The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/31/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 12/27/2020 7:00:37 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 6:29:40 AM
On this New Year’s eve, I have an important announcement to make. 

Henceforth, I identify as Hilaria Baldwin.

Muchas gracias y feliz año nuevo.
Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 6:33:44 AM

France is to mobilise 100,000 police and gendarmes on New Year's Eve to break up parties and enforce a curfew imposed to combat coronavirus.

Note the photo of the armored-up gendarme toting a SMG.

This is the world the Progs WANT. 

buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2020 6:48:56 AM

Restaurant and bar owners, and owners of small businesses, are being treated the way Stalin treated the kulaks.

"First responders," "health workers," people working at the "essential businesses" that are permitted to remain open, and even the police---when they are not being attacked as racist killers and being defunded---are being exalted like the Stakhanovite worker-heroes in Stalin's Russia.

The ever-changing "science" used to justify the ever-changing "anti-virus" measures is pure Lysenkoism.

The populace at large is being urged to knuckle under and accept the masks and lockdowns and distancing "for the sake of others," because "we are all in this together [comrades]."

Those who object, and who do not bow before the politically-correct language and procedures, are purged"canceled."

Stalin famously said that it is not who votes that matters, but who counts the votes.

Stalinism has come to the United States.

  • lucius septimius 12/31/2020 6:57:40 AM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

    A friend of mine in Paris was going with some folk to their country house outside of Tours.  She said they had a app that would let them know where the police blockades were.  They made ok, but you have to wonder.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 6:59:18 AM

    In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: Stalinism has come to the United States.

    Perhaps just a *bit* of an overstatement.  Stalinism comes with seven- or eight-figure body counts.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 7:00:11 AM

    In #4 lucius septimius said: She said they had a app that would let them know where the police blockades were.

    O tempora O mores!

    buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2020 7:00:55 AM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

    Give it a little time.  The Puppet-elect hasn't taken office yet.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 7:08:27 AM

    Leftist eco-terrorists sabotage gas line in Colorado, cutting off heat to thousands in freezing temperatures; MSM ignores the story.

    lucius septimius 12/31/2020 7:09:50 AM

    In #6 Occasional Reader said: O tempora O mores!

    More likely anguilles than morays.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 7:13:31 AM

    Reply to lucius septimius in 9:

    As I have mentioned here before, I’d like to visit in Japanese restaurant one day and order the unagi and deep-fried vegetables, so I can taste them and exclaim, “O tempura O morays!”.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 7:14:10 AM

    In #10 Occasional Reader said: visit in

    = visit a

    /that was a “speako”

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 7:16:39 AM

    In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: Give it a little time.

    But I have to say the same thing to you that I said to Democrats four years ago who were screaming that “Trump is literally Hitler“. If you really believed that, you would not still be here. You’d be fleeing to [wherever].

    The Democrats, and the “progressives“ in general are awful. But they have a long way to go to reach Stalin proportions.

    lucius septimius 12/31/2020 7:18:35 AM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

    One of my favorite dishes is Una-don, teriyaki unagi on a bed of sushi rice.

    lucius septimius 12/31/2020 7:20:09 AM

    In #2 Occasional Reader said: This is the world the Progs WANT. 

    Which is why the whole "blue lives matter" thing leaves me rather cold.  We have seen that the police seem to have no problem enforcing tyranny.  While I don't want to see them "defunded" or whatever, I also do not trust them with the protection of my civil rights.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 7:24:32 AM

    In #14 lucius septimius said: that the police seem to have no problem enforcing tyranny

    With exceptions. Recall the various sheriffs departments who announced they would not enforce extreme lockdown measures, and/or regulations that violated the Second Amendment.

    Overall I admire police for doing a dangerous and dirty job, and manning the walls against the barbarians. But yes, most of them, most of the time, will basically follow orders. So the trick is to make sure we have good governance in the first place.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 7:26:16 AM

    Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

    For either one of us, eating Japanese food is an act of cultural appropriation. The only logically progressive course for either of us is to boycott any restaurant that does not serve exclusively white people food.


    lucius septimius 12/31/2020 7:35:49 AM

    In #15 Occasional Reader said: Recall the various sheriffs departments who announced they would not enforce extreme lockdown measures, and/or regulations that violated the Second Amendment.

    Those were notable exceptions. One would have liked to see more resistance. 

    Fish 12/31/2020 7:37:59 AM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

    I would say they are more like Leninist Russia. Idealistic,  believing they are the path of righteousness,  and becoming slightly more oppressive and totalitarian slowly every day so that no one notices the encroaching evil.

    buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2020 7:40:48 AM

    In #12 Occasional Reader said: If you really believed that, you would not still be here. You’d be fleeing to [wherever].

    Actually, I understand why people do not "flee to wherever."  

