The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 09/30/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2020 1:50:53 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 9/30/2020 5:47:01 AM
So have we crowned Biden President-for-life yet?  I mean, the debates made his accession a certainty -- all the news feeds are telling me so.
lucius septimius 9/30/2020 6:21:44 AM
And Sleepy Joe was wired.  James Wood caught it.
buzzsawmonkey 9/30/2020 6:35:45 AM

I can't believe that Biden brought up Charlottesville, and that Wallace let him get away with it.  

I don't know much of anything about the "Proud Boys"; are they really a "white supremacist" group, or merely a conservative one---which in itself is enough for NPR to call them "white supremacist?"  I believe I caught the NPR talking head admitting that they're a mixed-race group, which would seem odd for "white supremacists."

vxbush 9/30/2020 6:51:23 AM
My husband and I debated watching the debate, but we know who we’re voting for and just decided there was no reason to watch something that would make us mad. And we both knew that it would be on all the news today. So we just sat and read our books, and that was a better use of our time. 
turn 9/30/2020 7:25:18 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

My news feed is telling me that Trump condoned white supremacy and that Biden is right by calling Antifa simply an idea.

turn 9/30/2020 7:27:44 AM

In #4 vxbush said: My husband and I debated watching the debate, but we know who we’re voting for and just decided there was no reason to watch something that would make us mad. And we both knew that it would be on all the news today. So we just sat and read our books, and that was a better use of our time. 

I only wish I had your good common sense. What’s been seen can’t be unseen. gah what a waste of time.

turn 9/30/2020 7:29:21 AM

In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: don't know much of anything about the "Proud Boys"; are they really a "white supremacist" group, or merely a conservative one--

Simply a conservative group, from what I know. Which isn’t that much.

buzzsawmonkey 9/30/2020 7:35:06 AM

As more and more flawed mail-in ballots come to light in NYC---not only the improperly-printed ballots in Brooklyn, but a mass of misdirected military ballots in Queens---the Democrats continue to dismiss out of hand the notion that there is any problem with massive mail-in voting, let alone any fraud.

The sheer, blatant incompetence of the Board of Elections seems like a "poster boy" for the line, "...You had one job!" And it's not as though the election board has to get its job done every year, since elections are usually a few years apart.  But they can't seem to do it.

You'd think that they'd be working to make sure things went smoothly and without obvious screw-ups, if only to be able to deflect any later accusations of irregularity---but, no.  I find myself thinking back to the Obama administration, when---if you listened carefully---you could routinely hear them bragging about some particularly nasty thing they'd just done, as if to snigger in the face of the electorate about how they were screwing the country over in plain sight.

doppelganglander 9/30/2020 7:35:25 AM

Reply to turn in 7:

They're such white supremacists,  their leader is an Afro-Cuban guy named Enrique.

turn 9/30/2020 7:42:06 AM

In #9 doppelganglander said: They're such white supremacists,  their leader is an Afro-Cuban guy named Enrique.

Something I doubt we’ll hear about from the MSM. The coverage of the debate is so one sided favoring the Democratic candidate it’s almost (almost) unbelievable 

vxbush 9/30/2020 7:46:55 AM

In #6 turn said: I only wish I had your good common sense. What’s been seen can’t be unseen. gah what a waste of time.

You took one for the team, and I thank you. 

vxbush 9/30/2020 7:48:08 AM

In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: The sheer, blatant incompetence of the Board of Elections seems like a "poster boy" for the line, "...You had one job!" And it's not as though the election board has to get its job done every year, since elections are usually a few years apart.  But they can't seem to do it.

It seems to me that the folks who run all the big cities are among the most incompetent people around, bar none. Prove to me I’m wrong. 

turn 9/30/2020 7:50:23 AM

Maybe a walk along the American will calm some nerves ...

doppelganglander 9/30/2020 7:51:33 AM

Reply to turn in 10:

That's one reason I decided to watch it. Plus, it was damned entertaining. The BF and I were texting the whole time and laughing our asses off.

IMO Joe exceeded expectations by remaining upright and conscious. Trump did exactly what I had hoped he would - seize control and change the subject rapidly. Joe can repeat canned responses but he can't shift gears or think on his feet. Trump had an excellent command of the facts on some subjects, like California's poor forestry management. He could have done better explaining the difference between income taxes and other federal taxes, besides just insisting, correctly, that he pays a boatload of taxes.

turn 9/30/2020 7:51:59 AM

In #11 vxbush said: You took one for the team, and I thank you. 

