The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 08/27/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2020 1:07:25 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 7:02:26 AM
Good morning. Thoughts, prayers, as appropriate, for the people in coastal Louisiana.
lucius septimius 8/27/2020 7:09:16 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Looks nasty, but thank heavens it did not score a direct hit on either NOLA or Houston.  

Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 7:31:42 AM

The three who were shot by Kyle in Kenosha have been identified; and truly, they are paragons of the contemporary left.

vxbush 8/27/2020 7:37:50 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: The three who were shot by Kyle in Kenosha have been identified; and truly, they are paragons of the contemporary left.

Based on how the Democrats are pandering to these people, they seem to be their primary voting bloc. 

I would say good luck with that, Dems, but I really don't want you to have any good luck at all. 

JCM 8/27/2020 7:45:50 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

Home shot in Kenosha are residents of Kenosha?

Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 7:55:05 AM

In #4 vxbush said: they seem to be their primary voting bloc. 

The contemporary Left in this country consists of Williams-Sonoma-shopping affluent urban "elites"; and people who are floridly mentally ill, up to and including outright psychopaths.  There is some overlap between the two groups.

Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 7:57:56 AM

In #5 JCM said: Home shot in Kenosha are residents of Kenosha?

I sent this to Bletchley Park for decoding, and it came back as "Those shot in Kenosha are residents of Kenosha?'".


The link doesn't say.  I'm betting "no". 

lucius septimius 8/27/2020 8:02:24 AM

Observation on my morning walk.

As a rule, the houses on my side of the street have no basements.  This is because there is an aquifer that four houses down breaks through as the head of a creek that runs behind the properties on the down-hill end of the street.  Two houses down from me they built a McMansion with a basement.  I found that rather surprising. 

We've had a great deal of rain over the past several days.  This morning a pump truck was at the new house pumping out the basement.  The people who moved in over the weekend have since moved out.

Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 8:03:38 AM

In #8 lucius septimius said: The people who moved in over the weekend have since moved out.

They didn't appreciate the Surprise Bonus Feature indoor pool?  Ingrates!

buzzsawmonkey 8/27/2020 8:04:58 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 8:

A river runs through it?

lucius septimius 8/27/2020 8:12:09 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

A nice little passel of Horst Wessel's.

lucius septimius 8/27/2020 8:12:33 AM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: A river runs through it?

Quite literally. 

vxbush 8/27/2020 8:12:36 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: They didn't appreciate the Surprise Bonus Feature indoor pool?  Ingrates!

Don't look a gift pool in the drain. 

lucius septimius 8/27/2020 8:15:06 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

The Revolution is the Williams-Sonoma shoppers (the children of of the Macrame and Corduroy liberals of yore) using the pschopaths to destroy the working class and assure their hegemony and block the social mobility of their "inferiors."

lucius septimius 8/27/2020 8:16:11 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: They didn't appreciate the Surprise Bonus Feature indoor pool?  Ingrates!

To be fair the brochure did say "stunning water feature."

Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 8:35:53 AM

In #14 lucius septimius said: The Revolution is the Williams-Sonoma shoppers (the children of of the Macrame and Corduroy liberals of yore) using the pschopaths to destroy the working class and assure their hegemony and block the social mobility of their "inferiors."

I don't think so.  I think the W-S shoppers are willfully oblivious to the rabid nature of the monster they've helped unleash. 

doppelganglander 8/27/2020 8:52:49 AM

In #14 lucius septimius said: block the social mobility of their "inferiors."

Except for a few hand-selected beneficiaries of affirmative action. The non-elect are given generous welfare benefits and "space to destroy."

With the visibility of the black conservative movement this year, I am wondering if middle-class black people are starting to realize they have more in common with middle-class people of all races than they do with black elites or ghetto dwellers. I saw an interview with Kellyanne Conway last night and she said the campaign's internal polls show well over 14% black support, though she wouldn't be more specific. I think it could be as high as 20%. That would be enough to cause a permanent shift in party alignment and destroy the Democrats for a generation. 

Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 8:58:58 AM

Jacob Blake was Mostly Peacefully "Otherwise Unarmed"

buzzsawmonkey 8/27/2020 9:03:41 AM

In #17 doppelganglander said: That would be enough to cause a permanent shift in party alignment and destroy the Democrats for a generation. 