    I'd like to "flee" New York, yet I have no idea where, after 40+ years here, I would go to start life over at my age that would make the effort and upheaval worth it.  Financial considerations and difficulties aside, I've got over 60 years' accumulation of stuff---the 40 years' worth I've acquired here, plus articles from my mother's house, some of which represents my personal and professional life and some of which is simply items I value.  

    What do I do with that---walk away from it, or take it with me?  Figuring I've got maybe 20 years left, it is difficult to decide what to do, where to go, and how.

    lucius septimius 12/31/2020 7:42:53 AM

    In #15 Occasional Reader said: So the trick is to make sure we have good governance in the first place.

    Right on cue, the 10 worst governors of 2020. 

    JCM 12/31/2020 7:49:17 AM

    Reply to lucius septimius in 20:

    I'm shocked Inslee WA, Brown OR are on the list.

    vxbush 12/31/2020 8:04:03 AM

    Morning, campers. I have been shirking my online duties this week, and it has been magnificent. Personally, I'm loving it. 

    Don't know how closely people are following the news in Georgia, but I heard last night that the gentleman who developed the QR codes and the huge improvements in scanning paper to digital forms has not only requested the paper ballots (so he can analyze them--there is a good YouTube video he put out explaining why the paper is so important) but also that he was able to hack into a Dominion voting machine *during a hearing* where he was present. (It isn't clear if he did it himself or if he was reporting what his associates did, either in another room or online.) His primary goal is the paper ballots themselves, because he can read a lot about the scanning of the ballots from scanning the papers himself. (If I recall correctly, he can correct for whether this is the first time a document has been scanned or not.)

    So far, I have been impressed by his actions. He's been ignoring the whole issue of the programming of the machine, because you can only scan when you have ballots. He can tell a lot from those papers, probably enough to scare every single person who knows anything about the voting "behind the scenes," shall we say. 

    But will he get the light of day? We shall see. 

    Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2020 8:10:00 AM

    I've received a text and phone message from "MA COVID 19" - the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - saying not to spread COVID and stay at home New Years Eve.

    Well, we're not going to let them change our plans!

    Wait, our plans were to stay at home, the same as we have done for many years.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 8:11:05 AM

    In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: it is difficult to decide what to do, where to go, and how.

    Of course. But my point is, if you were truly, truly believed that we were on the verge of a Stalinist regime taking hold - complete with seven-figure body counts - you would just drop all that stuff and go.

    Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2020 8:11:48 AM

    In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: Actually, I understand why people do not "flee to wherever."  

    And things here aren't as bad as 1930's Germany - but even there, not that many Jews fled.

    Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2020 8:14:43 AM

    In #12 Occasional Reader said: The Democrats, and the “progressives“ in general are awful. But they have a long way to go to reach Stalin proportions.

    Wait until they try to enforce the "Green New Deal". If they really tried to force even 75% of it, there will be mass starvation in the US and elsewhere. I have yet to see how we can produce enough food and transport it without fossil fuels, and the environuts protest even green energy projects, so even if we could build and afford electric farm equipment, the generators and transmission lines would still be tied up in protests.

    Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2020 8:17:26 AM

    In #24 Occasional Reader said: Of course. But my point is, if you were truly, truly believed that we were on the verge of a Stalinist regime taking hold - complete with seven-figure body counts - you would just drop all that stuff and go.

    As I said in #25, Jews in 1930's Germany did not flee in sufficient numbers. Many tried, and failed because no place would take them, but many didn't even try to flee. 

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 8:28:22 AM

    In #27 Kosh's Shadow said: but many didn't even try to flee. 

    I saw an interesting comment on that phenomenon A couple of months ago, I think it was here but I don’t remember from whom.   (Maybe Lucius?). The commentor basically stated that Germany had traditionally been something of a *refuge* for European Jews, relatively speaking. So it seemed a rational choice to German Jews in the early 1930s to stay put, in the hopes of this whole Hitler thing blowing over.

    buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2020 9:10:30 AM
    The most popular new game for home amusement in 2021 will be Chinese Fact-Checkers.
    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 9:50:04 AM

    In #29 buzzsawmonkey said:

    This claim has been rated as “false”.

    Very truly yours,

    The Washington Post

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 9:55:39 AM
    So I just picked up my New Year’s eve dinner from the fishmarket that’s about a block from me. People were waiting on a line to get in, not a terrible line but a surprising one. 

    Now, I don’t consider myself a mask fanatic. I don’t walk around outside in the open air wearing a mask, I think it’s ridiculous to do so.  And I find it sardonically hilarious when I see people driving around alone, in (seemingly) their own cars, wearing a mask.


    There was a woman on this fish market line who showed up wearing a mask. And then, kept taking it off, specifically... TO COUGH.  Which she did, frequently. Uh, lady, if the mask is useful for anything, *it’s for exactly this*. I was getting ready to say something to her, but a little old lady stepped in first.  Coughing woman defensively declared that “it’s just allergies“.

