The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 06/27/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 6/21/2020 1:04:05 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 6/27/2020 6:10:05 PM
Disco night in the Septimius household.
Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 6:31:54 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:
Disco song, but not done as disco

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 6:53:53 PM

This thread has passed on.

It has gone to meet it's maker.

It has drawn down the curtain and joined the choir invisible

It is a late thread

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 6:54:36 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

No, it's only resting./

Occasional Reader 6/27/2020 7:08:39 PM

WaPo fact-check PWNS TrumpHitler!!!!

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 7:10:52 PM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: WaPo fact-check PWNS TrumpHitler!!!!

What, a 5% error? If the WaPoo only had errors in 5% of their stories, it would be the most accurate paper in the US!

Occasional Reader 6/27/2020 7:25:58 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

It’s not even a mistake. I think 95% comfortably falls within the definition of “most“, for any sane person.

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 7:40:28 PM

In #7 Occasional Reader said: It’s not even a mistake. I think 95% comfortably falls within the definition of “most“, for any sane person.

Democrats and Trump haters are not sane.

buzzsawmonkey 6/27/2020 7:42:48 PM

It occurs to me that what we are seeing is an interesting phenomenon: in the past, when revolutionaries attempted to take power, they'd seize the telephone exchange and the post office.  

In this case, the revolutionaries in effect had the "telephone exchange and the post office" already; the Left has been solidly in control of the Internet giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, etc.---not to mention the major media outlets like the WaPo, NYT, CNN, the regular network TV, for some time now. 

The rioters don't need to seize them; they've got them covering for the rioters from the get-go.

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 7:48:59 PM

I read an article that said some people want to replace the national anthem with Imagine

I suggest these words:

Imagine we live under socialism
It's easy if you try
Just look at Venezuela
Where the people starve and die

Imagine all is your country's
It isn't hard to do
And no religion too
Nothing they won't kill for
Imagine all the people living for the state

You may say AOC's a dreamer
And Bernie Sanders, too
Someday you'll be forced to join us
And we can starve all as one

Imagine no possessions
The state takes all it can
Nothing left for greed; just hunger
Enslaved is every man
Imagine all the leaders taking all they can

You may say Liz Warren's a dreamer
And Bernie Sanders, too
Someday you'll be forced to join us
And we can starve all as one
buzzsawmonkey 6/27/2020 8:19:19 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

Excellent rewrite.

Meantime, realizing that the rabble basically controlled the communications utilities before they took to the streets makes me even more uneasy than I was before.

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 8:32:19 PM

In #11 buzzsawmonkey said: Meantime, realizing that the rabble basically controlled the communications utilities before they took to the streets makes me even more uneasy than I was before.

Joe McCarthy never realized how embedded the communists were in the media way back then. This revolution has been going on for what, 70 years or more?

buzzsawmonkey 6/27/2020 8:40:49 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:

I was never a fan of Nixon---grew up disliking him, as that was an article of faith in a largely-Democrat family---but I have come to believe that Watergate was the test drive of the deep state coup techniques that have gone into overdrive with Trump; Nixon was never a "Washington insider" either, and the much-vaunted mentions of the IRS "refusing to be weaponized by Nixon" merely attests to the fact that the IRS was solidly Leftist even in Nixon's day, and refused to follow his directives not because they were wrong but because they were directed at other Leftists.

By the same token, the Dade County gay-rights brouhaha in 1977---remembered as the "Anita Bryant" controversy---was the Left's initiative to a) take the gay-rights movement national; b) develop a national fundraising network; c) perfect the pattern of "cancel culture" which we now see everywhere.

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 8:44:21 PM

In #13 buzzsawmonkey said: I was never a fan of Nixon---grew up disliking him, as that was an article of faith in a largely-Democrat family-

I had printed out via computer a poster that said "Impeach the bugger" and had made a cardboard bug with earphones.

But it is a very good point that the IRS did not go along with Nixon - but did with Obama (proven in court, too)

buzzsawmonkey 6/27/2020 8:57:14 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:

I believe---or at any rate, am beginning to---that we have been subjected to a slow, sub rosa revolution which was done intentionally in reverse; take things over quietly, like a hermit crab appropriating a shell, and only after things have been set in place and locked down do you bring out the violent mobs.  Much more effective.

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 9:08:23 PM

In #15 buzzsawmonkey said: I believe---or at any rate, am beginning to---that we have been subjected to a slow, sub rosa revolution which was done intentionally in reverse; take things over quietly, like a hermit Joecrab appropriating a shell, and only after things have been set in place and locked down do you bring out the violent mobs.  Much more effective.

Joe McCarthy was right - but the communists running the media ruined him.

The swamp goes back a long time

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 9:09:43 PM
Imagine there's unbiased media
It's impossible to do

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2020 9:10:48 PM

And I might check in before flopping in bed, but goodnight, and may G-d bless

And Red Skelton would not be able to get away with that ending today

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