The Daily Broadside

Saturday Morning

Posted on 01/16/2021 5.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 1/15/2021 7:27:52 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 1/16/2021 8:10:08 AM
Good morning. Is anything good happening, anywhere?
Occasional Reader 1/16/2021 8:47:47 AM

I guess not...

lucius septimius 1/16/2021 9:22:57 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

I made a very good dinner last night and slept in until almost 9:00.

Occasional Reader 1/16/2021 9:37:29 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 3:

okay!  See, that’s a start. What was the dinner?

doppelganglander 1/16/2021 9:38:06 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

I made pancakes. My milk had gone bad so I used almond milk. Gluten-free flour is temperamental anyway, and they weren't very good.

I guess that's not something good happening, at least at my house. Hopefully the barbecue pork tonight will turn out better.

Occasional Reader 1/16/2021 9:38:25 AM
And on my end, I also slept in until almost 9, and I have a dinner date with an attractive woman tonight.
turn 1/16/2021 9:41:46 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Occasional Reader 1/16/2021 9:54:56 AM

Reply to turn in 7:


turn 1/16/2021 9:56:45 AM

In #5 doppelganglander said: Hopefully the barbecue pork tonight will turn out better.

What time is dinner?/

The oldest son had the family over for a Shabu-Shabu dinner last night. He ordered take out from a local Japanese restaurant and it came with everything prepared to cook, they even included the butane fired cook pot. There was a wide range of ingredients including thin sliced pork, lamb, and three grades of Kobe beef. Also had prawns and lobster. Veggies included three different mushrooms, onions, kale, carrots, you name it. There were two types of noodles plus white rice. It sure was a lot of fun cooking right on the table, and it was delicious!

turn 1/16/2021 9:59:43 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:
We just got back from the river, the big lab there Jake managed to find a rotten salmon to roll in. Most of it came off by me tossing the stick in the river but I’m going to have to give him an outdoor bath here shortly. Damn dogs.

JCM 1/16/2021 10:06:06 AM
Dear g-d.... slept into 9:45 haven't done that in years.
Occasional Reader 1/16/2021 10:06:22 AM

In #9 turn said: Shabu-Shabu

That was the standard greeting from Mork?


JCM 1/16/2021 10:07:07 AM

Reply to turn in 10:

What you are not a connoisseur of odor du wet dog and rottne salmon, I hear it's all the rage in Paris this year!

turn 1/16/2021 10:07:25 AM

Reply to turn in 9:
The burner and cook pot, which was divided for two different cooking broths, only cost $30. They are selling them at cost to promote their take out business during the Covid lockdown. I thought that was a clever idea.

turn 1/16/2021 10:11:01 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

I miss Robin Williams, it’s just unimaginable someone that seemingly upbeat would suffer such severe depression. It can happen to the best of them, unfortunately.

turn 1/16/2021 10:16:40 AM

In #13 JCM said: What you are not a connoisseur of odor du wet dog and rottne salmon, I hear it's all the rage in Paris this year!

Those Frenchmen will cook anything ha!

This time of year I try my best at keeping to trails somewhat away from the river but today Jake snuck off and came back a few minutes later to surprise me with what he had found. Luckily this is the first time this season he’s rolled, my former lab Boo-Boo was just horrible at doing it. No way short of keeping him on the lede to avoid it.

doppelganglander 1/16/2021 10:25:27 AM

Reply to turn in 9:

Anything I might make would be very disappointing after a feast like that. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Occasional Reader 1/16/2021 10:34:34 AM

Reply to turn in 15:

if I recall correctly, he was depressed at least in part because he was suffering from a degenerative neurological disease, with no real hope of a cure or effective treatment, am I right about that?

JCM 1/16/2021 10:38:15 AM

Reply to turn in 15:

Worked with some who claimed to have known Robin.

Likely also Robin was bi-polar she said.

turn 1/16/2021 10:43:44 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:
Apparently so, something to do with Parkinson’s disease, via wiki:

The report also noted that Williams had been suffering from depression and anxiety.[13] An examination of his brain tissue suggested Williams suffered from "diffuse Lewy body dementia".[163] Describing the disease as "the terrorist inside my husband's brain", his widow Susan Schneider Williams said that "however you look at it—the presence of Lewy bodies took his life", referring to his previous diagnosis of Parkinson's.[14]

turn 1/16/2021 10:46:17 AM

In #19 JCM said: Likely also Robin was bi-polar she said.

He sure was able to conceal it to the public quite well, probably not so well from those close to him.

JCM 1/16/2021 10:47:45 AM

Reply to turn in 20:

I am struck often how great talent also often comes with a cost of mental issues.

lucius septimius 1/16/2021 11:32:12 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

Short ribs braised in red wine and veal stock with root vegetables. 

Occasional Reader 1/16/2021 12:09:09 PM

buzzsawmonkey 1/16/2021 4:47:06 PM

Apparently, according to the University of Michigan, "picnic" is now "racist" because it recalls lynchings, or something.

Have I said lately that these people are nuts?

Kosh's Shadow 1/16/2021 4:50:25 PM

In #25 buzzsawmonkey said: Apparently, according to the University of Michigan, "picnic" is now "racist" because it recalls lynchings, or something.

Didn't you learn anything from Yogi Bear? The brown bear had to steal pic-a-nic baskets from the white tourists because he wasn't being fed!

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