The Daily Broadside

Any Given Sunday

Posted on 04/11/2021 7.00 AM

JCM 4/10/2021 5:17:13 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 4/11/2021 8:15:37 AM

Good morning!

So it turns out that when black people attack Asians, it’s actually white people‘s fault. But I bet you knew that.

buzzsawmonkey 4/11/2021 8:17:16 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

White supremacy!  Is there anything it can't do?

Occasional Reader 4/11/2021 8:49:37 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 2:

If white supremacy got into a fight with climate change, who would win?

buzzsawmonkey 4/11/2021 8:56:40 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

That sounds like the premise of a new DC comic.

JCM 4/11/2021 9:03:31 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

So Professor what you are saying is that blacks are not fully human, without free will and react only to external stimulus?

Who's the racist Professor?

buzzsawmonkey 4/11/2021 9:09:43 AM

Ol' Doc Fauci, that ol' Doc Fauci
He don't know nothin', but must say something
He just keeps trollin', he keeps on trollin' along
Trollin' along
He'll change positions about the maskin'
"Wear one---no, two---and thanks for askin'!"
He still keeps trollin', keeps on trollin' along
You and me try to get around
Despite the ever-changing decrees on lockdowns
You can't eat indoors, or maybe can---
And stay six---no, three feet---from your fellow man
I get weary of passer-by rants
And I'm sick of governmental tyrants
But ol' Doc Fauci just keeps trollin' along!

---apologies to "Old Man River"

Kosh's Shadow 4/11/2021 9:25:47 AM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: So it turns out that when black people attack Asians, it’s actually white people‘s fault. But I bet you knew that.

Of course. If the White Supremacists hadn't given the Blacks the idea that since beating up Jews was OK, they could move on to beating up Asians.

Wait, it was leftists and most Jews who ignored the attacks.

Jews are the canary in the coal mine. (Is that racist?)

Kosh's Shadow 4/11/2021 9:28:40 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

But you and I, struggle to breathe
Mask is heavy and makes us wheeze

Occasional Reader 4/11/2021 9:52:14 AM

Reply to JCM in 5:

yes, of course. True “anti-racists“ understand the black people are feeble minded children with no will of their own.  Wait, what?!!

Kosh's Shadow 4/11/2021 9:52:17 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

Stay out of that bar, believe our tale
Go out without a mask and you land in jail

Kosh's Shadow 4/11/2021 9:54:01 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: yes, of course. True “anti-racists“ understand the black people are feeble minded children with no will of their own.  Wait, what?!!

That's what being victims of the white man will do to you! Can't get out of the slavery mindset. Never mind you've been free for over 150 years.

Nope, a new slavery to the Democrats. Do what they say and you get free stuff.

buzzsawmonkey 4/11/2021 10:14:05 AM
It would be amusing for a three-girl singing group to form, called "The White Supremes."  Of course, the outrage would make the welkin ring.
lucius septimius 4/11/2021 10:30:56 AM
The whole "White Supremacy" thing is akin to the Soviet's attack on "bourgeois values."  The concept is simultaneously so vague it can't be defined, but also associated with the Ultimate Evil that once anything is tagged "White" (like the Soviet's tagged things "bourgeois") that any measures taken to annihilate it can't be strong enough.  And even if one is not physically destroyed the only thing that a "White Supremacist" can do is submit.
@PBJ3 4/11/2021 10:33:28 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:


JCM 4/11/2021 10:39:37 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

It was nebulous and random. It was bourgeois for the for the party apparatchiks to have their dacha and automobile, see BLM leadership and their homes. But was for a factory worker who was behind on his party dues to want them.

Tyranny is capricious, to quote Mark Steyn. Like the shutdowns in blue states, if you are a party member with your union dues paid up it's one thing. If you are working schlub it's another.  

buzzsawmonkey 4/11/2021 10:51:53 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:


Just by the way---I don't recall if I mentioned it---I've been removed, against my will, from my cadre "Cohort" in Re-Education Camp.  I was given a choice of the other "Cohorts," run neither by the leader I'd apparently offended, nor, it appears, by the "Cohort-arranger" who removed me without any sort of explanation or recourse.   

