The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 07/02/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 6/28/2020 12:09:28 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 5:12:07 PM

Aaaaaannnnnnnddd here comes the BLM Jew-hate!

For those who play Twitter, the march organizer Christian Tabash (another gem of Harvard) has a nice, fetid Twitter feed.

@PBJ3 7/2/2020 6:16:13 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.

I did, however, just see a picture of protesters who were in DC apparently chanting something about Israel killing babies.  I don't have sound on this funky old computer I'm on so I can't verify what they were changing.

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 6:19:36 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

Twitter is such a fun place. Today I learned Robert P. George is an arrogant moron, and I'm an idiot pro-abortion liberal who doesn't know that the Civil War ended with the emancipation of slaves. Then I had a brief run-in with a person who wouldn't believe that "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" is a real song that's been known as the Black National Anthem for a hundred years because I cited a footnoted article on Wikipedia. Wikipedia was created to rewrite history, you know. 

I am now checking my privilege with a cold glass of rose.

@PBJ3 7/2/2020 6:20:01 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 2:

It was posted by someone named Hananya Naftali.

@PBJ3 7/2/2020 6:20:58 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 2:

Sorry, chanting, not changing.

@PBJ3 7/2/2020 6:24:38 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:
That's crazy!  I'm kind of glad that I just search on Twitter instead of post.

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 6:28:10 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 2:

The article on the march is here:

I found the organizer's Twitter feed by Googling his name.

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 6:28:59 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 6:

I love a good argument. This one started because some twit didn't understand a tweet from Robert P. George and I tried to explain it to her. Let's just say the Left does not have a monopoly on poor reading comprehension, smugness, and virtue-signaling.

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 6:29:01 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 2: Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7:

Oh, and the video from yesterday about Israel killing babies is a ways down in the guy's Twitter feed, and also up at WZ.

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 6:29:32 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:

I don't even know who Robert P. George is.

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 6:38:18 PM

In the Book of the New Sun tetralogy by Gene Wolfe, a somewhat lesser part involves the war between the Commonwealth and Ascia

In Ascia, every adult only speaks phrases from approved books because they'll get in trouble if they don't.

How long before the US becomes the United States of Ascia?

@PBJ3 7/2/2020 6:38:48 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7:

Thanks Buzz!

@PBJ3 7/2/2020 6:39:44 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:


@PBJ3 7/2/2020 6:40:35 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

Thanks, good to know.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 6:42:15 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

Scary to read the thoughts of those who posted in that feed.

Am I wrong, unenlightened to refuse to participate on Twitter or Facebook?  (rhetorical)

JCM 7/2/2020 6:44:10 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:

So you're saying your woke now?


midwestgak 7/2/2020 6:48:43 PM

In #3 doppelganglander said: I am now checking my privilege with a cold glass of rose.

Prost! Lambrusco in my glass.  Clinks short-stemmed crystal.

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 6:53:35 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10:

A brilliant conservative scholar at Princeton. The original tweet was about him asking students whether, if they were white people in the antebellum South, they would have been for or against slavery. Of course they all said they'd be abolitionists, and he pointed out that's complete bullshit. Most people are products of their time and place. Few want to pay the social and economic costs of going against popular opinion. This hyper-MAGA woman called him arrogant, so I pointed out why he's right. She was incredibly condescending and implied I didn't understand the Civil War. I understand it well enough to know that most Northern soldiers were conscripts, there were draft riots in NYC, and even most abolitionists would be considered racists today because they took a paternalistic attitude toward African Americans. Honestly, with "patriots" like that, I can really see why so many liberals think we're stupid.

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 7:00:11 PM

In #15 midwestgak said: Am I wrong, unenlightened to refuse to participate on Twitter or Facebook?  (rhetorical)

Not at all. I gave up Facebook over a year ago - I was wasting my time on people I barely knew and didn't really care about. I didn't start having fun on Twitter until I changed my user name to a pseudonym. I just enjoy sparring with people, but I also post pictures of my kitties, my cooking, and my little container garden. I've never been suspended because when I do engage with left-wing morons, I phrase it in a way that doesn't trigger the algorithms. It's not for everyone, but Twitter is the de facto public square.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 7:10:21 PM

In #18 doppelganglander said: I can really see why so many liberals think we're stupid.

Ah, but Liberals 'feel.'  Thinking is a right-wing American/Constitutional propaganda tool to suppress feeling.  And by extension, all thought must cease.