Did I ever say I’m a glutton for punishment? :.)

turn 9/30/2020 7:52:49 AM

In #14 doppelganglander said: IMO Joe exceeded expectations by remaining upright and conscious.


buzzsawmonkey 9/30/2020 7:55:14 AM

In #15 turn said: Did I ever say I’m a glutton for punishment? :.)

Whenever I hear "Gluttons for Punishment" I think of a contingent of overweight masochists in leather at a "Pride Parade."

turn 9/30/2020 7:57:54 AM

In #14 doppelganglander said: Trump had an excellent command of the facts on some subjects, like California's poor forestry management.

I wholeheartedly agree, he had facts to back up each of his debate points, nothing canned but straight from the top of his head. I watched his recent round table with Newsome re the California fires where he voiced his grasp on the forest management fiasco dating back decades here and was really impressed with his knowledge on the subject.

turn 9/30/2020 7:59:29 AM

In #17 buzzsawmonkey said: Whenever I hear "Gluttons for Punishment" I think of a contingent of overweight masochists in leather at a "Pride Parade."

ewee now I think I’ll quit using the term ha

turn 9/30/2020 8:01:57 AM
“Insult and Interruption” is how one talking head has framed the debate, not far from the truth.
buzzsawmonkey 9/30/2020 8:03:13 AM

Reply to turn in 18:

Speaking of California's forest management, and Newsom's recent decree that only non-internal-combustion vehicles are California's future, if California brings back the Stanley Steamer, the state can enjoy freedom from fossil fuels while encouraging the clearing of deadwood and underbrush that has been responsible for their devastating wildfires.

Of course, the environmentalcases will attribute the subsequent diminution of wildfires to their working against "climate change" instead of recognizing that it was the scavenging for auto fuel that was responsible.

turn 9/30/2020 8:07:47 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

buzz that is a novel idea if only the Steamer ran on wood instead of liquid fuel. Maybe a conversion package to run on wood would make it possible to kill those to kill those two environmental birds with one stone. :.)

doppelganglander 9/30/2020 8:09:37 AM

Reply to turn in 18:

Trump is smarter than people give him credit for. Maybe shrewd is a better term. I loved it when he told Biden to never use the word smart about himself.  BTW, why hasn't the media mentioned Biden telling the President of the United States to shut up? I mean, I know why, but it seems pretty significant to me. 

JCM 9/30/2020 8:11:50 AM

Reply to turn in 18:

Wot? He didn't blame climate change?

Occasional Reader 9/30/2020 8:29:19 AM

In #17 buzzsawmonkey said: Whenever I hear "Gluttons for Punishment" I think of a contingent of overweight masochists in leather at a "Pride Parade."

Because of course you do...

Occasional Reader 9/30/2020 8:30:15 AM

In #24 JCM said: Wot? He didn't blame climate change?

Those wildfires were really caused by one thing; white supremacy. 

Occasional Reader 9/30/2020 8:32:04 AM

In #23 doppelganglander said: BTW, why hasn't the media mentioned Biden telling the President of the United States to shut up?

And also, calling him a racist (or so I read, I did not watch the thing). 

Occasional Reader 9/30/2020 8:33:29 AM

In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: I don't know much of anything about the "Proud Boys"; are they really a "white supremacist" group, or merely a conservative one-

As I understand it, their name refers to being "proud" of Western civilization; but they are explicitly not a "white"-anything (supremacist, nationalist, etc.) group, and indeed have members of many different races. 

Occasional Reader 9/30/2020 8:45:41 AM

In #2 lucius septimius said: And Sleepy Joe was wired.  James Wood caught it.

Hmm.  Not quite sure what to make of that.  

buzzsawmonkey 9/30/2020 8:51:12 AM

Disney is laying off 28,000 Disneyland employees.

If Walt were still alive, he'd have converted "Tomorrow-Land" into "Covid-Land," and convinced everyone to come and pay to experience lockdowns, mask-wearing, and "social distancing."

doppelganglander 9/30/2020 9:17:28 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27:

The Party of Civility is now selling "Shut Up" t-shirts for $30 a pop. 

turn 9/30/2020 9:20:30 AM

In #31 doppelganglander said: The Party of Civility is now selling "Shut Up" t-shirts for $30 a pop. 

