The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/03/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 5/2/2021 6:19:51 PM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 5/3/2021 5:05:04 AM
Computer seems to have shut down and rebooted during the night.
Kosh's Shadow 5/3/2021 5:09:42 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Windows will do that when there is an update. In Home edition, I don't think there is a way to prevent it, but you can set the active hours when it won't reboot. Pro does have a way to not automatically reboot.

vxbush 5/3/2021 5:21:02 AM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: Windows will do that when there is an update. In Home edition, I don't think there is a way to prevent it, but you can set the active hours when it won't reboot. Pro does have a way to not automatically reboot.

And in the enterprise version, there are a whole host of things I can do as an admin. Mwahahahah! 

Morning, campers. My inner control freak has decided to come out and play today. 

Kosh's Shadow 5/3/2021 5:38:18 AM

In #3 vxbush said: enterprise version

We never met a sysadmin on any of the Enterprise spacecraft.

vxbush 5/3/2021 5:52:16 AM

In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: We never met a sysadmin on any of the Enterprise spacecraft.

Sure you did. They were just called engineers, that's all. How many times did Geordi have to go run off and fix the food dispensers? How many episodes did they have where the computers had some alien in them? All the engineers are sysadmins. 

vxbush 5/3/2021 5:54:07 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

And the Binars were system administrators. 

lucius septimius 5/3/2021 5:56:34 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

I do set it for times when I'm normally asleep so it's no big deal.  It just logged me off and I was sort of confused for a minute.

Kosh's Shadow 5/3/2021 6:07:18 AM
When Klingon computers crash, the Blue Screen of Death kills the sysadmin
vxbush 5/3/2021 6:08:25 AM

In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: When Klingon computers crash, the Blue Screen of Death kills the sysadmin

HA! Love it. Talk about motivating your staff. 

vxbush 5/3/2021 6:09:11 AM

Reply to vxbush in 9:

Of course, there is no honor in hacking a system, because it is avoiding a face-to-face confrontation that all Klingons should aspire to. 

doppelganglander 5/3/2021 6:10:26 AM

Our Lucius has a piece up at Ordinary Times (a great site if you're not familiar with it). 

The New Sumptuary Laws


vxbush 5/3/2021 6:36:34 AM

In #11 doppelganglander said: Our Lucius has a piece up at Ordinary Times (a great site if you're not familiar with it).  The New Sumptuary Laws Kudos!

That was fascinating read! Too bad the commenters clearly didn't have much of a clue. 

vxbush 5/3/2021 6:37:01 AM

In #12 vxbush said: That was a fascinating read!


buzzsawmonkey 5/3/2021 6:41:42 AM

In #11 doppelganglander said: Ordinary Times (a great site if you're not familiar with it). 

I'm not familiar with it, but I'd suggest that it appears to be a great site whether I am familiar with it or not.

Meanwhile---congratulations, Lucius!  However, let me point out one typo---that should be "...people who flout mask mandates," not "flaunt."

Alice in Dairyland 5/3/2021 6:46:47 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 11:  There were only 4 comments when I read the article.  I'm surprised the people that responded were so happy with being the permanent underclass.  I guess their training was successful. 

Alice in Dairyland 5/3/2021 6:47:51 AM
Oh yeah, and that's may kind of breakfast!  Pretty soon, pretty soon...won't be long now.
Alice in Dairyland 5/3/2021 6:49:21 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 16:  may = my.  Gees.

vxbush 5/3/2021 6:55:11 AM

In #15 Alice in Dairyland said: There were only 4 comments when I read the article.  I'm surprised the people that responded were so happy with being the permanent underclass.  I guess their training was successful. 

I honestly don't think they understood the comparison that Lucius was trying to make. But I also think that these people have pretty much accepted that the medical community *is* better than them at making societal decisions, since this involved a medical health issue. They haven't been around medicine that long, methinks. 

JCM 5/3/2021 7:36:48 AM

Neighbors in shock after shootings, explosion at homeless camp in Albert Davis Park

Why are neighbors in shock? This is to be expected in a homeless camp;

JCM 5/3/2021 7:41:13 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Vx did you guys get bite by the recent Win10 update?

Caused havoc across our systems. The updated basically updated a firewall setting which denied VPN RDP connections. Our setup every engineer working on CAD or eCAD remotes into a CAD desktop in the office.

vxbush 5/3/2021 7:55:13 AM

In #20 JCM said: Vx did you guys get bite by the recent Win10 update? Caused havoc across our systems. The updated basically updated a firewall setting which denied VPN RDP connections. Our setup every engineer working on CAD or eCAD remotes into a CAD desktop in the office.

Oh, that's awful! No, we didn't get hit. We have a group that checks over the bug reports and stuff before releasing the updates to the rest of the company, and they've done a great job of blocking such bugs.

I did get hit with one bug, but it was a security update to Windows to better respect security settings in BIOS, and the end result was that monitors would never get any signal from the computer after the monitor went to sleep. The computer would wake up, but the monitor would never show anything! That bit me on three separate machines. 

JCM 5/3/2021 8:31:38 AM

Reply to vxbush in 21:

They didn't pick it up because not very many groups are as heavily dependent on RDP as we are. The software doesn't work with the latency of VPN, so we use remote computers in the office on the internal network.

Alice in Dairyland 5/3/2021 8:48:17 AM

In #18 vxbush said: But I also think that these people have pretty much accepted that the medical community *is* better than them at making societal decisions, since this involved a medical health issue.

