The Daily Broadside

Sunday Morning Brunch

Posted on 08/30/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2020 1:11:47 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 8/30/2020 6:23:01 AM


Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 7:11:24 AM

In #1 Occasional Reader said:

Why do I think there will be no big hunt for the shooter and no guilty verdict in the MSM?

lucius septimius 8/30/2020 7:21:59 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Disgusting.  Why don't we just send in the army and shoot them all?

buzzsawmonkey 8/30/2020 7:28:59 AM
Oh, yeah---voter fraud, particularly mail-in fraud, is a "myth."
doppelganglander 8/30/2020 7:32:15 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

I predict the victim will be an employed person with no criminal record. The shooter will be a riot regular who has been arrested and released multiple times. He will not be charged with first degree murder, and his GoFundMe account will raise millions. 


lucius septimius 8/30/2020 7:39:58 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 5:

They're already running the story that the victim was a "member of a far-right group" and that he had "clashed" with "protesters."

As for the GoFundMe page, I gather that's already in the works.

JCM 8/30/2020 7:52:22 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 5:

Mayor Big Wheel will give the shooter the keys to the city!

Oh, wait the rioters stole them......

buzzsawmonkey 8/30/2020 8:13:24 AM
Rapper Snoop Dogg compared the United States to Nazi Germany in a post to his more than 50 million Instagram followers. The image shows a black and white American flag that has a blue stripe halfway peeled off, revealing the flag of Nazi Germany in the background:
JCM 8/30/2020 8:34:01 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

I wonder if he knows what Nazi Germany did with "degenerates".

Clearly not.

turn 8/30/2020 9:20:09 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

I have no words other than those of outrage. When will this madness stop? Trump is our last hope it seems and even that hope seems dwindling to me. 

There I said it, I’m worried for this Nation and for all of us conservatives as well. This Antifa crap has taken over my home town Sacramento now and the mayor refuses to stop it just as in Portland and Seattle and all those other cities under these captive circumstances.

turn 8/30/2020 9:21:08 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

Nothing will be done and the media will bury the story, as usual.

turn 8/30/2020 9:21:50 AM

In #3 lucius septimius said: Disgusting.  Why don't we just send in the army and shoot them all?

Damn right! Lock and load LS.

turn 8/30/2020 9:25:25 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

buzz, it is no myth the Dems cheat as we know. They are voter fraud experts. There is going to be wide scale voter fraud this time around. Historic amount of fraud and all for that scum bag Biden.

turn 8/30/2020 9:27:04 AM

In #5 doppelganglander said: spit

Well said doppel, I couldn’t have done better myself! Ha

It’s all disgusting to me.

doppelganglander 8/30/2020 9:27:15 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 3:

That's the only thing that will work. I think Election Night, after Trump has a decisive victory beyond the margin of fraud, would be the perfect time.

turn 8/30/2020 9:28:31 AM

In #7 JCM said: Mayor Big Wheel will give the shooter the keys to the city! Oh, wait the rioters stole them......

Sad but true JCM. As doppel said so well ... spit!

turn 8/30/2020 9:30:15 AM

Reply to turn in 10: link to local news about the riots in Sacramento 


turn 8/30/2020 9:32:07 AM

Reply to turn in 17:

Our mayor is a liberal instigator of this violence 


Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg said he doesn’t want the National Guard.

”I’m confident that we can handle our own business here,” Steinberg said. “Just as with all these strategies, you have to ask the only question that matters: will it reduce the chance for great damage or injury? The National Guard can also be a provocation.”

buzzsawmonkey 8/30/2020 9:33:19 AM

In #17 turn said: the riots in Sacramento 

Sacra(mento) Bleu!

doppelganglander 8/30/2020 9:34:21 AM

Reply to turn in 14:

My favorite image of the week shows the arm of the domestic terrorist that Kyle did not kill - he has a huge gunshot wound just above the elbow yet he's still holding a Glock. That's who we're dealing with, and it won't end until they are dead, incarcerated, or too scared to leave their mom's basement.

turn 8/30/2020 9:36:50 AM

In #15 doppelganglander said: That's the only thing that will work. I think Election Night, after Trump has a decisive victory beyond the margin of fraud, would be the perfect time.

