The Daily Broadside

Wednesday, the aftermath

Posted on 11/04/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 11/1/2020 2:37:30 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 5:05:10 AM
So: Was Joe Biden elected to the U.S. Senate?
PaladinPhil 11/4/2020 5:06:03 AM
Is it too early to drink?
lucius septimius 11/4/2020 5:25:40 AM
Re: Syrah's comment late last night (long after I'd gone to bed) I had a dream, well, a series of dreams, of being in a Dr. Zhivago scenario.  Curious how both our minds went there.  In my case, the fact that it was cold last night probably contributed.
doppelganglander 11/4/2020 6:08:08 AM
Good morning. Things don't look as bad as I feared. Either that or I refuse to acknowledge things are dire. I think Trump won Georgia and Pennsylvania and he'll probably end up at SCOTUS over the latter, just as he predicted. Arizona seems to be a case of idiot Californians remaking the disaster they fled. 
vxbush 11/4/2020 6:09:55 AM

Morning, campers. I had yesterday off (long story) so I tried to get some chores done and paperwork that has been sitting undone for far too long. Instead, I ended up dragging and feeling like all I wanted to do was take a nap. I blame the election. 

I'm assuming there is at least one protest riot starting somewhere. The only question is, what is the hottest hot spot. 

buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 6:25:24 AM
If the Democrats get to "vote" for the rest of the week with their mail-in ballots, shouldn't we be able to go to the polls again today?
Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 6:29:40 AM
I just found 50 mail-in electoral college ballots for Trump and Pence under my sofa cushions. So, the election is over, they win. Yay!
buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 6:35:59 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

The Democrats want to replace the Electoral College with the Electoral Collage.

Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 6:39:33 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

Heh.  Yes, just patch together enough ballots, in whatever form, so that their side wins. 

buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 6:42:52 AM

On NPR this morning, one of the commentators was making generalizations about "the women's vote," both as to "women of color" and "white suburban women." Another, immediately after, said that the first commenter was "using a broad brush."

An unfortunate choice of words in that context.

vxbush 11/4/2020 6:43:59 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: Heh.  Yes, just patch together enough ballots, in whatever form, so that their side wins. 

I'm not sure I'm laughing anymore. Sarah Hoyt put together several pieces of evidence this morning that indicates cheating was their primary method of winning. Many cities did not have Biden election offices; they really didn't run a campaign; states were being called for Biden before the votes were counted (although that's happened before); and the Left, projecting as well as ever, has proclaimed that Trump was going to attempt a coup. 

She tends to see the worst in every situation, but she may have the best background to see what's going on, after seeing it in Portugal herself. 

buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 6:49:35 AM

Reply to vxbush in 11:

The truth Hoyts.

doppelganglander 11/4/2020 6:50:45 AM

Reply to vxbush in 11:

Like 128K votes counted overnight in Michigan that amazingly all went for Biden? The Trump campaign was prepared for this and it will end up in court.

On the plus side, the Dems lost seats in the House. The GOP will probably hold the Senate, though we may not know for sure until Georgia has runoff elections in January. Cocaine Mitch was re-elected so God forbid Biden wins, absolutely nothing will get through the Senate.

buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 6:52:59 AM

In #11 vxbush said: I'm not sure I'm laughing anymore.

You have to laugh, no matter what---if only to win a small victory when you do.  Consider that the Left cannot stand to be mocked; every time you poke fun at the obvious fraud they die a little.

vxbush 11/4/2020 6:53:44 AM

In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: The truth Hoyts.


buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 7:02:00 AM
I'm Laughing
Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 7:05:00 AM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: An unfortunate choice of words in that context.

At least they are not trying to skirt the issue.

buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 7:08:18 AM

In #17 Occasional Reader said: At least they are not trying to skirt the issue.

Heh.  The folks on Morning Sedition were actually astonished that Texas and Florida didn't go Democrat.  They also said, simultaneously, that there was "unprecedented turnout" and "voter suppression."

Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 7:09:04 AM

In #18 buzzsawmonkey said: They also said, simultaneously, that there was "unprecedented turnout" and "voter suppression."