Turns out that my new "Cohort" leader is Big Boss-Lady of Color who runs this whole shebang.  That should be...interesting, especially since "micro-aggressions" are the hot topic this week.

buzzsawmonkey 4/11/2021 10:52:37 AM

In #15 JCM said: Tyranny is capricious, to quote Mark Steyn.

That is, of course, part of what makes it tyranny.

buzzsawmonkey 4/11/2021 10:57:20 AM

David Hogg has apparently called it quits on his projected pillow company that was supposed to put MyPillow out of business

Now, if he'd called the company "Old Dixie Down," purchased his eiderdown stuffing from Duck Dynasty, and used Confederate battle-flag-patterned ticking for the pillows, he might have made a go of it.

Kosh's Shadow 4/11/2021 11:04:59 AM

In #13 lucius septimius said: The whole "White Supremacy" thing is akin to the Soviet's attack on "bourgeois values." 

There is a big difference. The actual White Supremacists - neo-Nazis, KKK'ers, and their ilk, are evil and very messed up. They turn their own inferiority complex into an attack on others they believe are keeping them down. "bourgeoises" were not; they wanted stuff for themselves, but didn't blame others and want to kill them the same way.

While BLM and similar are much more like White Supremacists, blaming whitey for keeping them down, because to them, adapting values that have succeeded is turning white, and bad. Note that Asians have been quite successful taking values that work and adopting them.

Sometimes they to too far, as in Japan, where they became Jap Supremacists, but most of the time they do a lot better. And WWII taught the Jap Supremacists a lesson.

Kosh's Shadow 4/11/2021 11:11:22 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

I think my point is that using "White Supremacists" as the bourgeois-man makes a better conspiracy theory because there are evil White Supremacists to point at.

lucius septimius 4/11/2021 11:20:14 AM

In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: There is a big difference. The actual White Supremacists - neo-Nazis, KKK'ers, and their ilk, are evil and very messed up. They turn their own inferiority complex into an attack on others they believe are keeping them down. "bourgeoises" were not; they wanted stuff for themselves, but didn't blame others and want to kill them the same way.

Except I'm not talking about (and they're not talking about) actual White Supremacists or actual bourgeois.  "White Supremacy" is a meaningless phrase when they use it.  It doesn't apply to anyone except who they apply it to, that is, any group they want to repress or destroy.  Because there are actual white supremacists who are evil, the term  has a vague reference to some reality, but that reality is not what they are concerned with.  The Soviets used "bourgeois" in the same sense.  They didn't mean the actual middle class or the industrialists.  It could mean anything from Kulak to a kid with a lemonade stand.  It could mean someone who grumbled in line.  Or it could mean a Jew.  Or it could mean a returning POW.  Or it could mean anything they wanted.  

Saying that "blacks attack Asians because of White Supremacy" reflects this kind of thinking.  It doesn't mean that blacks are members of any neo-Nazi group; it just means we blame their actions on some vaguely defined group out there somewhere and use it as a justification for repressing whoever we feel like suppressing at the moment.

lucius septimius 4/11/2021 11:25:15 AM

In #20 Kosh's Shadow said: I think my point is that using "White Supremacists" as the bourgeois-man makes a better conspiracy theory because there are evil White Supremacists to point at.

Though the Soviets did have a "bourgeoisie" to point at -- Western Europe and the United States and Japan.  The bourgeoisie were a "real" enemy, an external one, so anyone tagged with the label was not only an enemy of the Revolution but a traitor to Mother Russia.  Twofer.

Kosh's Shadow 4/11/2021 12:11:52 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 22:

I will agree they make "White Supremacists" anything they want, like using the synagogue shooters to blame Trump. (I guess that is reasonable - both of them hated Trump and claimed he was controlled by Jews - but that is not the way they meant.)

Funny how for Blacks, gays, trans, etc. anything that makes them uncomfortable is racist, homophobic, or anti-trans, but they won't give Jews the same right. Well, they'll use leftist Jews' definition; Israel-hating Jews.

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