The Daily Broadside


Posted on 02/19/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 2/14/2021 11:50:13 AM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 2/19/2021 5:36:43 AM

Morning, folks. I so wanted to sleep in today, but I woke up way before my alarm. I think that should be illegal. 

We actually hit 20º yesterday, and we're going to do it again today. Almost feels like a heat wave. 

lucius septimius 2/19/2021 5:40:58 AM
Are there enough varieties of flatbread?
vxbush 2/19/2021 5:50:50 AM

In #2 lucius septimius said: Are there enough varieties of flatbread?

Nope. You always need one more. 

lucius septimius 2/19/2021 6:21:48 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Back two lifetimes ago, when I used to entertain regularly, I went overboard in the cracker aisle at the Farmer's Market.  This resulted in many subsequent comments on the luxuriant variety of snack crackers I served.

Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 6:54:06 AM
Good morning.  Early this morning I was dreaming that I was either filming JFK, or was JFK (kind of a combination), as he slipped out of the White House through a back kitchen door, then climbed into a waiting, jalopy-looking unmarked car with a couple of unmarked, ordinary-looking cars with USSS agents as escorts.  JFK (or I?) gets in the front seat of the beater-looking auto (it's so he can pass unnoticed, see), and a USSS agent in the back seat says, "hello, Mr. President , I'm Agent [Something] of the South American dvision; everything is ready."  He hands me an envelope that has a hotel room key in it to the Congressional Hotel (no idea if a hotel so-named exists here, or did at the time), and what I understand from all this is that JFK is on his way to a fairly-routine assignation with one or more hookers procured by the Secret Service somewhere in South America. 
PaladinPhil 2/19/2021 6:55:03 AM
Morning folks. Been really busy here. Got paperwork signed and I need to get moving now and get proper people informed. Including myself. Things aren't really looking too good. And I am sick of all this covid shit.
vxbush 2/19/2021 6:59:22 AM

In #4 lucius septimius said: This resulted in many subsequent comments on the luxuriant variety of snack crackers I served.

Hey--a good cracker is much harder to find than you might believe. Here in the Midwest we don't get all those fancy schmancy cracker choices in our stores. 

vxbush 2/19/2021 7:00:29 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Having delusions of grandeur again? / 

JCM 2/19/2021 7:19:06 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

The one in the picture is sangak. It's cooked on a bed of gravel.

When you go into the baker and ask for a fresh one, he'll pull it out of the oven, throw is spinning onto the floor over to you.

You say "Thank you".....

He just did you a favor by knocking all the loose gravel off.

JCM 2/19/2021 7:22:47 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Whatever you do.... don't go to Dallas.

Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 7:33:47 AM

Reply to JCM in 10:

no problem, the power is out there anyway.

JCM 2/19/2021 7:50:03 AM

More gov't incompetence.

Bremerton-Seattle ferry crossing down to one boat indefinitely

Some relevant points.

The ferries are part of the State Highway system.

This route is a major commuter route and during peak hours will have 3 boats.

The ferry system is supposedly "self funding" from fares. They don't audit the fare takers, union jobs and they can't replace them with machines. It's well know and several news stories have exposed how the fare takers skim millions from the till. But again because of the union they can't audit the tills.

The newest ferry is 10 years old, and among the smallest and way, way too expensive, some like 3x industry standard for comparable vessls. Several projects were cancelled for a variety of reasons, not green, enough, move the money to other pet projects... or pure political petties, the governor didn't like it was a republican bill that funded the construction.

At least I don't need the damn thing.....

vxbush 2/19/2021 8:14:13 AM

In #12 JCM said: At least I don't need the damn thing.....

Count your blessings. I was thinking of moving to Texas, but after this power fiasco I am rethinking my plans. 

Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 8:14:58 AM

Reply to JCM in 12:

First off, the very name of the type of vessel is problematic, and full of h8. 

Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 8:16:26 AM

In #13 vxbush said: Count your blessings. I was thinking of moving to Texas, but after this power fiasco I am rethinking my plans. 

It certainly does deal a blow to the image of Texas as a sort of haven, doesn't it.  The one area in which they went Blue, big time, was a rather critical one.  

doppelganglander 2/19/2021 8:29:22 AM

Reply to vxbush in 13:

There's a scene in The World According to Garp where Garp and his wife are looking at a house for sale. Suddenly a small aircraft flies directly into the house. Garp shouts with delight, "We'll take it!" His wife and the agent are perplexed. He responds, "When will that ever happen again?"

This is how I feel about the Texas blizzard and power failures. 

vxbush 2/19/2021 8:39:15 AM

In #15 Occasional Reader said: It certainly does deal a blow to the image of Texas as a sort of haven, doesn't it.  The one area in which they went Blue, big time, was a rather critical one.  

I'm hypothesizing that part of the reason why the Democrats are freaking out and going to such extreme measures to hold on to power (besides the fact that it is power and they want to be in control) is that the internet media is making what used to be local political stories more widely known, and more of these Democrat strongholds are being shown for mismanaged disasters they are. 

vxbush 2/19/2021 8:44:07 AM

In #16 doppelganglander said: This is how I feel about the Texas blizzard and power failures. 

You may be right, but the green fixation on windmill power does not bode well for the energy capabilities of Texas during extremely hot summers, either, when electrical loads will be high to run AC units. 

Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 9:18:03 AM

In #18 vxbush said: You may be right, but the green fixation on windmill power does not bode well for the energy capabilities of Texas during extremely hot summers, either, when electrical loads will be high to run AC units. 

I'm hoping this was a yuuuge wakeup call for the mostly-fairly-sane Texas political establishment.  Of course, it will require years of infrastructure buildout to remedy the problem. 

Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 9:42:41 AM

FEMA sent emergency generators to Texas.

Shockingly, they're not wind turbine or solar powered.... 

Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 9:49:20 AM
Chicago; Democrats;Biden: Corruption.
doppelganglander 2/19/2021 9:56:14 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

Indeed. If wind power could work anywhere, it would be West Texas. I lived there for several months and the wind nearly drove me mad. Perhaps we could impose heavy taxes on green energy to subsidize oil and natural gas infrastructure. 

buzzsawmonkey 2/19/2021 10:00:08 AM

The Capitol Hill Wind Farm supplies endless Greenback Energy to its parasitic dependents.

  • Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 10:02:47 AM

    In #22 doppelganglander said: Indeed. If wind power could work anywhere

    One of the best places in the world for wind power, in theory, is an area off the coast of Patagonia, Argentina.  Near-constant wind.  Nevertheless, wind projects there have failed, spectacularly.  

    Kosh's Shadow 2/19/2021 11:15:31 AM

    Leftists are blaming the Texas blackouts on the reliance on natural gas and other fossil fuels.

    What a load of BS. New England largely relies on natural gas for electricity, but the outages in ice and snow storms is only due to downed power lines, and we have a LOT more ice and snow. 

    Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 12:24:22 PM

    In #25 Kosh's Shadow said: Leftists are blaming the Texas blackouts on the reliance on natural gas and other fossil fuels.

    Oh, and they can demonstrate that those supplies ran out... right?  

    Occasional Reader 2/19/2021 12:25:10 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 26:

    The Green New Deal -  Dizzy With Success!

    Kosh's Shadow 2/19/2021 1:01:31 PM

    In #26 Occasional Reader said: Oh, and they can demonstrate that those supplies ran out... right?  

    The only demonstrations leftist knows are -- demonstrations with signs, puppets, etc.

    buzzsawmonkey 2/19/2021 1:32:41 PM

    What's the difference between Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" and New York City's "Bill deBlasio's Butt Butter?"


    Kosh's Shadow 2/19/2021 3:29:38 PM
    Image from the descent stage of Perseverance lander being lowered to Mars

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