In fairness: in theory, at least, you could indeed have both.

doppelganglander 11/4/2020 8:01:10 AM
If I didn't have to work today, I would seriously consider heading down to the Fulton County elections office to protest the obvious attempt at fraud. I think we'll be okay, though. Our governor and SoS are both Republicans.
JCM 11/4/2020 8:21:25 AM
Looking at the numbers.

Trump needs to hold his lead and take GA, NC and PA. That will give him 264

So he needs just one of the 3 states left were Biden leads by 1% NV, WI and MI.




Comment error 475 22
turn 11/4/2020 8:28:25 AM

Reply to JCM in 21:

Have you conceded AZ?

turn 11/4/2020 8:30:12 AM

Reply to turn in 23:

There is some controversy as to the % counted.


JCM 11/4/2020 8:30:47 AM

Reply to turn in 23:

AZ by 3% to Biden with 85% in?

I forgot AK, 3 which is Trump and pulls him up to 267.

Trump needs at least one of NV, WI or MI.

turn 11/4/2020 8:37:34 AM

In #25 JCM said: AZ by 3% to Biden with 85% in?

Doesn’t seem likely Tump will win there does it ..,

JCM 11/4/2020 8:47:43 AM

Reply to turn in 26:

Home of Goldwater to Biden.


Alice in Dairyland 11/4/2020 9:00:53 AM
I can't comment much.  It's hard to type after I've been holding my breath so long.  I think I may just black out, please revive me when it's over.  What's wrong with my state of Wisconsin?
buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 9:14:13 AM

I just saw someone point out that we already know the results of the House and Senate races in each state, and they're on the same ballot as the Presidential candidates.

That we do not yet know the final tallies/results of the Presidential race makes the delay fraudulent on its face.

Syrah 11/4/2020 9:25:07 AM

About the election below the presidential level.

Have the election results effectively handed the blue state Democrats a mandate to defund the police?

The west coast blue state voted very badly. 

It looks grim for Seattle and Portland.

Most of the technology  work in the Washington State area does need to be done from offices in the big cities. There is nothing specific about the geography that these businesses are dependent on.  if the quality of life declines in Seattle and Portland due to rising crime, why would they stay?

large item manufacturing, as represented by Boeing, is being crushed by covid and high union wages. Why would they restart their production lines in deep blue Washington when less costly production work can be done in most other places in the world?

JCM 11/4/2020 9:35:45 AM

Reply to turn in 23:

You could be right, seeing items that calling AZ may be premature.

JCM 11/4/2020 9:39:10 AM

Reply to Syrah in 30:

Boeing is already moving all 787 production to NC.

747 and 777 are in Everett but getting long in the tooth.

The 787 is the new composite tech, that's the future of airplanes and it's leaving.

It will take another 20 years, but Boeing will be mostly gone.

Amazon is moving out of Seattle to Bellevue, again that will take awhile.

Microsoft is rebuilding big time on their campus... in Bellevue.

doppelganglander 11/4/2020 9:43:58 AM

Reply to JCM in 31:

There is actually a conspiracy theory that Fox called AZ for Biden in order to shut down counting in the Midwest, and another that voters in red counties were given sharpies to vote which allegedly caused the ballots to be rejected. That's insane even by my standards. But I do think AZ was called prematurely and will go to Trump. 

turn 11/4/2020 9:44:58 AM

In #31 JCM said: You could be right, seeing items that calling AZ may be premature.

Chuck Todd hasn’t called it yet, FWTW

JCM 11/4/2020 9:46:01 AM
IF AZ goes Trump, then the current trend is toward Trump.
turn 11/4/2020 9:46:22 AM

In #28 Alice in Dairyland said: What's wrong with my state of Wisconsin?

Too much dairy products in the diet? /

turn 11/4/2020 10:01:04 AM

In #30 Syrah said: Have the election results effectively handed the blue state Democrats a mandate to defund the police?

My guess is, especially if Kamala gets her say, is that it will be interpreted as such. The attrition in police force due to being demeaned by the mayors is enough to raise concern all by itself. Crime statistics confirm what happens when Democratically run cities tie the hands of the police, I would expect things to get much worse if Biden gains control of the White House . This is my opinion and unfortunately I don’t see a return to “law and order” anytime soon, especially in cities controlled by Democrats, such as my own home town. What I would expect is a spike in crime.

Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 10:02:37 AM
I thank those of you who are hanging on to the ballot counting madness minute by minute and reporting summaries, because again, I’m determined that it’s not good for my post surgery healing process to do that sort of thing.
JCM 11/4/2020 10:10:35 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 38:

Don't kick your TV!


Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 10:13:30 AM

I see a link at Insta pond it to an exit polll (yeah, yeah, I know) indicating that Trump improved his performance versus 2016 in pretty much every demographic segment except one: White men.

Syrah 11/4/2020 10:14:58 AM
Biden is a Potemkin 
turn 11/4/2020 10:15:07 AM

In #38 Occasional Reader said: I’m determined that it’s not good for my post surgery healing process to do that sort of thing.

At the rate things are going you’ll be healed before there is a definitive result./ The election is going to drag out for weeks if not longer considering recounts, court battles, and the like ... that’s what it’s looking like to me.

Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 10:16:53 AM

In #40 Occasional Reader said: Insta pond

Sigh.  “Instapundit”.  

Alice in Dairyland 11/4/2020 10:16:55 AM

In #36 turn said: Too much dairy products in the diet?

Well the other thing we're known for is our alcohol consumption.  Take your pick.

turn 11/4/2020 10:21:49 AM

In #44 Alice in Dairyland said: Well the other thing we're known for is our alcohol consumption.  Take your pick.

lol. At least we still have our humor ...

JCM 11/4/2020 10:25:39 AM

Reply to Syrah in 41:

I'm thinking if Biden wins they play the 25th Amendment card within months.

turn 11/4/2020 10:26:17 AM

More on AZ at the link (via Insty)


buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 10:34:00 AM

Once a jolly bagman camped beside a polling place
Under the wing of the Democrat Party
And he sang as he watched and waited for sacks to be filled
"You'll be committing voter fraud with me."

"Committing vote fraud, committing vote fraud---
You'll be committing voter fraud with me."
And he sang as he watched and waited for sacks to be filled,
"You'll be committing voter fraud with me."

Kosh's Shadow 11/4/2020 10:36:52 AM

In #46 JCM said: I'm thinking if Biden wins they play the 25th Amendment card within months.

I've been saying that for at least a month.

JCM 11/4/2020 11:01:25 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 49:

Does Joe know?

Kosh's Shadow 11/4/2020 11:34:29 AM

Reply to JCM in 50:

Joe doesn't even know what office he's running for.

doppelganglander 11/4/2020 1:15:33 PM
Biden live now, lying about the vote tallies. I fucking hate these people. In the end, Trump will win GA, PA, MI, NC, and AZ, and possibly WI.
@PBJ3 11/4/2020 1:27:17 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 52:

God, I sure hope so.

Kosh's Shadow 11/4/2020 2:01:52 PM

Should the Dems dig up enough voters votes, at least the House will remain Republican, and probably the Senate.

That means the worst things they could do are DOA - no court packing, no Green New Deal.

JCM 11/4/2020 2:24:53 PM

According to Fox WI & MI went to Biden.

Leaving NV to decide things.

Assuming AZ stays Biden.

Occasional Reader 11/4/2020 2:34:26 PM

In #55 JCM said: According to Fox WI & MI 

FWIW, I'm seeing a lot of criticism of Fox in the conservative blogsphere, to the effect that they're Team Biden even more than CNN, and are calling all sorts of states for Biden willy nilly. 

JCM 11/4/2020 3:00:19 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 56:

I'm not following that closely. Just looking at the front page occasionally and saw they called WI and MI.

I just looked at RealClearPolitics and they have not called AZ, MI and WI. They also have NC, GA and PA not called.

JCM 11/4/2020 3:17:13 PM
FiveThirtyEight @FiveThirtyEight · 2h Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported: -23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden -about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden *With 83% of the expected vote in, Trump’s lead in PA is now just below 6 points.
JCM 11/4/2020 3:18:52 PM

From 538, hardly a Trump fan.

Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported:

-23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden

-about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden

buzzsawmonkey 11/4/2020 3:28:11 PM

Reply to JCM in 59:

Once again, it is worth noting that when these troves of Magic Neglected Ballots are discovered, they are unanimously for the Democrats' favorite Losing Candidate.

