The Daily Broadside

Thanksgiving Day!

Posted on 11/26/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 11/21/2020 4:40:29 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 6:21:18 AM
Good morning and happy Thanksgiving! Despite all the troubles of the year 2020, I have a lot to be thankful for, most among them my wonderful little boy who galloped into my room this morning and gave me a cheerful “good morning!“ and a big hug.
buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 6:42:37 AM
I am very thankful for this island of sanity amidst the madness of the Internet and the lunacies of life.
lucius septimius 11/26/2020 6:48:34 AM
Gobble gobble!
Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 7:06:55 AM

In #2 buzzsawmonkey said: I am very thankful for this island of sanity amidst the madness of the Internet

That’s exactly the sort of thing I’d expect you commie Christ-killing Jews to say!!!111!!!


Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 7:07:37 AM

Leftists self-report very high rates of mental illness:

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 7:24:57 AM

In honor of the traditional Thanksgiving menu, here's Fred Astaire singing "The Yam" with Ray Noble's Orchestra

Ginger Rogers sings the song in the film "Carefree," but I cannot find a clip from the film of her doing so. Here, however, are she and Fred Astaire doing the dance sequence which follows. Angry feminist types are fond of saying that "Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, except backwards and in high heels!", which only shows that they've never seen the two dance together. It will be immediately apparent that they mostly dance as equals, side by side:

lucius septimius 11/26/2020 7:39:53 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

They also forget that, Hermes Pan notwithstanding, Astaire did pretty much all his own choreography.  Each dance is intricately planned out and flawlessly executed.  I read once that after shooting one full take of one dance sequence, they had to shoot a second.  Comparing the two cuts, Astaire's movements, gestures, everything were identical between the two takes.

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 7:48:35 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:


By the way, "The Yam" is referenced in Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man"; after the unnamed narrator is hospitalized following an explosion at the paint factory where he was seeking a job, he is released, and encounters a street-seller of sweet potatoes when he returns to Harlem.  He purchases two of them and holds them aloft in his hands the way Astaire and Rogers do in the "Yam Dance"---and he references the Popeye "I yam what I yam" line just as Ray Noble does on the record with Astaire.

It is one of the many subtle jazz references in "Invisible Man."

Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 7:49:21 AM

Happy Thanksgiving, and remember how the Pilgrims celebrated - Take an Indian to Lunch///


doppelganglander 11/26/2020 8:00:07 AM
Happy Thanksgiving! This year I'm very thankful for my job, my sweet BF, and my family, especially my new granddaughter. Oh, and you mugs - despite changes of venue, this has been my internet home for many years, and I appreciate you all more than I can say.
Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 8:11:23 AM

This year, we're having chicken; easier to cook and easier to handle leftovers.

But this was our turkey in 2017

Alice in Dairyland 11/26/2020 9:41:15 AM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: But this was our turkey in 2017

Have you finally eaten up all the leftovers from it yet?  Seriously, that looks great and I don't even like turkey.  It's a roasted chicken for us on Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who are fortunate to be a "member" here.  I am thankful for all of you.

Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 9:53:43 AM

Joe Biden solemnly invokes the Bible’s “palmist”:

Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 10:19:17 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 12:

We did eat all the leftovers by now. Took a while (a lot gets frozen right away)

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 11:41:42 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

He was actually quoting a gypsy fortune teller, unaware that the fortune teller was quoting Psalms to him.

lucius septimius 11/26/2020 11:43:29 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13: 

To be fair, old time Catholics didn't read the Bible.

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 11:43:50 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13: Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

Remember, Biden is actually a Roma Catholic---and it's because he is aRoma that he is constantly sniffing girls' hair...

Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 11:44:04 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

Cross Hunter Biden's palm with gold and your fortune will improve

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 11:44:38 AM

In #16 lucius septimius said: To be fair, old time Catholics didn't read the Bible.

They just looked at the pictures.  Thank Heaven for Gustave Dore!

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 11:45:49 AM

In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: Cross Hunter Biden's palm with gold and your fortune will improve

The evolutionary throwback known as C'mon Man was a Hunter-Gatherer.

Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 12:00:07 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

has anyone checked Joe's lifeline lately?

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 12:04:33 PM

In #21 Occasional Reader said: has anyone checked Joe's lifeline lately?

I don't think it's necessary; he's already a millionaire, so he doesn't need help answering questions.

Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 12:07:41 PM
Just looking at the photo at the top of this thread, grandma has some pretty incredible core strength!
Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 12:24:02 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 23:

I also note that turkey has smaller breasts than todays' turkeys. I know turkeys have been bred for breast size, so that might explain the difference, or it could have been artistic license/

doppelganglander 11/26/2020 12:40:12 PM
Recipe books are full of lies. My 14 pounder was supposed to cook in 3.5-4 hours. Nearly 4 hours in and it's still pale and bloody, and it's not even stuffed.
lucius septimius 11/26/2020 12:54:26 PM

In #25 doppelganglander said: it's still pale and bloody

A revenant bird?

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 12:54:30 PM

In #25 doppelganglander said: My 14 pounder

You have cannon?

lucius septimius 11/26/2020 1:10:42 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 26:y

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 27:

Load the turkey in the cannon and I'm sure it will cook very quickly.

Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 1:17:45 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 25:

There is always Plan B:

lucius septimius 11/26/2020 1:22:20 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

One of the best bits from a great show.

Bob Newhart's specialty was playing straight-man to the unheard voice on the other side of a telephone call.

Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 1:37:47 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 25:

Did you thaw it first?///

Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 1:42:23 PM
Wild turkeys visited. Pictures later. Was waiting for them to fly but they didn't. Wild turkeys can fly
Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 1:58:11 PM
Eating dinner while watching Deadliest Catch
buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 2:32:45 PM

In #33 Kosh's Shadow said: Deadliest Catch

The Deadliest Catch is the one on the screen door that snags the lanyard around your neck when you're not paying attention.  Something like that can really mess you up.

Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 3:51:25 PM
Note to restaurants and caterers: a classic Thanksgiving dinner really does not need improving upon. When you do twice as much salt and lots of garlic and other assorted strong spices, you are not making it a better meal. 

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 4:11:53 PM

In #35 Occasional Reader said: When you do twice as much salt and lots of garlic and other assorted strong spices, you are not making it a better meal. 

No...but they are covering up the use of inferior ingredients with strong spices.

doppelganglander 11/26/2020 4:28:01 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 31:

Yes, I thawed it. When it was finally cooked, it was one of the best I've made in the 35 years I've been making turkey. A lot of cooking is just guesstimating. 

Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 4:41:48 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 37:

I figured you did thaw it; used/

Although sometimes I have thawed them the recommended number of days to find ice inside.

Today, the chicken breasts I made were the best I made

doppelganglander 11/26/2020 4:48:40 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 38:

Great job on the chicken. I started thawing this bird Sunday night and it was still an iceberg yesterday, so I did the water in the sink method.

Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 4:50:09 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 36:

I actually apologized to my son that the thanksgiving dinner was not as good as I thought it would be. He replied, very philosophically, “it’s OK, not all food tastes good all the time.”

buzzsawmonkey 11/26/2020 4:51:43 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 40:

Wise young man.

I look forward to meeting him some day.

Kosh's Shadow 11/26/2020 5:01:17 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 39:

They say a day for every 4 lb, but I find it takes longer. Even in the sink, some ice remains inside the bird. Very hard to thaw properly in the sink method.

Occasional Reader 11/26/2020 5:08:58 PM

In #39 doppelganglander said: started thawing this bird Sunday night and it was still an iceberg yesterday,

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