The Daily Broadside

Saturday Morning

Posted on 10/03/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2020 1:53:48 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 10/3/2020 9:38:38 AM
Wow, I've been up and done my shopping for the week and all the rest of your are still lounging in bed.
Occasional Reader 10/3/2020 9:40:13 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

 Not exactly.  Been out with little guy taking a long walk, getting second breakfast, and playing with random puppies.

JCM 10/3/2020 10:00:08 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Yeah, I slept in.

Took FIL back to the hospital. Didn't get to bed 'till 2:00 AM.

Coffee is my friend....

lucius septimius 10/3/2020 11:28:05 AM

In #3 JCM said: Took FIL back to the hospital. Didn't get to bed 'till 2:00 AM.


Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 11:30:11 AM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: getting second breakfast

Don't make a hobbit of it.

Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 11:34:08 AM
For the bagels - jukebox
Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 11:34:48 AM

In #3 JCM said: Took FIL back to the hospital. Didn't get to bed 'till 2:00 AM.

Oy, vey.

JCM 10/3/2020 11:40:29 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 4: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

He's 92 and showing it. He's having respiratory issues that they are having trouble tracking down.

lucius septimius 10/3/2020 11:44:16 AM

In #8 JCM said: He's 92 and showing it.

I know that.  Mom's 93 and definitely showing it.

Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 11:45:00 AM

Reply to JCM in 8:

It's hard when they get that old. Went through this with my parents 20 years ago when they were in their 80's or close to it.

Occasional Reader 10/3/2020 1:32:22 PM
Among all the other virtue signaling signs in my deeply neighborhood, the ones that bothered me the most are the ones reading “no justice, no peace“. Seeing that sign always gives me an urge to throw a brick through the window of the associated house, wrapped in a note that simply reads “OK!”.
Occasional Reader 10/3/2020 1:32:54 PM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: in my deeply BLUE neighborhood

Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 1:51:31 PM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: “no justice, no peace“

But it is quite true - no justice done by letting the protesters rioters burn down and loot, and no peace in the cities they are rioting in.
Of course, that is the opposite meaning to what the sign owners intend.

Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 1:59:48 PM

In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: no justice done by letting the protesters rioters burn down and loot,

I meant the rioters didn't get the justice they deserve - a few years in prison, and the rest of their lives trying to pay off the property damage, loss of business, etc. 

Occasional Reader 10/3/2020 2:10:40 PM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: the rioters didn't get the justice they deserve - a few years in prison, and the rest of their lives trying to pay off the property damage, loss of business, etc. 

You're too kind.

lucius septimius 10/3/2020 2:27:01 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

I know what I'd suggest.

Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 2:53:31 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 16:

Or maybe build a wall around someplace that thinks living the way the rioters want is just fine. Pay anyone who doesn't agree to move out.

Then all the rioters that want to live like that go in, and can't come out for 20 years. They have to produce something to trade to get food, clothing, etc.

I don't think there will be anyone left there in 1 year.

Alice in Dairyland 10/3/2020 4:26:32 PM

President Trump twitters his status

He just sent out a tweet about his condition.  He looks pretty good, considering the MSM has him at death's door.

Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 4:41:07 PM

In #18 Alice in Dairyland said: considering the MSM has him at death's door.

The MSM has a GoFundMe page to take up money to bribe Charon to take Trump across the River Styx even if he isn't dead.

Alice in Dairyland 10/3/2020 4:50:22 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19: They best be careful.  You can't fool the devil.  They may be paying for their own passage.

Kosh's Shadow 10/3/2020 4:58:07 PM


Here's one. (MSM carries Trump)

"I'm not dead yet!"

"You will be soon. We've been wishing it for 4 years!"

"I can't take him. He's not dead. I'll take you instead. The MSM might not be dead, but your credibility is!"

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