The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 08/20/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 8/16/2020 12:31:46 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

doppelganglander 8/20/2020 6:12:54 AM
Good morning. I was up a bit earlier than usual, so I decided to do a little weeding. I can handle 95% humidity,  but the mosquitoes will be the death of me. My huge, thriving citronella plant is a lie.
Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 6:21:37 AM

In #1 doppelganglander said: citronella plant

I thought a Citronella plant would be a factory where they make those funny-looking French cars? 

buzzsawmonkey 8/20/2020 6:26:36 AM

They were going on and on this morning about how Biden will accept the nomination tonight.

I was thinking how amusing it would be if he went on and said, "Yeah, I know I've been campaigning for this nomination since forever, but you know?  I'm tired.  Really tired.  I don't feel up to the job, and while I'm honored that you all have decided to nominate me, I think I'll decline.  Thank you very much, and good night."

vxbush 8/20/2020 7:11:44 AM

In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: I was thinking how amusing it would be if he went on and said, "Yeah, I know I've been campaigning for this nomination since forever, but you know?  I'm tired.  Really tired.  I don't feel up to the job, and while I'm honored that you all have decided to nominate me, I think I'll decline.  Thank you very much, and good night."

Oh, that would be really sweet. 

lucius septimius 8/20/2020 7:27:22 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 1:

I went out and took my walk this morning.  Mosquitoes rarely bother me -- I'm too bitter I guess.

vxbush 8/20/2020 7:46:02 AM

In #5 lucius septimius said: Mosquitoes rarely bother me -- I'm too bitter I guess.

Mosquitos love potassium. So if you eat a lot of bananas, they will hunt you down. 

lucius septimius 8/20/2020 8:11:32 AM

Reply to vxbush in 6:

That's actually a myth -- the reason some people get bit and others don't seems to have to do with bacteria on the skin more than anything else.

Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 8:28:23 AM

In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: I was thinking how amusing it would be if he went on and said, "Yeah, I know I've been campaigning for this nomination since forever, but you know?  I'm tired.  Really tired.  I don't feel up to the job, and while I'm honored that you all have decided to nominate me, I think I'll decline.  Thank you very much, and good night."

Of course, he may also get on air and say something like,  "i'm Joe Biden, and I can't find my pants.  I'm here about... the thing, you know, the thing.  And that's no malarkey!'" 

doppelganglander 8/20/2020 8:50:36 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 5:

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

Whatever it is, mosquitoes see me as a Michelin-starred restaurant. And when I do get bitten, the swelling and itching lasts for days. 

I found out that a citronella can grow up to 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide in zones 9-11, where it's a perennial. I can't keep it indoors over the winter because of the cats. I'm going to try making candles out of it, I think.

Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 9:00:54 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 9:

You need DEET (or Picaridin).

Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 9:08:15 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: You need DEET (or Picaridin).

Actually, Picaridin seems a bit better. 

doppelganglander 8/20/2020 9:26:51 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

I'm not familiar with Picaridin. What I need is a full-body hazmat suit.

Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 10:29:18 AM

In #12 doppelganglander said: I'm not familiar with Picaridin

He is the captain of the USS enterprise...

buzzsawmonkey 8/20/2020 11:32:10 AM
When I'm Cleaning Windows...
lucius septimius 8/20/2020 11:34:44 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14:

My mind's not on my work at all when I'm cleaning windows.

lucius septimius 8/20/2020 11:44:49 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14:

Formby is always good for a laugh.

Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 12:16:29 PM

In #12 doppelganglander said: What I need is a full-body hazmat suit.

Here ya go.

doppelganglander 8/20/2020 12:42:07 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

Hm, pretty good price, too. Does it come in pink?

doppelganglander 8/20/2020 12:44:23 PM
Buckle up, kids, it's going to get bumpy tonight.  Hunter Biden will speak at the convention. I wonder if he'll introduce Joe to the two grandchildren he doesn't know about?
Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 12:51:25 PM

In #19 doppelganglander said: Hunter Biden will speak at the convention.


That seems like... an interesting choice, in terms of a speaker.

I'd have thought the Dems would want to keep Hunter well clear of the limelight. 

doppelganglander 8/20/2020 1:14:37 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:

I thought so too, but they've decided to roll the dice. Do you think he'll show up high? Maybe with a babymama on each arm?

Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 1:18:09 PM

In #18 doppelganglander said: Hm, pretty good price, too.

As I think I mentioned here before, I bought a gas mask made by this company, and it seems like quite good quality to me.

I haven't gone quite "prepper" enough to buy hazmat suits (for me and Little OR), but I won't say the idea hasn't crossed my mine. 

Occasional Reader 8/20/2020 1:50:58 PM

In #22 Occasional Reader said: my mine mind

(I'm not sure if that was a typo, or a 'think-o".) 

Kosh's Shadow 8/20/2020 3:58:42 PM

Trump sets mail truck on fire in Natick, Mass.

A U.S. Postal Service truck caught on fire in Natick Thursday morning, according to the local fire department.

Firefighters responded to reports of a vehicle fire on Grant Street Thursday morning.

Upon arrival, they found flames shooting out of a U.S. Postal Service truck.

buzzsawmonkey 8/20/2020 4:26:36 PM
This goes out to Joe Biden: Jo-Jo, the Cannibal Kid

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