You hold out hope and I am so grateful for this. A decisive win is what Trump needs, I can only hope at this point that he gets one. The future of America as we know it is on the line in this election, god help us.

turn 8/30/2020 9:39:22 AM

In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: Sacra(mento) Bleu!


You haven’t changed, same ol’ buzz ha

(good to “see” ya)

buzzsawmonkey 8/30/2020 9:39:37 AM

In #18 turn said: Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg said he doesn’t want the National Guard.

We don't need no National Guard here

We don't need police patrols

We'll just let riotous partiers

Loot and burn like thuggish assholes

Hey! Police! Leave those creeps alone!

All in all they're just election props for the fall

All in all they're just election props for the fall

---Pink Flaming Communist Red Floyd

buzzsawmonkey 8/30/2020 9:41:37 AM

In #22 turn said: You haven’t changed, same ol’ buzz ha

"One who follows his nature keeps his original nature in the end..."

---Orson Wells, in "Lady From Shanghai"

turn 8/30/2020 9:44:30 AM

In #20 doppelganglander said: My favorite image of the week shows the arm of the domestic terrorist that Kyle did not kill - he has a huge gunshot wound just above the elbow yet he's still holding a Glock. That's who we're dealing with, and it won't end until they are dead, incarcerated, or too scared to leave their mom's basement.

That’s some image, didn’t see it but I can visualize it through your words. We need this to end regardless, even if  it turns out these terrorists are killed in the process. They would deserve it IMO.

turn 8/30/2020 9:47:54 AM

In #23 buzzsawmonkey said: We don't need no National Guard here We don't need police patrols We'll just let riotous partiers Loot and burn like thuggish assholes Hey! Police! Leave those creeps alone! All in all they're just election props for the fall All in all they're just election props for the fall ---Pink Flaming Communist Red Floyd

Hey Kosh, Where is the upding button? buzz gets an upding Ha

well done sir!

turn 8/30/2020 9:50:26 AM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: "One who follows his nature keeps his original nature in the end..." ---Orson Wells, in "Lady From Shanghai"

Wise words indeed. You’ve kept your original nature and we love it :.)

doppelganglander 8/30/2020 10:03:57 AM

Reply to turn in 21:

I saw a chart this morning showing who is leading in various battleground states (mostly Biden) and his margin compared to Hillary in 2016. In every state where he's leading, his margin is much smaller than Hillary's, and most of those are states Trump won (Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, for example). I can't find it on Twitter and of course Google has it buried under stories from early July showing Biden with a big lead nationally. 

The thing I try to remember is that national polls are meaningless. There are 50 elections, not one. Biden could win every single vote in NY and CA and still lose. I think Trump will win the popular vote by getting far more votes in the states he will lose than he did last time. Who knows - things have gotten so bad in Oregon and Minnesota that he might even win there.

JCM 8/30/2020 10:33:05 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 28:

There was a article after the last election. It found in the 5 key battle ground states 18% of people basically lied about who they were going to vote for.

turn 8/30/2020 10:53:37 AM

In #28 doppelganglander said: The thing I try to remember is that national polls are meaningless. There are 50 elections, not one. Biden could win every single vote in NY and CA and still lose. I think Trump will win the popular vote by getting far more votes in the states he will lose than he did last time. Who knows - things have gotten so bad in Oregon and Minnesota that he might even win there.

Doppel this makes me feel a lot better, maybe there is good reason to be hopeful Trump can pull this off after all. I’ve had a feeling all of this rioting could end up backfiring on the Dems at the polls. We’ll see but we do need to get out the Trump vote despite all of the voting chaos for a decisive win to happen.

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 10:56:47 AM

In #23 buzzsawmonkey said: --Pink Flaming Communist Red Floyd

Note the band has disowned the Jew-hating Roger Waters

doppelganglander 8/30/2020 10:57:26 AM

Reply to JCM in 29:

No doubt. Do you think people are afraid to be honest, or do they just like to mess with the pollsters? 

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 10:59:13 AM

In #26 turn said: Hey Kosh, Where is the upding button? buzz gets an upding Ha

You know we decided we did not want that here. Just type +++++ in the reply

turn 8/30/2020 10:59:49 AM

In #29 JCM said: There was a article after the last election. It found in the 5 key battle ground states 18% of people basically lied about who they were going to vote for.