You'd think experienced fraudsters---which the Democrats surely are---would have the good sense to make the fraud at least nominally plausible by intermixing some ballots for the opposing side---"salting the mine," as it were.

Not doing so shows either impenetrable stupidity, or---what is more worrisome---an arrogant and overweening confidence in the ability to put the fraud over despite its blatancy.

turn 11/4/2020 3:48:36 PM

In #55 JCM said: Assuming AZ stays Biden.

I texted Wes from Tex, my old neighbor who has since moved to Arizona, and asked “What happened to deep red Arizona?”

He texted back ...

”Too many California dip shits moved to Phoenix!”


turn 11/4/2020 3:57:40 PM

In #54 Kosh's Shadow said: at least the House will remain Republican

The House is controlled by Democrats ... and it’s looking like Republicans will only control the Senate by one member now.

JCM 11/4/2020 3:59:43 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 60:

They've been getting more and more blatant about it, and learned how to manipulate the mail ballots.

2000 Gorton v. Cantwell WA Sen.

2004 Rossi v. Gregoire WA Sen.

2008 Coleman v. Franken MN Sen.

@PBJ3 11/4/2020 4:00:50 PM

Reply to turn in 62:

My brother in law in Arizona says the same thing.  My sister, who is in Reno, says they are getting a lot of people formerly from the silicon valley.

turn 11/4/2020 4:04:24 PM

Reply to turn in 62:


Count is 47 Dem, 48 R with 5 remaining 


turn 11/4/2020 4:06:31 PM

In #64 @PBJ3 said: My brother in law in Arizona says the same thing.  My sister, who is in Reno, says they are getting a lot of people formerly from the silicon valley.

Normally I thought of people leaving California as disgruntled Republicans, boy is that wrong

@PBJ3 11/4/2020 4:14:06 PM

In #66 turn said: Normally I thought of people leaving California as disgruntled Republicans, boy is that wrong

I used to think the same thing before I talked to them about it.

@PBJ3 11/4/2020 4:18:07 PM
Rudy is in route to Pennsylvania to challenge the election results.
JCM 11/4/2020 4:18:32 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 64:


A plague.

Devour one state, move on to the next.

@PBJ3 11/4/2020 4:20:51 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 68:


@PBJ3 11/4/2020 4:21:48 PM

In #69 JCM said: Locusts. A plague. Devour one state, move on to the next.

I agree.

Kosh's Shadow 11/4/2020 4:25:50 PM

In #62 turn said: The House is controlled by Democrats ... and it’s looking like Republicans will only control the Senate by one member now.

I know but the Dems lost House seats. They won't be able to get through the worst stuff.

@PBJ3 11/4/2020 4:36:31 PM

From Steve Patterson on Twitter:

#BREAKING: Large, animated crush of “stop the count” protestors trying to push their way into TCF hall in #Detroit where ballots are being counted. They’re being blocked by guards at the door. Pizza boxes are pushed against the window to obstruct view. It’s tense.

doppelganglander 11/4/2020 4:39:19 PM
If this were an honest loss, I'd be angry but I could accept it and move on to defeating Democrats in '22 and beyond. I cannot abide the thought of losing by massive vote fraud, which is what's happening now. I'm currently thinking about the best way to assemble an elite squad of assassins.
turn 11/4/2020 4:40:55 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 72:

Oh, I see what you meant now. I suppose it could have been worse.

Fish 11/4/2020 4:42:22 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 56:

I know that several of my liberal friends are suddenly watching and quoting Fox News for the first time in their life.

Fish 11/4/2020 4:47:26 PM

This is happening in Madison right now:


doppelganglander 11/4/2020 4:47:53 PM

Reply to Fish in 76:

They are a disgrace. They're completely in the tank for the Democrats. They can do that but they shouldn't be surprised when no one watches them anymore. 

turn 11/4/2020 4:49:56 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 74:

I can’t help but think had it not been for Covid this would not be happening. It was the perfect political opportunity for the Democrats. Almost as if it were planned.

doppelganglander 11/4/2020 5:01:06 PM

Reply to turn in 79:

Covid certainly made it easier for them. I find myself hoping they al catch it.

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