The Daily Broadside

Wednesday, gettin' there.

Posted on 11/18/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 11/15/2020 6:48:19 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 11/18/2020 5:33:57 AM

I swear, I'm going to gain 20 pounds just looking at all these breakfast photos. *slurp*

Being mired at work, I haven't kept up on the various lawsuits taking place on behalf of the Trump campaign, but I'm seeing Republicans split loosely into three camps--the ones who are absolutely convinced Trump will prevail in enough lawsuits to win and be sworn in as the President; the ones who think the lawsuits won't work but instead enough of the results will be thrown out that the only remaining solution is for the Senate to select the winner; and the ones who think none of this will work and we need to simply accept Biden has won, and therefore they are looking for the silver lining of the dark storm clouds. Some have gone so far as to say that Trump should stop wasting time going to court, but the vast majority are glad to see him fight this way.

As people learn of the deplatforming of conservatives (such as Sundance at Conservative Treehouse), I'm surprised to see so few people willing to fight this. One of the things we like about Trump is that he fights for what he believes in, but so many other people are just jumping ship and giving up before the fighting escalates. I thought Sundance had a solid case against WordPress, but he's doesn't even seem to want to consider fighting, which surprises me. How can we say we support Trump and his fight if we aren't willing to fight ourselves? 

vxbush 11/18/2020 6:59:10 AM
And I scared everyone off.....
Occasional Reader 11/18/2020 7:04:48 AM

Biden taps anti-free speech nutter for transition team on global media issues

As Instapundit points out this morning, Communist China today is essentially the model of governance that the contemporary Democratic Party is seeking to emulate.   

Occasional Reader 11/18/2020 7:52:19 AM

So I just did an Instacart order, and I note that the nearest supermarket is apparently out of stock of Charmin toilet paper (had to be replaced with some off-brand).

Here we go again. 

vxbush 11/18/2020 7:56:02 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: So I just did an Instacart order, and I note that the nearest supermarket is apparently out of stock of Charmin toilet paper (had to be replaced with some off-brand). Here we go again. 

As the government barons continue to dictate ridiculous policies, ridiculous results occur. 

JCM 11/18/2020 7:59:56 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

Google has the social score software all ready to go!

JCM 11/18/2020 8:11:47 AM
Yeah that'll work.....

King County Council OKs plan to let community groups decide some punishment -- not judges

Instead of facing a judge, juveniles and adults accused of a first-time, non-violent felony offense will be offered an alternative where a non-profit community panel will decide how the accused person can be held accountable for their crime.

Occasional Reader 11/18/2020 8:19:11 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

I sure hope Gavin Newsom enjoyed his dinner at French laundry.

vxbush 11/18/2020 8:27:44 AM

In #7 JCM said: King County Council OKs plan to let community groups decide some punishment -- not judges

And now we're crawling back to mob justice. 

lucius septimius 11/18/2020 8:37:01 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: I sure hope Gavin Newsom enjoyed his dinner at French laundry.

Some twitter moron was saying that we shouldn't even be talking about Newsom's hypocrisy because "Trump is destroying our democracy."

Occasional Reader 11/18/2020 8:45:34 AM

In #10 lucius septimius said: "Trump is destroying our democracy."

I just have nothing to say to these fools any more.   Asking them "how, exactly?" is pointless. 

JCM 11/18/2020 8:59:42 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

Really piss them off.

What democracy?

lucius septimius 11/18/2020 9:07:56 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: I just have nothing to say to these fools any more.   Asking them "how, exactly?" is pointless. 

As Kevin Williamson remarked the other day, you can't reason people out of positions they've adopted without reason.

buzzsawmonkey 11/18/2020 9:09:47 AM

In #13 lucius septimius said: As Kevin Williamson remarked the other day, you can't reason people out of positions they've adopted without reason.

I've been saying that for years.

@PBJ3 11/18/2020 10:13:43 AM

Gah, it looks like Nancy is going to be the Speaker of the House again, per Breitbart.

Occasional Reader 11/18/2020 10:18:46 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14:

The quote, or at least a variation thereon, is attributed to Jonathan Swift.

doppelganglander 11/18/2020 11:21:24 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 10:

I'm pretty goddamn tired of being told what we should or shouldn't be talking about by leftists. 

I will say this: if they want to keep going after Trump even though he's out of office, let them. The more time they waste on bullshit Investigations that lead nowhere,  the less time they'll have to ruin the country and trample our rights.

doppelganglander 11/18/2020 11:25:03 AM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 15:

Better the failure you know, I guess. She won't be able to get much done IMO because her majority is so thin. Does she really think members from swing districts are going to vote with the Squad? 

lucius septimius 11/18/2020 2:43:53 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 18:

She's what, 80?  One wonders how much longer she can go on.  An old addled president, an old addled speaker -- the Dems really are putting their best feet forward ...

Occasional Reader 11/18/2020 2:48:02 PM

In #19 lucius septimius said: An old addled president, an old addled speaker -- the Dems really are putting their best feet forward ...

Not to worry, they have a crop of absolutely insane 30 somethings coming up behind.

doppelganglander 11/18/2020 3:47:40 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 19:

Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:

I'm not sure which is worse. I kind of want GenX to step in - on the whole, they seem much more level-headed than the generations before or since.

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