And yet another reason for me to hopeful Trump can win. Thanks, this helps calm me down JCM  :.)

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 11:02:22 AM

In #32 doppelganglander said: No doubt. Do you think people are afraid to be honest, or do they just like to mess with the pollsters? 

Afraid of being canceled sent to the woke Inquisition and have their lives burned at an auto-da-fe

A recent poll actually did find that many people are afraid of telling who they are voting for, especially Republicans and independents. (Democrats were not afraid at all)

turn 8/30/2020 11:02:27 AM

In #33 Kosh's Shadow said: You know we decided we did not want that here. Just type +++++ in the reply

I know, I was teasing you. This (your) site deserves an upding +++++ too

doppelganglander 8/30/2020 11:41:41 AM

Reply to turn in 30:

Absolutely. We're up against people who believe the riots are Trump's fault, and electing Biden is the only way to restore order.  That's the equivalent of the judge letting the rapist go because the victim was wearing a short skirt at night in a bad neighborhood.

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 12:03:56 PM

In #36 turn said: his (your) site deserves an upding +++++ too


Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 12:05:01 PM
Let the polls show Biden winning. That way, the Democrats won't think  they need  to fake as many votes.
Alice in Dairyland 8/30/2020 2:11:10 PM
Went to our local Republican Headquarters store last Thursday.  All signs, banners and flags were out of stock.  They had hats, t-shirts, face masks (should have bought one of those), and buttons though.  Supposed to get more on  Friday.  They are closed on Mondays, so  we will check them out again on Tuesday.  Hopefully, they will still have some signs left.  The stuff is "free", but there is a suggested "donation" amount listed for raffle tickets.  The raffles prizes are guns!  There was a sign on the door saying masks were required, but stated if you didn't have one on they wouldn't ask why.  The 80? year old woman who was working that day didn't have one on.
Occasional Reader 8/30/2020 2:23:34 PM
So if I have the timeline right, apparently it was after Ted Wheeler send out his obnoxious tweet to Trump saying “we don’t need federal help here“ that the crazies showed up literally on his doorstep and started to shine strobe lights into his condominium. 

As a writer mom used to say, irony is so, like, ironic.
Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 2:52:58 PM

I wonder why Boston has had  only minor rioting.

This guy (police commissioner William Gross)?

He looks like he'd whup the ass of any criminal.

Interesting that except for his color, he wouldn't look out of place in a 1930's movie as a police detective.

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 2:56:06 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 42:

Or maybe that our governor has activated the national guard in advance?  (He's a  RINO, but that still makes him better than a Democrat)

Gov. Charlie Baker has activated up to 1,000 members of the Massachusetts National Guard, “in the event that municipal leaders” need the backup, public safety officials said as protests rage elsewhere in the nation.

Baker signed the order activating members of the Guard Friday evening as reaction to the latest police shooting — this time in Kenosha, Wis. — spread from the heartland to professional sports.

“Governor Baker today signed an order activating up to 1,000 members of the Massachusetts National Guard in the event that municipal leaders require their assistance. National Guard personnel are deployed only at the request of, and in coordination with, the communities seeking support,” said a state public safety spokesman.

@PBJ3 8/30/2020 3:46:02 PM

In #41 Occasional Reader said: So if I have the timeline right, apparently it was after Ted Wheeler send out his obnoxious tweet to Trump saying “we don’t need federal help here“ that the crazies showed up literally on his doorstep and started to shine strobe lights into his condominium.  As a writer mom used to say, irony is so, like, ironic.

Wheeler and two or three Portland officials had a press conference this afternoon.  OMG, he hates Trump with a passion and blamed him for all of the trouble we've had in this country.  He's an awful man and might as well just join Antifa. I got so upset from listening that my blood pressure was probably way up.

Occasional Reader 8/30/2020 4:27:09 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 44:

And apparently his hatred of Trump is more important to him than keeping the most basic oath that a government can keep with its citizens, that of providing basic security.

In a sane world, he would’ve been tarred and feathered long ago and then ridden out of town on a rail.

@PBJ3 8/30/2020 4:30:09 PM

In #45 Occasional Reader said: And apparently his hatred of Trump is more important to him than keeping the most basic oath that a government can keep with its citizens, that of providing basic security. In a sane world, he would’ve been tarred and feathered long ago and then ridden out of town on a rail.


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