'Feel me?' - - Liberal Course 101 syllabus Mandatory curriculum

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 7:11:59 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 18:

I think I mentioned here a while back that I ended up getting into something---well, starting to---with a "woke" student last school year.  I was talking about the need to keep the integrity of a work, e.g., not cutting out the "black" or even the "blackface" numbers from a film because they're part of the entire work, which has to be seen in context.  She started practically hyperventilating, so I cut the conversation off---and, fortunately, had the sense to report it to my administrator, which probably saved me from being canned.  The student transferred to a section of the course that I didn't teach.

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 7:14:30 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 20:

The problem isn't just that they feel instead of think. It's that they mistake feeling for thinking.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 7:16:02 PM

Reply to JCM in 16: 

So, how's Seattle treating you lately?

Is Chicago Seattle's sister city?  No wait . . . her twin?

buzzsawmonkey 7/2/2020 7:16:38 PM

In #23 midwestgak said: Is Chicago Seattle's sister city? 

Well, they both have lesbian mayors.

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 7:19:39 PM

In #20 midwestgak said: 'Feel me?' - - Liberal Course 101 syllabus Mandatory curriculum

I thought that got you expelled for sexual harassment

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 7:20:43 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

It's a chronic problem with the yoots of today. They cannot tolerate, let alone understand, a viewpoint different from their own. My kids are a bit more liberal than I would have hoped, but they can engage with opposing arguments, use facts to make their case, and not have a meltdown when another person disagrees. Then again, they're somewhat older than your students (the youngest is 28).

JCM 7/2/2020 7:22:01 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 23:

Staying way away from downtown, or even the city limits.

A couple weeks ago the woke whities in my neighborhood a polite protest, the march up and down a bike path shouting for 30 minutes.

Then went home.

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 7:22:16 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: Well, they both have lesbian mayors.

So, Scissor Sister City?

As I've said about Lori Lightfoot, glowering =/= governing.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 7:22:43 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 22: 

I thought that was the point I was making. Oh well.  Tomato, tomato.  All depends on how you pronounce it, I guess.  

JCM 7/2/2020 7:22:59 PM

I just noticed the name of the pub for tonight.

Kosh, you naughty boy you!

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 7:23:59 PM

The blacks are going to get run over at the intersection by the Muslims

Islamists appropriate BLM movement despite racism

Samer Alhato (alias Samer Owaida), a member of the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine, represents the next generation of Palestinian Muslim activists in Chicago who view black oppression and the Arab-Israeli conflict as inseparably linked.

Just as Alhato calls to “abolish the police,” he urges others to “hate the notion of Israel” and defy its “right to exist.” On June 5, Alhato was invited to speak at a BLM protest in Chicago where he promoted the anti-Semitic conspiracy that “Israel trains racist police” responsible for violence against black Americans.

Not only did Alhato co-opt the black liberation movement to target Israel, but his social media is replete with shocking examples of anti-black bigotry, such as calling African-Americans monkeys and accusing them of lacking “working brain cells.”

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 7:27:47 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: Well, they both have lesbian mayors.

Scissor sister cities.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 7:28:23 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

I told a coworker about a televised story I had seen years ago about a mentally retarded . . .

The coworker interrupted me at that point and said, "physically challenged."

lucius septimius 7/2/2020 7:29:05 PM

Reply to JCM in 30:

Saracen's Head -- isn't that the place where Marian meets with Robin's men to plan his rescue?

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 7:30:48 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 29:

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you. You're quite right.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 7:31:00 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 24: 

Ha! I know Lightweight is.  Didn't know the other is too.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 7:36:59 PM

In #25 Kosh's Shadow said: I thought that got you expelled for sexual harassment

Silly Kosh, only if you are (shhhh. A Trump supporter or a lover of Freedom)

But you didn't hear that from me.

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 7:39:16 PM

In #37 midwestgak said: n #25 Kosh's Shadow said: I thought that got you expelled for sexual harassment

Silly Kosh, only if you are (shhhh. A Trump supporter or a lover of Freedom) But you didn't hear that from me.

Or male. 

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 7:40:10 PM

In #20 midwestgak said: 'Feel me?' - - Liberal Course 101 syllabus Mandatory curriculum


Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 7:43:49 PM

There is actually news in the rest of the world. 

Like three explosions in Iran in the past few days

Three mysterious incidents, linked by explosions – at least two of them at secretive nuclear and weapons facilities – have rocked Iran in the past week. All three have been reported by Iranian media with various excuses about how they are less serious than they appear, that they are being investigated and that there is no major story to tell.

On June 25, a massive explosion, seen many miles away in Tehran, burned a hillside near a missile complex at Khojir. On June 30, a medical center suffered a fire in Tehran, killing at least 18 people. And on July 2, an incident at Iran’s Natanz enrichment facility was mentioned by the country’s official media, without elaboration. Officials claimed that only a shed was damaged. In each case, officials appeared to try to get ahead of the story by obfuscating about the seriousness of the incident or why it took place at a sensitive facility.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 7:45:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 39:

That fits the meme so well.  

