The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/27/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 12/25/2020 2:37:18 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 12/27/2020 6:34:09 AM
Can I order a different breakfast? Too much tomato in that one, and fried egg is my least favorite kind of egg.
JCM 12/27/2020 8:27:11 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

I am sorry breakfast was not to your satisfaction!

JCM 12/27/2020 9:14:21 AM

RE: Nashville Bombing.

Reading today it may have been someone paranoid about 5G phone service.

*shurg* Maybe.

If it was a Trump supporter that would be wallpapering the media. So it wasn't a Trump supporter.

BLM / PANTIFA? Then it would be we don't know the motive and don't know who, they would be trotting out a name for anyone to run down and connect to those groups.

Same with an Islamic group, We'd have even less information out of the media.

Therefore it seems the mostly scenario is someone with a beef with AT&T for some reason.

buzzsawmonkey 12/27/2020 10:08:52 AM
There is nothing so churlish as a Leftist claiming victory.
Occasional Reader 12/27/2020 11:31:56 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

To what, in particular, are you referring?

doppelganglander 12/27/2020 11:56:30 AM

Reply to JCM in 3:

My boyfriend the retired cop thinks the guy was just a nut with no political ax to grind. The AT&T/5G angle would fit with that. The case that immediately came to mind was George Metesky, the Mad Bomber, who set over 30 explosive devices around NYC in the late 40s and early 50s. He had an obsession with Con Ed because he felt he'd been treated unfairly over a workplace injury years earlier.

Interestingly, if you google his name, it pops up as George Metesky, American Electrician. Really.

buzzsawmonkey 12/27/2020 12:06:26 PM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: To what, in particular, are you referring?

Oh, I was just watching the Leftist trolls caper and gloat over at PJM.  

Kosh's Shadow 12/27/2020 12:25:47 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 6:

Suspect identified, but no motive supplied (article)

The suspect allegedly behind the Christmas Day bombing in downtown Nashville has been identified as 63-year-old Anthony Quinn Warner, two law enforcement sources confirmed to Fox News.

Authorities believe Warner owned the RV that exploded in downtown Nashville early Friday, sources said. He also is believed to be deceased from the blast.

Metro Nashville Police Department Spokesman Don Aaron confirmed Warner's identity to the Associated Press on Sunday. He did not provide any more details. However, Warner had experience with electronics and alarms, according to public records.

Sounds like someone with a grudge against ATT, or maybe another business there.

Kosh's Shadow 12/27/2020 1:41:29 PM

And the Nashville bombing already has a copyrat, er, copycat. But more a rat.

White box truck playing audio 'similar' to RV in Nashville explosion shuts down Tennessee highway

I hope this ends before ice cream truck season.

Occasional Reader 12/27/2020 2:24:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

I knew that was going to happen. The copycat idiots have to be swiftly identified and an example made of them. Federal terrorism charges, hard time. That will dissuade the others.

Kosh's Shadow 12/27/2020 2:54:57 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: And the Nashville bombing already has a copyrat, er, copycat. But more a rat. White box truck playing audio 'similar' to RV in Nashville explosion shuts down Tennessee highway I hope this ends before ice cream truck season.

OK, mister, Frosty, if that is your name. What's that music you're playing? Your truck gonna explode or somethin'?

No, I am selling ice cream!

What, you trying to bribe me? I'm in no Good Humor!

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