At one point Mr. civility Biden actually called Trump a fool, can’t forget that one.

turn 9/30/2020 9:22:20 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 31:

Let’s let that t shirt read “Shut-up, you fool!”

doppelganglander 9/30/2020 9:31:48 AM

Reply to turn in 32:

Also called him a clown and a liar. Every time he lost his train of thought and couldn't answer, he resorted to an epithet or stumbled along until Chris Wallace rescued him. Pathetic.

turn 9/30/2020 10:03:05 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 34:

All true, a definite low point in presidential debates. In a way I regret watching at all, and it will surely only go downhill from here. Call it the 2020 syndrome if you like, everything seems to be spinning out of control in America.

Alice in Dairyland 9/30/2020 10:27:42 AM
I watched the debate.  Longest 90 minutes of my life.  I don't know why anybody was surprised at the disorder of it.  That's who these men are.  Anybody who's listened to President Trump over the last four years knows he's not going to sit quietly and let someone else blatantly distort the truth.  Of course he's going to interrupt them with the facts.  Anybody who's listened to Biden lately knows he nothing but soundbites and gaffes.  His rebuttals were nothing but personal attack and insults.  As for the statement to the Proud Boys to "stand by", what are we supposed to do if the election is corrupted, nothing?  Just take it and put up with it for four years?  I don't think we will survive four years, we will no longer have our country.  As for Chris Wallace as the moderator, I don't know if anybody could have done that job.  They should have just had a cardboard cutout of him sitting there with a tape recording of him hollering "I'm the moderator, you promised you'd only speak for your allowed two minutes Mr President, now what were you saying Mr Biden?".  I am sure if DJT doesn't win the election, he has a great future ahead of him in standup comedy.  Some of his zingers were pure comedy gold.
JCM 9/30/2020 10:34:39 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 36:

Trump is a New Yorker. That was the style Trump exhibited, co-workers from NYC I've had been the same way.

Add in Trump's personality.... wholly predictable.

Alice in Dairyland 9/30/2020 10:45:24 AM

Lin Wood suing Biden campaign for defamation

I hope something comes of this.  Kyle Rittenhouse's life has completely turned upside down for doing what he thought was the right thing, defending his country.

doppelganglander 9/30/2020 11:07:22 AM

The fix is in.

JCM 9/30/2020 11:14:39 AM

Compton shooting: Charges filed in ambush against 2 deputies earlier this month

Deonte Lee Murray, the man accused in the ambush shooting of two Los Angeles County deputies in Compton earlier this month, has been charged with attempted murder, prosecutors announced Wednesday.


At the time, Murray, who has suspected gang ties, was charged with one felony count each of carjacking, second-degree robbery and assault with a semiautomatic firearm - personal use of a firearm. The charges also included allegations of association with a criminal street gang, discharging a rifle inflicting great bodily injury and personal use of an AR-16.

Alice in Dairyland 9/30/2020 11:27:08 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 39: One of the things they are considering doing is cutting off their microphones if they are speaking out of turn and not doing a split screen, only showing the face of the person speaking.  As ugly as it was last night, I prefer to see and hear how these men fight for what they believe in.  I want to see how Trump gets angry when he's falsely attacked and see how Biden will just call Putin a clown when he disagrees with him in an real discussion/argument.  I don't want these things hidden from me.

Occasional Reader 9/30/2020 11:42:00 AM

In #40 JCM said: an AR-16.

A whut?

JCM 9/30/2020 12:04:15 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 42:

You know the version chambered in 7.62 NATO

That that anyone in the media would know, or realize there aren't any likely in private hands except maybe some serious collectors.

Video look like a handgun but really bad video, AR-15 pistol? Cumbersome thing those. Haven't seen anything on the weapon or if it was recovered.

Occasional Reader 9/30/2020 1:28:05 PM

I want my

I want my

I want my MTV CCW

/not Dire Straits

I feel like Bart Simpson, waiting for his spy camera.

Kosh's Shadow 9/30/2020 3:49:02 PM

In #44 Occasional Reader said: I feel like Bart Simpson, waiting for his spy camera.

Do we have to make you write 500 times on the blackboard "I will not spy on the Brazilian supermodel across the street"?

Alice in Dairyland 9/30/2020 4:14:10 PM

In #45 Kosh's Shadow said: In #44 Occasional Reader said: I feel like Bart Simpson, waiting for his spy camera. Do we have to make you write 500 times on the blackboard "I will not spy on the Brazilian supermodel across the street"?

We'd have better luck making him promise not to shoot her!

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