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 7:45:33 PM

In #40 Kosh's Shadow said: Like three explosions in Iran in the past few days

I'm waiting for the one when they are trying to determine critical mass - and find out, the hard way.

(Unfortunately, it takes keeping the fissionable material together for a bit to get a real bang out of it)

doppelganglander 7/2/2020 7:45:48 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 34:

I came across a pub called the Saracen's Head in Bath three years ago. I'd be surprised if the name hasn't been changed.

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 7:48:57 PM

I think Muslims will be flocking to Somerville, MA.

Somerville approves polyamorous relationship policy, more than two people can be in official domestic partnership 

More than two people in Somerville can now be in an official domestic partnership after city officials recently passed a policy that recognizes polyamorous relationships — the first one in the U.S., according to a national activist.

The Somerville City Council last week voted 11-0 to approve a domestic partnership ordinance that has no limit on the number of people in the relationship. Mayor Joe Curtatone signed the trailblazing ordinance on Monday.

Or the Mormons!

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 7:51:20 PM

In #43 doppelganglander said: I came across a pub called the Saracen's Head in Bath three years ago

Was there a wife of Bath there, too?


midwestgak 7/2/2020 8:02:27 PM

In #44 Kosh's Shadow said: The Somerville City Council last week voted 11-0 to approve a domestic partnership ordinance that has no limit on the number of people in the relationship.

Next vote by the City Council up for a vote will be that due to the  defunding of the police, intervention must be now be the burden of neighbors or a long lost relative hiding under an assumed name.  Yep.  That's the ticket.  11-0

midwestgak 7/2/2020 8:05:54 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 46: shoot.  Missed inserting  the domestic violence calls I was implying.

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 8:06:43 PM

In #46 midwestgak said: Next vote by the City Council up for a vote will be that due to the  defunding of the police, intervention must be now be the burden of neighbors or a long lost relative hiding under an assumed name.  Yep.  That's the ticket.  11-0

It is often referred to as "Slummerville". And wait until they start having families that involve several sheep.


Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 8:11:19 PM

In #48 Kosh's Shadow said: And wait until they start having families that involve several sheep.


Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 8:15:28 PM
I have a 4 day weekend. Lab closed Friday (Independence Day, observed) and Monday as an extra special holiday.
midwestgak 7/2/2020 8:37:05 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 48:

Sad to say, but not new.  

Sad to say, but now, promoted shamelessly only a few years later. 

The doctor's (the actor's) reaction was what was expected at the time of that film.  Perhaps a remake of that film if made today would blame the sheep for being seductive and the character of the doctor would be twisted, somehow, into todays meme of racism.

I demand a different crisis. Whatever happened to asteroids ending life as we know it?  Or more recently, killer wasps?  I guess the killer bees lost their sting.

midwestgak 7/2/2020 8:38:53 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 35:

No apology needed. ;)

midwestgak 7/2/2020 8:41:32 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 50: 

Sweet.  Those don't come often.  Enjoy Kosh.

With that, I say good nite.  

Kosh's Shadow 7/2/2020 8:41:52 PM

In #51 midwestgak said: I demand a different crisis. Whatever happened to asteroids ending life as we know it?  Or more recently, killer wasps?  I guess the killer bees lost their sting.

We have COVID

Just read the SciAm article on the virus. I really have trouble believing this was something that occurred purely naturally, and had nothing to do with some experiments that got released, probably accidentally.

All those researchers who said no evidence of genetic engineering - did you do the RNA sequencing or are you basing it on the CHINESE one?

The organization of the genome is too logical; it is huge by Coronavirus standards (29000 base pairs when the cold virus has 8000), has genes to hide from the immune system and repair errors when reproducing itself.

I really have trouble thinking this came about naturally. I think you'd have to be batty to think so.

Syrah 7/2/2020 9:48:52 PM

About that face mask your Governor is now mandating that you wear....

In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks”

@PBJ3 7/2/2020 10:29:49 PM

Our sheriffs and LAPD are suppossed to respond to that but none of them seem to wear masks.

Syrah 7/2/2020 10:35:04 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 15:

Reply to doppelganglander in 19:

Twitter is Mos Eisley.

Twitter is amusing.  

I haven’t  been harassed, suspended or ban-hammered yet, but I suspect that it could happen at some future date. The place is run by Cheeto munching, man-bun wearing, bike riding wannabe Lizard King type wokinaties that just know that they know better than any of the rest of us.

@PBJ3 7/2/2020 10:40:32 PM

Reply to Syrah in 57:

LOL!  I am heading to bed.  It was nice to "see" you.

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