The Daily Broadside

Wednesday, half way!

Posted on 12/16/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 12/13/2020 7:28:01 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 12/16/2020 5:11:20 AM

Morning, campers. Sneaux is falling, but it doesn't look like we're going to have much accumulation here. 

I spent time last night watching the documentary on the election produced by Epoch Times and NTD, and while I'm really getting tired of all the video of the primary researcher in the documentary (seriously? Do I need to see him looking thoughtfully over the train tracks and the streets?), he seems to have good research on the Chinese money behind the Dominion voting machines. Of course, it takes him over an hour to get to that point, and then the pace of the video seems to really speed up. That makes it harder to keep up with all the names and businesses of Chinese entities that are behind this--but of course, that is part of the Chinese process, to put as many levels between them and the end destination of their money. 

But UBS does not come out pretty in the end. 

Occasional Reader 12/16/2020 5:48:41 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

We live in strange times when we have to turn to a new service provided by Falun Gong in order to give us actual, important news.  And yet, here we are.

vxbush 12/16/2020 6:00:36 AM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: We live in strange times when we have to turn to a new service provided by Falun Gong in order to give us actual, important news.  And yet, here we are.

Yes, it is strange, and occasionally someone in the organization decides to make a video that comes across as a horror movie with scary music and weird shadows. But for the most part the evidence they present is solid. Their video on the Wuhan virus presented a microbiologist who had some serious issues and that tainted that video, but that's the only one I have found to be on the dicey side. 

buzzsawmonkey 12/16/2020 6:25:15 AM
Yesterday, as I was leaving a doctor’s appointment, I was waiting at the intersection and saw a Korean SUV with an electric menorah on top of it, heading back to Crown Heights.  

It was a Chanu-Kia! Really!

Occasional Reader 12/16/2020 7:19:43 AM

In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: a Korean SUV with an electric menorah

The Chosin People! 

vxbush 12/16/2020 7:23:29 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: The Chosin People! 
In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: It was a Chanu-Kia! Really!


vxbush 12/16/2020 9:11:27 AM
The data doesn't support the insanity we're seeing. 
JCM 12/16/2020 9:30:25 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

Didn't from the beginning.

Getting worse all the time.

Age of universal deceit.

Occasional Reader 12/16/2020 9:34:57 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7: Reply to JCM in 8:

I note that a popular mask among the Democrats/leftists is emblazoned with the slogan, "BECAUSE DR. FAUCI SAID SO."

From "Question Authority" to "Obey Authority, Without Question",  in one generation.   Amazing. 

JCM 12/16/2020 9:38:33 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

Dr. Fauci Mar. 8, 2020.

there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask

Based on all the science for flu pandemics at the time.

Suddenly with no contravening science, mask, shutdowns and social distancing became "the science".

Occasional Reader 12/16/2020 9:39:43 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:


JCM 12/16/2020 9:42:05 AM

Reply to JCM in 10:

Simple question I would like answered.

At the end of March, mask, shutdowns and distancing would stop the virus.

After 9 months it apparently has not worked, why would it start working now?

Occasional Reader 12/16/2020 9:43:07 AM

Reply to JCM in 10:

"Science" means whatever the Party wants it to mean, at any given moment, Comrade. 

Occasional Reader 12/16/2020 9:43:59 AM

In #12 JCM said: At the end of March, mask, shutdowns and distancing would stop the virus. After 9 months it apparently has not worked, why would it start working now?

Because, just as is the case with socialism, the fact that it's not working proves that we need more of it.

Next question? 

Occasional Reader 12/16/2020 9:45:50 AM
In happier news, my shoulder holster rig finally arrived. 
JCM 12/16/2020 9:47:31 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

New Lysenkoism.

Science is crafted to support the party line.

JCM 12/16/2020 9:55:09 AM

Wait till they apply the lessons learned from the covid response to "global warming".

Climate is a public health emergency. You can't drive your car, you must use mass transit.

Unconstitutional you say? The courts say in a public health emergency the experts rule not the Constitution.

Occasional Reader 12/16/2020 10:00:33 AM

In #17 JCM said: Wait till they apply the lessons learned from the covid response to "global warming".

I have heard influential “progressives“ explicitly champing at the bit to do that.

buzzsawmonkey 12/16/2020 10:07:11 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: note that a popular mask among the Democrats/leftists is emblazoned with the slogan, "BECAUSE DR. FAUCI SAID SO." From "Question Authority" to "Obey Authority, Without Question",  in one generation.   Amazing. 


I'm tired of the Faucists and their Great Doc-tator.

buzzsawmonkey 12/16/2020 10:08:56 AM

In #16 JCM said: New Lysenkoism.

