The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/29/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 5/22/2021 5:10:58 PM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 5/29/2021 5:04:34 AM
Moin moin.
Occasional Reader 5/29/2021 6:03:23 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Aloha, Mr. Hand.

Occasional Reader 5/29/2021 6:03:57 AM

Here’s an interesting take on Fauci.

Occasional Reader 5/29/2021 7:10:38 AM

Creepy Joe is being, er, creepy again:

lucius septimius 5/29/2021 7:50:11 AM

Occasional Reader 5/29/2021 8:20:20 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 5:

Do I smell an Oscar?

Kosh's Shadow 5/29/2021 8:38:04 AM

We were talking about witchcraft replacing science.

This article covers more, but here is one relevant part:

In February of 2019, an article was published in the journal, "Neurology," which is one of the preeminent peer-reviewed publications in all of medicine. The piece was called "Lucky and the Root Doctor." It described a physician's experience with a man in the Deep South called Reggie. Reggie was suffering from a severe neuromuscular disorder, which had left him blind.  

Modern science might have helped Reggie, but he didn’t want the help. Reggie believed he was blind because he’d been cursed by a voodoo spell. That’s what he told his doctor. He refused treatment and left the office for good.  

The doctor who wrote the piece about Reggie was a man called William Campbell. Campbell believes in western science. He does not believe voodoo is the cause of blindness. His piece was designed to help other doctors communicate with patients like Reggie, so those patients could receive effective medical treatment. Unfortunately, American medical journals are no longer allowed to criticize witchcraft. Criticizing witchcraft is racist.  

So the editor of Neurology, a man called Robert Gross, began a purge of his publication. He fired the humanities editor, then suspended the entire humanities section. To further atone, he hired what he described as a "deputy editor for equity, diversity and inclusion." Then Robert Gross, as if that wasn’t enough, wrote a groveling apology letter, calling Campbell’s article "racist" and acknowledging it had caused "anguish." Nowhere in the letter did Robert Gross explain any of this. Why exactly is it racist to prefer western medicine to witchcraft? Isn’t that the whole point of our system? Gross never explained. He just declared it and moved on. So that’s now the official policy of this country’s top neurology journal—that witchcraft is the same as western medicine and how dare you say otherwise. Where does this leave you? If you were nervous about brain surgery before, this isn’t comforting news. How long before your doctor is sacrificing a chicken in the operating room? That’s a serious question. We can no longer say that science is better than voodoo—that’s racist.

Kosh's Shadow 5/29/2021 8:38:31 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: Do I smell an Oscar?

No, just Oscar the Grouch's garbage can/

Kosh's Shadow 5/29/2021 9:32:05 AM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: So the editor of Neurology, a man called Robert Gross, began a purge of his publication. He fired the humanities editor, then suspended the entire humanities section. To further atone, he hired what he described as a "deputy editor for equity, diversity and inclusion." Then Robert Gross, as if that wasn’t enough, wrote a groveling apology letter, calling Campbell’s article "racist" and acknowledging it had caused "anguish." Nowhere in the letter did Robert Gross explain any of this. Why exactly is it racist to prefer western medicine to witchcraft?

I think the editor must have been afraid of a voodoo curse on him

Occasional Reader 5/29/2021 12:25:46 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:


i don’t know what to say.

Kosh's Shadow 5/29/2021 2:03:52 PM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: i don’t know what to say.

Obviously there is a voodoo curse on your tongue, and if you think otherwise, you are a racist////////////////////////////////////////////

Kosh's Shadow 5/29/2021 2:42:00 PM


President Biden and his allies raked in campaign cash from a top Russia lobbyist in 2020, just months before his administration’s decision to scrap sanctions on a controversial firm building a Russian oil pipeline to Germany.

Kosh's Shadow 5/29/2021 2:43:51 PM

And this could be the COVID lab leak smoking gun

A bombshell new study claims to have proof that Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.

British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence "of retro-engineering in China" since last year, but were ignored by academics and major medical journals, The Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing the soon-to-be-published study.

The study concludes: "the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small." The virus is still killing 12,000 people a day around the world.

It was during their COVID-19 vaccine research that the pair came across "unique fingerprints" indicating the virus didn’t come from nature, they said.  The telltale clue: a rare finding in the COVID-carrying virus of a row of four amino acids, which give off a positive charge and bond to negative human cells.

"The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row," Dalgleish told the Daily Mail. "The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it."


Alice in Dairyland 5/29/2021 4:55:05 PM

See, it was all just an accident.

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