter lives in Navy Yard,

Yeah... that's one of those Super Cool New-ish (for yuppies and so forth) DC neighborhoods in which I would never live.  It's too close to All That Stuff.   

I concur with your gentle pressure to get her to relocate. 

Kosh's Shadow 6/15/2020 8:26:04 PM

In #30 Occasional Reader said: I'm seriously considering arranging to be out of town with Little OR on Election Night (and telling his mom to do the same).  West Virginia, perhaps.

This shit isn't going to stop after election night. The swamp is loosing all their alligators because they lost and keep losing.

But that does give me a jukebox

Occasional Reader 6/15/2020 9:03:25 PM

In #34 Kosh's Shadow said: This shit isn't going to stop after election night

Yeah, maybe a couple days in the mountains... with my son n'my guns... might not be the worst idea. 

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