Which is why the epic vote-by-mail cheat-a-thon is so important to the Democrats this time around.

JCM 8/27/2020 9:04:08 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

Okay I have a AR-15 but am otherwise unarmed........

JCM 8/27/2020 9:15:12 AM
New filings show medical examiner found 'fatal level' of fentanyl in George Floyd's system
lucius septimius 8/27/2020 9:30:09 AM

In #18 Occasional Reader said: Jacob Blake was Mostly Peacefully "Otherwise Unarmed"

So the German's were "otherwise unarmed" if one forgets the tanks, aircraft, rifles, artillery pieces, etc.

Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 10:36:48 AM

In #21 JCM said: New filings show medical examiner found 'fatal level' of fentanyl in George Floyd's system

But he was mostly otherwise undrugged. 

buzzsawmonkey 8/27/2020 11:01:08 AM

Kenosha antifa rioter says he's ready for more: "The incidents of the last few days were a real shot in the arm!"

    Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 1:09:57 PM

    In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: Kenosha antifa rioter says he's ready for more: "The incidents of the last few days were a real shot in the arm!"


    I saw someone at Insty frame another aspect to this in terms of an internet meme:  

    "Skateboard vs. AR-15: The results are in"

    doppelganglander 8/27/2020 3:59:05 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 25:

    I'm thrilled that my BF is building me an AR-15 for my birthday, which is four days before the election. It's unlikely I'll ever have to use it, and I hope I don't,  but it will be comforting to have it.

    Kosh's Shadow 8/27/2020 4:10:43 PM

    Reply to lucius septimius in 8:

    Our house has a big hill behind it, and you'd expect flooding when the snow melts.


    The house was built by a railroad (civil) engineer - one who designs the railway itself. A big issue with railroads is flooding. Our house has two terraces on the hill that divert water around the house. The only time the basement flooded much was when the heating system developed a leak. (75 cent part, 80 dollar visit at 10 PM, but worth it)

    midwestgak 8/27/2020 4:17:04 PM

    I just watch then-candidate Trump's speech given in Cleveland, OH (July 2016).

    He has done everything he said he would upon taking the oath of the office of President.

    Astounding he could achieve even half of what he said he would.

    Kosh's Shadow 8/27/2020 4:17:31 PM

    In #16 Occasional Reader said: I think the W-S shoppers are willfully oblivious to the rabid nature of the monster they've helped unleash. 

    Until it comes out to their suburbs.

    Kosh's Shadow 8/27/2020 4:19:18 PM

    In #17 doppelganglander said: With the visibility of the black conservative movement this year, I am wondering if middle-class black people are starting to realize they have more in common with middle-class people of all races than they do with black elites or ghetto dwellers. I saw an interview with Kellyanne Conway last night and she said the campaign's internal polls show well over 14% black support, though she wouldn't be more specific. I think it could be as high as 20%. That would be enough to cause a permanent shift in party alignment and destroy the Democrats for a generation. 

    I agree. I've seen it said if Trump gets 18% of the black vote, it will be an earthquake, and I think that Trump has even more support there. After all, it is the poor blacks suffering from gangs, and they are the ones who know who the thugs are.

    Kosh's Shadow 8/27/2020 4:21:06 PM
    This just in - Pelosi says that Biden should debate, but on equal terms, which means Trump needs to get a lobotomy/
    doppelganglander 8/27/2020 4:26:34 PM

    Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 30:

    Polls show that a high proportion of African Americans want more police, not fewer. The majority of rioters are white. What do black Americans have to show for 50+ years of loyalty to the Democratic Party? They have nothing to lose and much to gain by voting for Trump.

    Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 4:41:55 PM

    In #26 doppelganglander said: my BF is building me an AR-15 for my birthday,

    My goodness.  I wish *I* had a boyfriend like that.  And hell, I'm straight!

    lucius septimius 8/27/2020 4:44:53 PM
    Made Singapore noodles for my dinner tonight, which meant I had to watch Blade Runner.
    Occasional Reader 8/27/2020 5:21:48 PM

    In #34 lucius septimius said: Made Singapore noodles for my dinner tonight, which meant I had to watch Blade Runner.

    I have... eaten noodles... you people wouldn't believe... 

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