The Daily Broadside

Sunday I slept in late thread!

Posted on 12/20/2020 7.40 AM

JCM 12/20/2020 7:42:53 AM

Posted by: JCM

buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2020 8:52:37 AM

"Alamy Stock Photo"

Alamy, why not take Alamy?

Can't you see they have the stock photos?

Occasional Reader 12/20/2020 9:40:18 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:


Occasional Reader 12/20/2020 9:41:58 AM

How do you say “cutting off your nose to spite your face“ in Mandarin?

Kosh's Shadow 12/20/2020 9:51:22 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

The Aussies are doing their part to cut CO2 emissions.
Who needs the Paris accords when you have the Canberra accords?

buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2020 10:15:53 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: How do you say “cutting off your nose to spite your face“ in Mandarin?

Is this a multiple-choice, or an Aussie question?

lucius septimius 12/20/2020 10:43:01 AM
We went to church this morning for the first time since before COVID.  
buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2020 11:43:24 AM

In #6 lucius septimius said: We went to church this morning for the first time since before COVID.  


I have an image of the anti-worship Democrats who are using covid as an excuse for shutdowns saying to churches, "A pox on you, mine goodly Host."

lucius septimius 12/20/2020 11:50:15 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7:

The church I used to go to, which has gone totally woke in the last two years, is shut down because of the performative virtue possibilities offered by COVID.

This was a traditional parish which rejects the PC enthusiasms in favor of (*gasp*!) actually following the liturgy!!!!

buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2020 12:54:19 PM

I was a Representative
She had things that she said she'd give
I was white and she was yellow
She said, "Oh, you nice big fellow"

Fang Fang, she did go down
Fang Fang, I came around
Fang Fang, she'd let me pound
Fang Fang, I was caught with pants down...

---Eric "Cher and Cher Alike" Swalwell

Occasional Reader 12/20/2020 1:51:33 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

Nicely played.

Occasional Reader 12/20/2020 2:15:48 PM


buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2020 2:20:32 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

Well, that's disturbing.  Unsurprising, but disturbing.

buzzsawmonkey 12/20/2020 2:21:11 PM
Remember:  If Amazon delivered babies, the Democrats would be anti-abortion.

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