Isn't Lysenko™ the favored surface disinfectant/hand-sanitizer?

vxbush 12/16/2020 10:46:50 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: Related

The recommendations put together by the CDC say that children *over* 2 should wear the mask, but it does not require it for children *under* 2. This page was even more explicit and said children under 2 should not wear masks.

So why was United doing this? I suspect it was a virtue demonstration. The airlines are clinging to their business models by the barest of fingernails, and they have to get flying again in order to keep the businesses afloat. They know that there will be a Karen who will demand that the child have a mask on, despite the CDC recommendation. 

vxbush 12/16/2020 10:49:11 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: From "Question Authority" to "Obey Authority, Without Question",  in one generation.   Amazing. 

With great power comes great responsibility opportunities. 

vxbush 12/16/2020 10:55:09 AM

In #12 JCM said: Simple question I would like answered. At the end of March, mask, shutdowns and distancing would stop the virus. After 9 months it apparently has not worked, why would it start working now?

The media and legislators seem to be taking the position that it hasn't worked yet because we aren't following the guidance, despite the fact that most people are.

In the beginning, I had no problem with the guidance, because I knew it was early in the virus release and more research would be coming. But despite the research showing that no behavior is going to prevent this virus, it has been de rigeur now for months. 

I fully expect that after the vaccine is deployed and everyone gets their shots, there will be another virus of some sort that will require exactly the same sort of masking and insanity. If it isn't a virus, it will be something else to enforce compliance on the people without any evidence to support it. 

In #18 Occasional Reader said: In #17 JCM said: Wait till they apply the lessons learned from the covid response to "global warming". I have heard influential “progressives“ explicitly champing at the bit to do that.

Yes, that seems to be where they are headed; using the actions of COVID restrictions to demonstrate that we can correct climate change by restricting behaviors. Snort. Let's just ignore that big shining ball in the sky that we know affects temperatures. That doesn't help the LLLeft gain the control they want, so other measures must be used. 

At what point do we get to say to them, "You've made enough money. Now let others earn it, like me so I can support my family." Bill Gates, I'm looking at you. 

buzzsawmonkey 12/16/2020 10:55:48 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: From "Question Authority" to "Obey Authority, Without Question",  in one generation.   Amazing. 

Remember when "dissent was the highest form of patriotism" because the Left wasn't in power?  Listen, if you can stomach it, to the Left on NPR pre-emptively delegitimizing any dissent from the New Order.

JCM 12/16/2020 11:00:07 AM

Reply to vxbush in 21:

Just looked at the CDC 96 deaths from COVID in the under 14 groups.

If apply the rules for the over counting to that it means in reality 24 deaths under 14.

Journal of Pediatrics reported rarely transmit COVID, I mean like a dozen cases world wide.

Lysenkoism Rules!

JCM 12/16/2020 11:03:57 AM

Oh, the new thing is Covid Like Illness.

Basically any flu like upper respiratory illness is "Covid Like" and being counted as COVID.

buzzsawmonkey 12/16/2020 11:11:13 AM

In #26 JCM said: Oh, the new thing is Covid Like Illness.

Is "Covid Like" anything resembling a Facebook "Like?"

vxbush 12/16/2020 12:16:04 PM

In #26 JCM said: Basically any flu like upper respiratory illness is "Covid Like" and being counted as COVID.

Yes, and that way even if the test comes back negative they can count it as a COVID illness. Sounds like cheating to me, but sure, epidemiologists are Science Driven™️.

JCM 12/16/2020 1:17:47 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

WUWT – big changes, returning to a ‘war footing’ on climate

With the likely installation of a Biden administration comes a renewed and likely vicious climate war.

I have inside information that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) will be pushing the Biden administration, calling for prominent climate skeptics, and climate skeptical organizations to be put on investigations and “show trials” for daring to question the consensus. There may be worse than that coming, as he seems to genuinely believe we’ve committed some sort of crime and should be punished for it. Make no mistake, it’s coming.

I suspect I’ll be personally targeted as well.

While it’s been an easy ride during the Trump administration with him pulling out of the Paris agreement, bringing the gestapo-like EPA back to sensibility, eliminating WOTUS rules, appointing prominent climate skeptics to NOAA, and many other things, we now face a renewed “in your face” series of actions by the Biden administration to make batting the invisible boogeyman of climate change not just a priority, but a declared war.

Hence, eliminating and/or neutralizing the climate skeptics. It’s war psyops 101 – eliminate/neutralize competing voices and media outlets.

To that end, I’m not going down without a fight. I hope you won’t either.

buzzsawmonkey 12/16/2020 2:04:44 PM

Anybody remember "Cappy Dick," a crusty old-salt sea captain in the Sunday comics who'd say, "Hey, kids! Try for these prizes!" ...and there'd be puzzles for you to solve.

Today, they'd probably have a crusty old drag queen, "Loppy Dick," who'd say, "Hey, kids! Try for these guises!"

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