The Daily Broadside

Saturday, enjoy!

Posted on 11/28/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 11/21/2020 4:43:54 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 11/28/2020 6:55:38 AM

Good morning.


Kosh's Shadow 11/28/2020 8:21:42 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Reminds me of how I'd like to ask those with "Hate has no home here" signs if they'd take in Syrian refugees.

I doubt they'd answer affirmatively. And if they did, I'd point out Syrians mostly hate Jews (taught that since kindergarten). Would they still take some in?

Kosh's Shadow 11/28/2020 8:40:31 AM

World’s only Warhawk from Pearl Harbor restored and in Massachusetts

I did not know of that museum; will have to get there.

Kosh's Shadow 11/28/2020 8:44:26 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

OK, that museum is part of the Collings Foundation, which I did know about. Went to a Wings of Freedom tour a few years ago. They owned the B-17 that crashed about a year later (the B-17 was not at the show I was at; it had engine problems and couldn't make it)

Link to my album of that show

turn 11/28/2020 9:16:48 AM

In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: They owned the B-17 that crashed about a year later (the B-17 was not at the show I was at; it had engine problems and couldn't make it)

About seven years ago I flew on the Nine-o-Nine, the plane that subsequently crashed. The Collins foundation brought the B-17 to Mather air base here in Sacramento. It was a bucket list wish for me to fly on the plane because my father flew 26 missions on one over Nazi Germany in WW2.

The crash was a real tragedy but should have never happened had the Collins Foundation maintained the plane appropriately. After reading the wiki about the circumstances surrounding the crash I feel somewhat fortunate that I made it through my flight in one piece! The official report on the crash is still pending and due out this month but apparently they jury rigged an engine magneto, among other things, in order to make the plane fly. Here is a wiki link to the incident.


turn 11/28/2020 9:45:46 AM

And for more local news, a shooting at Arden Fair mall yesterday has left two dead. The nationwide spike in shootings hits very close to my home. The liberal mayor, who also allowed the recent BLM and Antifa riots in downtown Sacramento to go unchecked by the police, has this to say;

We are deeply concerned by the increase in gun violence in Sacramento and other cities during the pandemic, and have supported increasing our efforts to reach young people at risk. A gun is never the answer," he said.

- As expected,  it’s always “gun violence” to blame with these libs as they do their best to de-police the city and create an environment that fosters this violence.


doppelganglander 11/28/2020 10:15:20 AM

Reply to turn in 6:

Malls are rapidly becoming unsafe all over the country. Atlanta's riots started downtown but pretty soon groups of peaceful protesters headed up to Buckhead, the most upscale part of the city, and ransacked what was once a very nice mall. Then there are garden variety shootings like the one you describe - that happens once or twice a month around here. I hate mall shopping anyway, but now I avoid them almost entirely.

Kosh's Shadow 11/28/2020 10:16:24 AM

Reply to turn in 5:

I note the flaps were retracted as well. Maybe the pilot did not want the drag, with two engines having problems, but when landing flaps are needed for lift at low speed. I doubt the pilots had the same kind of training for problems that they had during WWII.

The report indicates other possible pilot error as well. It appears the problem was with #4 engine, and its propellers were feathered, but the #3 engine had its props near the feathered position, indicating perhaps the wrong propellers were feathered as well.

turn 11/28/2020 10:50:47 AM

In #7 doppelganglander said: Then there are garden variety shootings like the one you describe - that happens once or twice a month around here.

Understood, things are much worse elsewhere in the nation. Fortunately so far these types of shootings are rather uncommon here in Sacramento. I’m concerned that they will be on an uptick now, just as they are across the nation. It’s just not something I’ve become accustomed to (nor do I want to) especially this close to home. Troubling times ahead.

turn 11/28/2020 11:01:02 AM

In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: The report indicates other possible pilot error as well

Despite the engine problem I’m assuming pilot error had a good deal to do with the crash, like coming down 1000 feet short of the runway. It seems to me that a more experienced pilot would have been able to avoid that even with one engine out.

Kosh's Shadow 11/28/2020 11:01:09 AM

In #9 turn said: Troubling times ahead.