I pretty much gave up on the medical community years ago.  Always said if anything drastic ever hit me, I'd head north to the reservation to see the medicine man and probably receive better treatment.

Eggs are good for you, eggs are bad for you, eggs are good for you, eggs are bad for you...  My mother-in-law, who lived to be 101 years old, gave up eggs when she was in her mid 80's because the were supposed to be bad for you.  My father-in-law didn't.  He only lived to be 95.  I don't think eggs had anything to do with it.  They were both great with old-time remedies.  Herbal teas from stuff growing in the yard, poultices, tinctures(?) and stuff like that.  Sometimes though the cure was worse than the illness.  I couldn't do the onion poultices or the bear grease!  Yes, my FIL always had a jar of bear grease handy.  She only went afoul when she started to listen to the "authorities".

Maybe folks accept the medical community more readily now days because they don't have the old-timers who knew things around any more to fall back on.  My son still uses a lot of those treatments, but alas, he has no children to pass this knowledge on to.

Kosh's Shadow 5/3/2021 9:02:08 AM

In #23 Alice in Dairyland said: I pretty much gave up on the medical community years ago.  Always said if anything drastic ever hit me, I'd head north to the reservation to see the medicine man and probably receive better treatment.

It probably wouldn't hurt you as much as the medical industry. 

Remember how bad fat was supposed to be? Use margarine, not butter. Nope, turns out trans fats in margarine are worse.

And then they found the studies that showed fats to be bad was paid for by the sugar industry - sugar is worse.

My rule is that if people have been eating something regularly, it can't be that bad, while I reserve judgement on something new.

And I will end on the note I went from 225 lbs to 170 in a couple of years by eating. I eat enough real food not to be hungry and chow down junk.

Having a sandwich or some other real food around 3-30 in addition to lunch helps. I just eat smaller meals; enough to satisfy but not feel stuffed, and another small one later.

JCM 5/3/2021 9:03:26 AM

Reply to vxbush in 18:

I keep bringing it up, the case in Seattle over heroin injection sites. The State Supreme Court ruled that "experts" in Public Health matters have plenipotentiary power. Their decisions are not subject to public, legislative or executive reviews.

I expect his case and the precedent will come up, in pushing the COVID restrictions.

Alice in Dairyland 5/3/2021 9:18:12 AM

In #25 JCM said: "experts" in Public Health

I think maybe we should go back to the medieval barber.  You could get a haircut and a shave plus cure whatever ails you at the same time.  All for two bits. 

buzzsawmonkey 5/3/2021 9:18:25 AM

In #24 Kosh's Shadow said: Remember how bad fat was supposed to be? Use margarine, not butter. Nope, turns out trans fats in margarine are worse.

There's a "cis-fats versus trans-fats" joke in there somewhere---and one which could maybe be adapted to...certain other controversies...

Alice in Dairyland 5/3/2021 9:20:19 AM

In #24 Kosh's Shadow said: I eat enough real food not to be hungry and chow down junk.

A balanced diet is the first step to good health.  Good on you!

Alice in Dairyland 5/3/2021 9:22:09 AM

In #27 buzzsawmonkey said: turns out trans fats in margarine are worse.

I think any word that starts out with trans is going to be worse.

doppelganglander 5/3/2021 9:25:48 AM

Reply to vxbush in 18:
They think the Branch Covidians and Lord Fauci are smart people, so they align themselves with the smart people. They've bought into the lies, not only about the virus itself, but that it's actually about the virus. The virus is the excuse the Left was waiting for to seize control of every aspect of our lives.

Occasional Reader 5/3/2021 10:29:31 AM
Greetings from Amtrak Acela.  

The once-glorious DC Union Station  now feels more like grimy NYC Penn Station.  
Occasional Reader 5/3/2021 10:32:06 AM

In #14 buzzsawmonkey said: should be "...people who flout mask mandates," not "flaunt."

The Progs in my deep blue neighborhood definitely like to flaunt mask mandates...

JCM 5/3/2021 11:31:51 AM

Prince Harry, Jennifer Lopez make voices heard at Vax Live

It really is a cult......

Occasional Reader 5/3/2021 11:53:17 AM

Reply to JCM in 33:

Thank heavens they could FINALLY Make Their Voices Heard, after living all these years so silent and marginalized.


Occasional Reader 5/3/2021 11:55:12 AM

It’s been ten years (and one day) since UBL received multiple 5.56mm vaccinations.

JCM 5/3/2021 12:34:43 PM

Speaking of cultish....

NYSlimes Nicholas Kristoff

Joe Biden Is Electrifying America Like F.D.R.
buzzsawmonkey 5/3/2021 12:37:34 PM

In #36 JCM said: Joe Biden Is Electrifying America Like F.D.R.

Mandating electric cars for which there is insufficient charging power is not equivalent to building the TVA.

JCM 5/3/2021 12:38:17 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 37:

Shocking you don't agree!

doppelganglander 5/3/2021 1:05:03 PM

Reply to JCM in 36:
They spelled electrocuting wrong.

vxbush 5/3/2021 2:07:11 PM

In #39 doppelganglander said: They spelled electrocuting wrong.

*cough* *cough* 

Excuse me--just had my drink go up my nose and down into my lungs. I just wasn't ready for that!

doppelganglander 5/3/2021 3:39:10 PM

Reply to vxbush in 40:

As my boyfriend says when he's being snarky, I'm just here to be a blessing.

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