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 10:22:06 AM

    In #20 lucius septimius said: ight on cue, the 10 worst governors of 2020. 

    Yay!  DC didn’t make the list!


    buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2020 10:39:30 AM

    In #30 Occasional Reader said: The Washington Post

    Bet you always wondered where the term "dumb as a Post" came from...

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 10:41:34 AM
    Goddamnit. I just found out that my ex got our son some Nintendo setup for Christmas. I was really hoping to keep him away from all the gaming nonsense, at least for another couple of years.
    buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2020 10:54:21 AM

    We don't go to churches in Muskogee

    We don't need oil because we ride the bus

    We moved from California just months ago

    And we think you rubes should all listen to us

    And I'm proud to be a wokie in Muskogee

    Proud to be a social justice warrior

    I fled high taxes, crime and cost of living

    But you should be more like where I once were...

    JCM 12/31/2020 10:56:21 AM
    Some dancin' to appreciate
    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 11:01:04 AM

    Reply to JCM in 36:

    Yes, I saw this Yesterday. As I commented: so now, not only will Skynet-linked terminator rolled out to kill us, they will also dance on our Graves. Just great.

    /and I’m just going to leave the random voice transcription capitalization as is, in order to marvel at it

    lucius septimius 12/31/2020 11:28:22 AM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 34:

    It's not such a bad thing, really.  For my kids, Nintendo was the gateway to learning programing. 

    JCM 12/31/2020 12:10:08 PM

    Reply to lucius septimius in 38:

    One of my boys wanted build his own PC for gaming. He spends as much time tweaking hardware, setup parameters and coding hacks as he does playing.

    That is all good in my book.

    PaladinPhil 12/31/2020 12:33:37 PM
    God I hate people. Spent the last few days managing line ups at work. Told the boss that I was at "Remove warning labels" stage while he helped me manage the hordes of useless mouths.
    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 12:58:34 PM

    In #37 Occasional Reader said: Skynet-linked terminator rolled out

    Sigh.  ROBOTS

    Occasional Reader 12/31/2020 1:02:05 PM

    Reply to JCM in 39:Reply to lucius septimius in 38:

    OK, but then I also hear from parents whose kids were sucked into gaming  and thereafter became practically mute, constantly absorbed in that activity and barely speaking to their families.

    Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2020 1:16:45 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 31:

    Here in Maskachusetts, you can be fined for being in a public place without a mask - even if there is no one else within miles (of course, in that case, how would they know?)

    JCM 12/31/2020 1:49:47 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 42:

    Rules and controls.

    Set guidelines for use.

    Also set parental controls on devices and networks.

    Some routers come with controls you can set up with limits on particular devices or groups of device.

    It's not hard to set up a server, and control everything via server permissions.

    lucius septimius 12/31/2020 1:56:33 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 42:

    I suppose it's a bit different having a bunch of them -- they play with each other as well as with their friends.

    Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2020 2:07:06 PM

    In #42 Occasional Reader said: OK, but then I also hear from parents whose kids were sucked into gaming  and thereafter became practically mute, constantly absorbed in that activity and barely speaking to their families.

    I think that is due to some unseen mental illness in the kids. It does happen, but it is a kind of addiction. 

    Kosh's Shadow 12/31/2020 2:09:56 PM

    The alligators are getting back in control of the swamp

    Biden pick for top Pentagon position hyped Steele dossier, Trump-Russia collusion claims

    President-elect Joe Biden's pick for a high-level Pentagon position hyped the since-discredited Steele dossier and Trump-Russian collusion narrative.

    The Biden transition team on Wednesday nominated Colin Kahl, who served as President Obama's and then-Vice President Biden's former national security adviser, as his undersecretary of defense for policy.

    Kahl in 2017 retweeted a "mega-thread" from Newsweek columnist Seth Abramson pushing Russian collusion theories that he called "intriguing" and "worth a closer look."

    The Obama adviser tweeted in March 2017 that "Trump's [T]witter account channeled anxiety over #RussiaGate" because the Steele dossier was "panning out." He did concede earlier that month, however, that there was "no publicly available info proving collusion btwn Team Trump & Russia during the campaign" but added that some details still struck him as "strange."

    In September 2017, Kahl tweeted that "Steele's Trump-Russia Dossier holds up pretty well," citing an op-ed from John Sipher, former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service.

    doppelganglander 12/31/2020 2:48:15 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 34:

    It may not be so bad. He's only with his mom half the time, so that limits his playing time. From what you've said, she seems very responsible so she'll supervise his play, I'm sure. 

    buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2020 3:07:51 PM
    It's New Year Sieve!
    buzzsawmonkey 12/31/2020 4:05:34 PM
    Better Things

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