And I doubt the Harris administration will do much about it. 

Kosh's Shadow 11/28/2020 11:15:40 AM

In #10 turn said: Despite the engine problem I’m assuming pilot error had a good deal to do with the crash, like coming down 1000 feet short of the runway. It seems to me that a more experienced pilot would have been able to avoid that even with one engine out.

The pilot was experienced, but iirc in his 70's, so more easily overwhelmed with all that was going on. The flaps should have been down; I am reasonably sure of that. No flaps, less lift.

The B-17 wasn't exactly easy to fly even in good condition. Those old piston engines were complicated, with magneto controls, carb heat, turbocharger, and other manual controls.

Lots of videos on youtube about how to fly the B-17 (link)

Occasional Reader 11/28/2020 11:19:18 AM

In #5 turn said: my father flew 26 missions on one over Nazi Germany in WW2.

I may have asked you this before, but have you seen the movie “the cold blue“?

My hat is off to your dad for his service, most dangerous job an American servicemen could have in the war.

turn 11/28/2020 11:19:45 AM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: And I doubt the Harris administration will do much about it. 

Want to make a bet on that? She’ll attack our second amendment rights with a vengeance, in her mind that will be doing something about it!/

Occasional Reader 11/28/2020 11:20:25 AM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: And I doubt the Harris administration will do much about it.

On the contrary, these troubling times obviously call for redoubled efforts to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens; and to encourage more rioting in the name of social justice. Like she did before.

turn 11/28/2020 11:29:14 AM

In #12 Kosh's Shadow said: The pilot was experienced, but iirc in his 70's, so more easily overwhelmed with all that was going on.

Although he was “experienced” he likely didn’t have the training to deal with the mishap. As you pointed out, a WW2 pilot would have routinely had such training, no doubt in my mind either. They were trained to land under worse conditions as a matter of necessity during war.

turn 11/28/2020 11:39:50 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: I may have asked you this before, but have you seen the movie “the cold blue“? My hat is off to your dad for his service, most dangerous job an American servicemen could have in the war.

I haven’t seen the movie yet, thanks for the recommendation! I’ll check out the HBO channel and see if I can find it. And thank you for the kind words to my father, may he Rest In Peace.

Kosh's Shadow 11/28/2020 11:41:35 AM

In #14 turn said: Want to make a bet on that? She’ll attack our second amendment rights with a vengeance, in her mind that will be doing something about it!/

As we know, those guns used in "gun violence" aren't legally owned. My wife's criminal clients can get guns illegally more easily than I can legally. She's had several cases with illegal guns. 

turn 11/28/2020 11:43:12 AM

Reply to turn in 17:

Trailer available HERE

turn 11/28/2020 11:54:27 AM

In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: As we know, those guns used in "gun violence" aren't legally owned. My wife's criminal clients can get guns illegally more easily than I can legally. She's had several cases with illegal guns. 

Whether legal or illegal it’s not the guns that commit violence, violent people do. We all know the liberal fallacy about “gun violence”, yet they continue to delude themselves. 

Kosh's Shadow 11/28/2020 12:44:50 PM

In #20 turn said: Whether legal or illegal it’s not the guns that commit violence, violent people do. We all know the liberal fallacy about “gun violence”, yet they continue to delude themselves. 

I know. My point was that they are using this as an excuse to confiscate guns, but that will not make a difference, because they will be confiscating them from legal owners, who are not the ones causing the "gun violence". But their intention is to increase the need for government.

Sometimes, I wonder if the point of the riots is to put private stores out of business so people will require the government to supply food and other goods. Riots and COVID will put a lot of businesses out of business. I think when businesses in Portland, Seattle Minneapolis, and some other cities get their next insurance premiums, they will find they double or more, or they might just not get renewed.

turn 11/28/2020 3:49:26 PM

In #21 Kosh's Shadow said: My point was that they are using this as an excuse to confiscate guns, but that will not make a difference, because they will be confiscating them from legal owners, who are not the ones causing the "gun violence". But their intention is to increase the need for government.

Understood, and so true Kosh. 

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