The Daily Broadside

Saturday Morning

Posted on 08/01/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 7/26/2020 12:20:56 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 8/1/2020 6:41:39 AM
Greetings, Earthlings.
lucius septimius 8/1/2020 6:50:12 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:


Occasional Reader 8/1/2020 7:29:36 AM

And here is some stupidity and evil to start your morning:

lucius septimius 8/1/2020 7:43:55 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

What's remarkable is the way she'd doubled down on her idiocy.  You see, all the statutes are white men, so this is just one more example.  And her cheerleaders have been saying "but missionary = imperialism!!!!!!!" etc.

I wonder how many of them know this little factoid:  The Hawaiian royal family converted to Anglicanism and made that the state church.  Catholics were a persecuted minority during the period of the monarchy.  So if anything, a Catholic missionary represents dissent from the ruling orthodoxy.

Occasional Reader 8/1/2020 7:53:36 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 4:

and as I note in the comments to that thread, it’s amazing how Latino leftists in this country almost all managed to pull off this trick of pretending that they are 100% descended from indigenous Americans. And they are never questioned on that.

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 8:13:59 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: it’s amazing how Latino leftists in this country almost all managed to pull off this trick of pretending that they are 100% descended from indigenous Americans. And they are never questioned on that.

Even if they 100% look like European Spaniards, who flew over yesterday. OK, before COVID, not yesterday.

That is the whole problem with the "hispanic" category. It is meant to be "native Central and Southern Americans" but is defined in a way that includes white Europeans. 

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 8:20:28 AM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: That is the whole problem with the "hispanic" category.

Of course, the bigger problem is that we have to have these categories at all. 

lucius septimius 8/1/2020 8:23:02 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: Latino leftists in this country almost all managed to pull off this trick of pretending that they are 100% descended from indigenous Americans.

Well if they "rape" you than you don't carry their DNA or something.

JCM 8/1/2020 8:48:20 AM
You know who rules by who you can't criticize.
Pro-life students were arrested for writing "Black Pre-born Lives Matter" outside a Washington DC Planned Parenthood with chalk.
Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 9:08:38 AM

In #9 JCM said: Pro-life students were arrested for writing "Black Pre-born Lives Matter" outside a Washington DC Planned Parenthood with chalk.

Come on, "Black Lives Matter" only means Blacks killed by police, not blacks killed by anyone else. (And it doesn't matter if the black was killed by police while shooting or waving a knife, either)

Occasional Reader 8/1/2020 9:11:51 AM

Reply to JCM in 9:

So, *all of a sudden*, the DC city government is super duper extra serious about preventing the “defacing of public property“. I see. This, after the antifa and BLM crazies have been “tagging“ everything in sight for the last two months (and with paint, not chalk, not to mention of course the arson and all that). This is a clear first amendment violation.

Occasional Reader 8/1/2020 9:18:29 AM
Completely changing subjects: have any of you gotten the shingles vaccine; if so, which one; and what was your experience with it?  my question is prompted by overhearing a conversation between two guys at Starbucks, one of them describing having had shingles.  It definitely does not sound fun.
JCM 8/1/2020 9:20:16 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

The whole thing looks suspicious to me.

There is DC police Ranked Officer, the white shirt, I couldn't make out the rank, but white shirt and epaulets makes him Lieutenant or better. This "protest" is an on going every saturday event.

Why this weekend does this garner the attention of a Ranked Officer who apparently has orders to make an arrest.

Ordinary chalking a sideway gets a 23 skidoo order. As you point out chalking is a 0.5 on a the 10 vandalism scale with everything else going on.

There is something else, at a higher level happening. I hope the kids have the smarts to pick up on this, return attorneys and pursue the case as far as they can with discovery on what that Ranking Officers orders were.

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 9:55:24 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

I did have the shingles vaccine, the older one that is not as effective (newer one wasn't out yet) because I saw what it was like when  my father had shingles. No side effects, no shingles, either.

I believe the recommendation is for those 60 and older to get it.

Occasional Reader 8/1/2020 10:34:09 AM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: I believe the recommendation is for those 60 and older to get it.

That seems to be the age recommendation for the older vaccine; for the newer one, it’s 50 and up.

lucius septimius 8/1/2020 10:42:19 AM

Reply to JCM in 

Panyfa in Seattle is now burning Bibles because social justice anti-imperialism socialism transgenderism something something something.

lucius septimius 8/1/2020 10:42:36 AM

In #16 lucius septimius said: Seattle

Pardon me -- Portland

JCM 8/1/2020 11:07:22 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 16:

Just wait till the Christians rampage after Sunday Morning services!

Occasional Reader 8/1/2020 11:38:18 AM

In #16 lucius septimius said: Panyfa in Seattle is now burning Bibles because social justice anti-imperialism socialism transgenderism something something something.

Okay, you brave, transgressive kiddies!

Now do Korans.

doppelganglander 8/1/2020 1:20:23 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

It was bad enough reaching colonoscopy age - now I'm shingles vaccine age? That's more depressing than qualifying for senior discounts.

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 1:30:04 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 20: I'm Social Security age

doppelganglander 8/1/2020 1:46:26 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21:

I'll be working until I'm dead, if I can continue to find work.

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 2:01:57 PM

In #22 doppelganglander said: I'll be working until I'm dead, if I can continue to find work.

Same here, and it is hard for an older software engineer to find work. (And then they wonder why software continues to have the same bugs we learned not to make years ago)

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 2:17:06 PM

In #23 Kosh's Shadow said: it is hard for an older software engineer to find work.

That's why I liked my part-time University of Phoenix work, as I figured it was part of my retirement plan. Until Obama went after for-profit schools. UoP was always legit, expensive, but not a diploma mill. But not an indoctrination place, either. Their enrollment tanked, I went from teaching constantly to one course every couple of months, to too few to stay. And Obama buys a multiple million dollar house out to the Vineyahd (as they say around heah)

doppelganglander 8/1/2020 3:01:07 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24:

I feel lucky to be where I am. It's contract work, but they consistently renew contracts annually. Every two years, we have a one-month unpaid "sabbatical" to retain contractor status. I can live with that as long as my contract keeps being renewed. A lot of us are in our 50s and 60s - they don't discriminate the way hip new startups do.

Occasional Reader 8/1/2020 3:08:20 PM

In #24 Kosh's Shadow said: And Obama buys a multiple million dollar house out to the Vineyahd

Take heart, it will be completely underwater within a few years because of the rising sea levels. I think? Right?

midwestgak 8/1/2020 3:19:01 PM

In #17 lucius septimius said: In #16 lucius septimius said: Seattle Pardon me -- Portland

Same side of a different coin.

midwestgak 8/1/2020 3:21:16 PM

In #20 doppelganglander said: That's more depressing than qualifying for senior discounts.

Or the official nod when the medicare card is received in the mail.

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 3:25:25 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 25:

My contract will probably keep being renewed unless they decide it has taken too long to get my security clearance, but that process is stuck due to the COVID travel ban.

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 3:26:11 PM

In #26 Occasional Reader said: In #24 Kosh's Shadow said: And Obama buys a multiple million dollar house out to the Vineyahd

Take heart, it will be completely underwater within a few years because of the rising sea levels. I think? Right?

No, Obama can stop the rising sea level. //////

Kosh's Shadow 8/1/2020 3:31:08 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 27:

Seattle vs Portland:

Science has shown that leftist policies lead to anarchy and violence. The science is Seattled.

In Portland, Cemented.

midwestgak 8/1/2020 3:35:03 PM

In #31 Kosh's Shadow said: In Portland, Cemented.

That is a concrete fact over truth! 

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