The Daily Broadside

Sunday Morning Brunch

Posted on 09/06/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 8/29/2020 1:45:03 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

PaladinPhil 9/6/2020 4:21:45 AM

Good morning. Finished my first week back to work with a "bang". Had to go to a walk in clinic near the end of my shift yesterday due to massive pain in my wrist. Got diagnosed with an repetitive strain injury on my left wrist. Light duties now for the next couple of weeks or longer. I have some anti-inflammitories to take and have to wear a brace. Just hating this year.

Occasional Reader 9/6/2020 6:23:19 AM
Good morning! Little OR just declared that Labor Day should instead be called lLemur Day, a day when we celebrate lemurs all around the world. I like the idea.
Occasional Reader 9/6/2020 6:24:00 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 1:

well, that certainly sucks. But sounds like you’re on the right path to get it healed up.

buzzsawmonkey 9/6/2020 7:11:13 AM
Antisemitism Jew-hate in two current black-centric hit TV shows.
Occasional Reader 9/6/2020 7:28:29 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

intrigued by the title, I caught a few minutes of one episode of “Lovecraft country“, and then turned it off and discussed. There was nothing anti-Jewish in the part I was seeing, it was ust more of the constant drumbeat from the over culture now that America is terrible and bad and essentially racist. 

lucius septimius 9/6/2020 7:43:00 AM
Just had a nice walk in the woods with youngest boy. He spent most of the time explaining to me about cancer immunotherapy.  The rest was a discussion about Pokemon.
buzzsawmonkey 9/6/2020 7:43:04 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Not having a TV, nor much interest in new "streaming" shows, I've never seen it.  The article, however, mentions merely the use of "Jewish name" for the evil doctor who apparently performed murderous "experiments" on blacks in one part of the show, which ties into the "Jews are the new Nazis" line that the Left is so fond of, and into the idea that "Jewish doctors" have in some way targeted the black community.

Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 8:21:38 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: intrigued by the title, I caught a few minutes of one episode of “Lovecraft country“, and then turned it off and discussed. There was nothing anti-Jewish in the part I was seeing, it was ust more of the constant drumbeat from the over culture now that America is terrible and bad and essentially racist. 

One episode had someone buying a haunted house:

Leti finds out the root cause of these angry ghosts: a scientist with the very Jewish sounding name Hiram Epstein apparently kidnapped eight Black people years before. He conducted gruesome experiments on them, murdered them, and buried their bodies underneath the house. It’s their souls that cause some of the mayhem in the hour-long episode.

A blood libel, although the use of the name "Epstein" could also relate to a recently deceased scumbag.

Note the novel this is based on does NOT have the intermediate Epstein owner.

Based on the articles. I have not seen the show.

buzzsawmonkey 9/6/2020 8:30:32 AM
Of course, Lovecraft himself had a strong streak of dislike for Jews, so in a sick sort of sense a "Lovecraftian" show with a dollop of Jew-hate is true to the show's namesake.
Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 8:34:20 AM

In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: blood libel,

That stereotype is the accusation that Jews somehow are driven to kill non-Jews: the “blood libel” that’s plagued Europe and the Middle East for centuries. The first blood libel occurred in England in the 1100, when a boy named William was found dead in the woods outside of the town of Norwich. A local monk accused the local Jewish community of torturing and murdering him. Despite widespread anti-Semitism at the time, local authorities could find no proof that any Jews had harmed the boy. Nevertheless, the baseless lie that Jews had murdered the child gained believers. William was even made a Saint and remains venerated as St. William of Norwich to this day.

See the article for more examples as recent as 1928 (although the child was found safe and a pogrom averted), and a Facebook page on "Jewish ritual murder" removed in 2018.

There are more recent instances, including the accusation that Israelis "harvest organs" from Palestinians and others.

Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 8:35:13 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: Of course, Lovecraft himself had a strong streak of dislike for Jews, so in a sick sort of sense a "Lovecraftian" show with a dollop of Jew-hate is true to the show's namesake.

But he was a racist, too, so a show that makes Blacks the heroes must have him spinning in his grave.

Occasional Reader 9/6/2020 10:57:38 AM
“ Critical race theory“ in one image:

JCM 9/6/2020 11:53:17 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

That would likely be my last day at that job.....

Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 12:11:13 PM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: “ Critical race theory“ in one image:

They missed something. Where's the Jew-hate?

Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 12:12:59 PM

Reply to JCM in 13:

Where I work, if they tried to push that shit on me, I have the contact info for the Mass. 4 Trump committee, and I'd use it to get a message to the Trump administration. After yesterday's letter, it wouldn't matter what cards they had; they'd be Trumped. (Remember, where I work is Federally funded)

JCM 9/6/2020 12:18:35 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

Folks should be filing EEOC hostile workplace complaints over this crap.

Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 12:20:59 PM

In #16 JCM said: Folks should be filing EEOC hostile workplace complaints over this crap.y

I agree (and especially Jews, since Jew-hatred infests the BLM movement.

However, since the person complaining would become known, he'd need a squad of armed guards, and the rest of his neighborhood would be torched in spite.

We need the Feds going after them. I think they are working on the cases (BLM, Antifa, etc). If Biden wins, we lose. 

But this is going to have Trump win in a landslide.

Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 1:04:35 PM
Blog updates

Finally got Cancel button working.

Now I know how to call javascript functions from buttons.

Next step, have refresh check if the editor is empty before posting

Occasional Reader 9/6/2020 2:36:56 PM

In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: Finally got Cancel button working


Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 2:55:15 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: OMG CANCEL CULTURE

Wait until I add Cancel to the users page (admin Inquisitors only) - it will say "Auto da fé"

lucius septimius 9/6/2020 4:19:25 PM
Today was supposed to be a relaxing day.  Then the thing I chose to do to relax turned out to be a source of endless frustration and fultility.
lucius septimius 9/6/2020 4:44:25 PM

At least the pizzas I made turned out ok.

Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 4:47:44 PM

In #21 lucius septimius said: Then the thing I chose to do to relax turned out to be a source of endless frustration and fultility.

Trying to generate a modal dialog when the editor is not empty?//////

A few days at this (but maybe an hour a day)

Kosh's Shadow 9/6/2020 4:48:31 PM

In #22 lucius septimius said: At least the pizzas I made turned out ok.

Good. We have a dog who loves pizza. She is just large enough to reach the counter, as we found out the hard way,

lucius septimius 9/6/2020 4:57:46 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24:

Periodically the German shepherds we had when I was a kid would make raids into the house (they lived exclusively outside).  Once they broke in after my mom had made a bunch of lemon bars.  They ate them all.  The end results were less than pretty.

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