The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 06/18/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2020 2:21:01 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 6/18/2020 5:38:20 PM
I thought the Sherlock Homes were a British housing project.
buzzsawmonkey 6/18/2020 5:43:33 PM

If anyone needs an excuse to start drinking, this'll probably do.  I got a Facebook notification from an off-and-on client of mine, who is wildly anti-Trump.  Here is an excerpt of the post that he saw fit to put up:

The President, of the United States, posted ads on Facebook that were taken down today, these ads were released by Potus, VPotus and the President's campaign. They had particular verbiage and certain symbology, they also released a particular number of ads.
The First Sentence of these ads contains 14 words, Number of Ads released, 88, Symbology, the Red inverted triangle.
So what?, you say and understandable. Unless you know what your looking for you'll miss it, it wasn't meant for you. Alone, they're they're not much, It's what we referred to as 'totality of the circumstances' in law enforcement and it's no accident.
White power and white supremacist movements love hidden symbols, the also identify each other through particular numbers.
1. 14 - Refers to the "Fourteen Words" which are "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
2. 88 - 8 refers to the eighth number of the alphabet, H, so 88 becomes HH or Heil Hitler.
3. Red inverted triangle. A symbol used in concentration camps in Germany during WWII to identify those who aided Jews.
1488 is a sub culture identifier, that identifies white power subscribers to one another without waving a Nazi Flag.
This is not conspiracy theory, this is training I received as a police officer to identify White Power individuals. I've found it in vanity license plates, tattoos, window decals, communications and graffiti, every example of which I traced directly back to white power individuals. Such information was passed on to contacts I'd made in the FBI.
That being said, if there was ever any question that the orange chimp is overtly pandering to the white power base. It's right in front of you. It's no accident, It's not even a dog whistle,

This stuff is straight-out nuts---and they call other people "conspiracy theorists!"  They're doing numerology like medieval astrologers!

doppelganglander 6/18/2020 5:44:18 PM
The stepmother of Garrett Rolfe, the wrongly accused Atlanta PD officer, was fired from her job with a mortgage company for no other reason than being Officer Rolfe's stepmother. I wish I were the attorney who's going to get one-third of the fat settlement her company will be paying for wrongful termination.
doppelganglander 6/18/2020 5:46:09 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 2:

You should stay away from people who think "Hitler's Secret World of the Occult" is a documentary.

buzzsawmonkey 6/18/2020 5:46:55 PM

In #3 doppelganglander said: I wish I were the attorney who's going to get one-third of the fat settlement her company will be paying for wrongful termination.

Here's hoping, but you never know; there are wokies everywhere.

doppelganglander 6/18/2020 5:50:24 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

I heard this on Tucker. He came back from the break to announce he'd received an email from the mortgage company, in which they blame her social media posts for her termination. If she is writing as a private citizen, and not as a representative of the company (as I'm sure she is), they haven't got a leg to stand on. She'll probably enjoy living in the CEO's former home.

Kosh's Shadow 6/18/2020 6:09:14 PM

The Thought Police can really screw you up

Be careful as you read this, Comrade. Your waitress may be watching.

Yes, as you sit outside waiting for your panini or plate of eggs, your server could be surveilling. Your barkeep may be keeping abreast of your commentary.

Welcome to Massachusetts, where every restaurant could be Cafe 1984.

Just ask Swampscott Selectman Donald Hause. He was at the Mission on the Bay last Thursday, having drinks with friends. Not surprisingly, the conversation “included many topics of the day such as the Black Lives Matter movement, politics, media coverage, the police and re-opening businesses,” Hause says. “At one point, I shared my personal view that I believed the rioting and looting was hurting the Black Lives Matter movement and its core message.”

When the pro-BLM bartender posted the customer’s private conversation, he was promptly fired. When you run a business you have to have rules and you have to follow the rules, according to Mission on the Bay co-owner Marty Bloom.

“If you’re here, you’re in Switzerland,” Bloom said Tuesday. “People need confidentiality in our restaurant.”

It took less than 24 hours of ProgMob to turn Switzerland into Soviet territory.

Firing Heilman “was a mistake,” said fellow co-owner Wellington Augusto. “Erik is correct in standing up for what is right, and I am proud of what he has accomplished with his message.”

“It is with that in mind we no longer can welcome Don Hause into our establishment,” Augusto added.

Some people would say they don’t want to go to a restaurant where the employees monitor your opinions. Some would say this is a lousy way to run a bar. Some might even say there’s something unhinged about politically obsessed extremists, and tragic about the business owners and institutions too frightened to stand up to them.

Some people might say all these things, Comrade. As long as they don’t say them … out loud.

buzzsawmonkey 6/18/2020 6:14:01 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

divine drouth
says i
imperial fritter
continue to think
there is no law against
that in this country
old salt codfish
if you keep quiet about it
not yet

---from "archy interviews a pharaoh"

JCM 6/18/2020 7:00:21 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 2:

Very convincing argument he makes... if you've had 8 boilmakers, a snort of cocaine, and a tab of LSD.

buzzsawmonkey 6/18/2020 7:02:49 PM

In #9 JCM said: Very convincing argument he makes... if you've had 8 boilmakers, a snort of cocaine, and a tab of LSD.

I find the evidence of such dementia somewhat disturbing.

Kosh's Shadow 6/18/2020 7:05:15 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10:

Sometimes I wonder if COVID affects the brain, causing dementia that would support defunding the police, etc.

Or if BLM is a terrorist group, calling up places like the restaurant in #7 and saying "Nice place ya got there. Be a shame if someone looted and set fire to it"

buzzsawmonkey 6/18/2020 7:17:57 PM

The liberal-to-Left women I know hate Trump with a white-hot passion, as do several males I know; all you have to do is say, "Trump," and they will go off into unhinged rants that have one backing away and looking for the bread knife.

It's annoying.  I'd like to be able to legitimately discuss Trump's positives and negatives, but it is impossible to do so with these lunatics.

Kosh's Shadow 6/18/2020 7:21:43 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12:

Even men I thought were somewhat sane are crazy about (against) Trump.

Last place I worked, someone emailed "What A Mess" after Trump won.

My wife, on the other hand, told me to vote for Trump, not that she had to. "Hillary is evil"

The article I linked to had a comment with a graphic - let's see if I can post it here

Occasional Reader 6/18/2020 7:25:17 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 2:

I"m reminded of Vladimir Nabokov's short story "Signs and Symbols". 

Kosh's Shadow 6/18/2020 7:49:45 PM

Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben

Are they going to take all the old movies and de-colorize the black servants?

(BTW, in the Jack Benny show, his butler was black. When he took the show on the road, and a southern hotel refused to let the black actor stay there, he said "If he can't' stay here. none of us will stay here" and left.)

Kosh's Shadow 6/18/2020 7:54:00 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

The real Jack Benny was nowhere near the skinflint he portrayed.

His classic line was when a robber said "Your money or your life", he took his time answering "I'm thinking"


JCM 6/18/2020 7:55:37 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

Let see if I have this right.
Not having black people depicted on products is racist.
But having black people depicted on products is racist.

Kosh's Shadow 6/18/2020 7:59:32 PM

Reply to JCM in 17:

Yes, and black lives matter, unless they're killed by other blacks. 

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