The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/14/2021 6.00 AM

JCM 3/13/2021 1:03:01 PM

Posted by: JCM

PaladinPhil 3/14/2021 6:01:14 AM
It appears DST is affecting scheduled posts.
Alice in Dairyland 3/14/2021 7:37:50 AM
I must be the only one who loves DST.  I wish we stayed on it year round here.  I like that the sun doesn't come up so early and that it stays lighter longer in the evening.  I am not a morning person, so I really don't care if it is dark in the morning; but I hate for the day to end, so I want the light to stay as long as possible.  The worst part of winter is when it gets dark at 4:30pm.  I get so depressed in the winter. I would have made a good bear.  I truly could just sleep through the entire thing.
Alice in Dairyland 3/14/2021 7:43:21 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 1:

Phil, I hope the situation with your Mom is improving.  I have to thank you though.  You're making me think more of my own mother lately.  It doesn't bring her back, but it does bring her closer again.

Occasional Reader 3/14/2021 8:26:38 AM

In #1 PaladinPhil said: It appears DST is affecting scheduled posts.


oh, you said DST, not DJT

Alice in Dairyland 3/14/2021 8:30:56 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: DAMN YOU, TRUMP!!!

There ya go!  Donald Trump can even make the sun shine late into the darkness.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 9:02:26 AM

As I said about DST:

As for Daylight Scamming Time

If the government said we're moving the workday and schoolday an hour early, people would complain.

So they do it but claim the hours are the same. 

No. Noon is an hour after highest sun angle. They are just relabeling the hours. A SCAM.

Let them just be honest about it - move the workday 8-4.

Maybe it is my astronomy background - noon is when the Sun is highest in the sky (allowing for the fact that we have time zones, so this is approximate, but I can understand not having different times for locations not that far away)

We're now calling that I PM.

Alice in Dairyland 3/14/2021 9:13:31 AM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Let them just be honest about it - move the workday 8-4.

When I was still working, my employer let me choose my hours (within reason).  I chose 7am to 3pm.  If I were to work until 4pm, I would have gotten home after dark during most of standard time.  Like I said, I prefer DST, but that's just me.  Your mileage may vary.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 9:23:23 AM
So looks like there were a lot more posts in the Pub after I changed the clocks and went to bed. 12:45, no, 11:45 as it was still standard time.
Occasional Reader 3/14/2021 9:30:49 AM

In #5 Alice in Dairyland said: There ya go!  Donald Trump can even make the sun shine late into the darkness.

Well, Obama caused sea levels to stop rising, so it seems only fair.

Occasional Reader 3/14/2021 9:32:34 AM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: noon is when the Sun is highest in the sky

And/or, when Frank MIller and his gang arrive in town.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 9:55:38 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

The sun is highest at ... High Noon

Alice in Dairyland 3/14/2021 10:08:53 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: so it seems only fair.

And as we all know now, all things in life must be fair now.  Wouldn't want to hurt anybody's feelings now, would we?

PaladinPhil 3/14/2021 10:09:15 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 3:

Still waiting on visitation procedures and scheduling. Right now they are focusing on pain management. There are a few other issues involved and I found out about "patient navigators" this week. *spit*

Alice in Dairyland 3/14/2021 10:13:12 AM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: The sun is highest at ... High Noon

I say we change things up a bit.  How about basing the clock on Low Night?  Midnight (12:00 am) is now when the night is the darkest and we set the time by that.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 10:58:50 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 14:

Somewhat difficult to see the sun is at its lowest, well over the horizon

Alice in Dairyland 3/14/2021 11:21:36 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15: Come on now, you're not trying hard enough.///  I'm trying to look at this from a different angle.  Everything else in the world in backwards now days, why not this too?

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 11:45:39 AM
We need Pi Guy - it is Pi day today
@PBJ3 3/14/2021 12:55:45 PM

In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: So looks like there were a lot more posts in the Pub after I changed the clocks and went to bed. 12:45, no, 11:45 as it was still standard time.

They were from me.  I was trying to type something in at the same time as carry on with a phone call from my sister and I ended up with this tiny font here on Rude Bridge, not any other sites.  I cannot figure out how I did this or how to get it back to something we can read. LOL

Alice in Dairyland 3/14/2021 12:58:48 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 18:  Looks normal to me. 

@PBJ3 3/14/2021 1:02:41 PM

In #19 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to @PBJ3 in 18:  Looks normal to me. 

It's super small on my page.  I don't normally need reading glasses but they'd help now.  I'm glad to know you see a larger font.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 1:25:41 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 18:

When you are on this site, type Control-0 (hold control key and press digit 0). If that doesn't work, use the digit on the numeric keypad instead of the top row.

Did the whole page get small or just your typing? If the latter, that is harder to fix.

@PBJ3 3/14/2021 2:51:04 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21:

The whole page got bigger but all I had to do was the Control 0 thing.  Thanks so very, very much!!!!!

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 3:14:54 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 22:
You're welcome.

Somehow, the page got zoomed out. Holding control down while moving the scroll wheel does that.

Occasional Reader 3/14/2021 3:17:07 PM

In #21 Kosh's Shadow said: Did the whole page get small

Let's get small

@PBJ3 3/14/2021 3:59:29 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:


lucius septimius 3/14/2021 4:33:52 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

I remember when that came out -- all of us memorized the entire routine.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 4:37:12 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 26:

We tried, but couldn't get inside the vacuum cleaner/////

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