The Daily Broadside


Posted on 06/14/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 6/12/2021 6:17:57 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 6/14/2021 5:27:25 AM
Good morning. I don't know about all of you, but I'm starting the day exhausted. 
lucius septimius 6/14/2021 6:00:16 AM
Yogurt and muesli is my standard breakfast, though no blueberries.  I was tempted though to poach some off my annoy corduroy-and-macramé liberal neighbors.
doppelganglander 6/14/2021 6:43:18 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

My older daughter made me a smoothie on Saturday - almond milk, almond butter, spinach, banana, and blueberry. I'm not usually into that sort of thing but it was pretty tasty, especially with the weather so warm.

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 7:03:14 AM

Darn it, we all missed the Gaza 5K.

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 7:10:56 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: Darn it, we all missed the Gaza 5K.

I think the rockets stopped a bit short of 5000.

Do they have to run in full suicide bomb vests?

vxbush 6/14/2021 7:15:39 AM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: Do they have to run in full suicide bomb vests?

That's going to create a lot of potholes as runners blow up. 

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 7:16:47 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: Darn it, we all missed the Gaza 5K.

Two ways of coaching the runners:

"Run like there is an Israeli soldier behind you"

"Run like there are Jews ahead of you to blow up"

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 7:17:28 AM

In #6 vxbush said: That's going to create a lot of potholes as runners blow up. 

They'll blame it in Israel and ask for money to rebuild.

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 7:21:05 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5: Reply to vxbush in 6:

Note that the "Gaza 5K" is not actually run in, you know, Gaza.  

It's "virtue"-signalling by American Proggies from the comfort of their own neighborhoods.

The reason I mentioned it is that yesterday evening, while sitting in the waiting area of my favorite massage therapy place (awaiting a badly-needed deep tissue massage, my back was a mess), I noticed another client, a woman in her perhaps early 30s, wearing a T-shirt for the event.

I somehow refrained from pointing and laughing, and/or slapping her. 

vxbush 6/14/2021 7:24:20 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: Note that the "Gaza 5K" is not actually run in, you know, Gaza.   It's "virtue"-signalling by American Proggies from the comfort of their own neighborhoods.

Did you notice it was hosted by UNRWA? 

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 7:32:38 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: I noticed another client, a woman in her perhaps early 30s, wearing a T-shirt for the event.

I would have NOT been able to sit anywhere near someone supporting those who want to kill me. Nothing physical, but I would explain to her and insist the office either have her move, or give me somewhere else to go. I know they'd probably throw me out and still insist I pay for the appointment, but I would file a complaint that they are supporting Jew hatred by letting the woman stay.

To me, that T-shirt is as bad as one with a swastika.

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 7:34:34 AM

Reply to vxbush in 10:

You know after the UNRWA director in Gaza said that the Israeli strikes were precise against terrorist targets, Hamas threw him out, even after he apologized.

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 7:42:52 AM

In #10 vxbush said: Did you notice it was hosted by UNRWA? 


It's for the "refugees", doncha know. 

vxbush 6/14/2021 7:49:33 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: It's for the "refugees", doncha know. 

I thought I saw an article a few weeks ago that said fewer Palestinians were truly behind the PA, despite all the positive press they are getting now--and that was in addition to the lack of support from other Arab nations. Was I dreaming this? 

In #12 Kosh's Shadow said: You know after the UNRWA director in Gaza said that the Israeli strikes were precise against terrorist targets, Hamas threw him out, even after he apologized.

Well, of course. Can't let the truth compromise a way of life. 

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 7:56:31 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:

Living in this town, I have to have a thick skin for that sort of thing.  

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 8:10:09 AM

In #14 vxbush said: I thought I saw an article a few weeks ago that said fewer Palestinians were truly behind the PA, despite all the positive press they are getting now--and that was in addition to the lack of support from other Arab nations. Was I dreaming this? 

The PA has been losing support for some time. Abbas is quite unpopular and canceled the elections he never really intended to have when it was clear the PA would lose.

The problem is, the only other party is Hamas. The PA has prevented any other rivals from being formed. The reason Abbas has "security cooperation" with Israel is so he doesn't get killed. The PA helps arrest Hamas and PIJ terrorists, but their own police help support Fatah terrorists.

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 8:25:04 AM

In #15 Occasional Reader said: Living in this town, I have to have a thick skin for that sort of thing.  

Plus, Hamas doesn't include killing you in their charter - which references that there won't be peace until all Jews are killed, with the hadith that rocks and trees will be telling Muslims about Jews hiding. I know the leftist supporters generally don't know this, but still, that is who they are supporting.

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 8:33:48 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17:

To put it simply, any indication of support for Hamas is as uncomfortable to me as if it were WWII and someone had something indicating support for the people of Germany.

JCM 6/14/2021 9:21:45 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 18:

I try, but don't always succeed in separating the people from the regime.

My experience in and with Iranians gives me a advantage on that. I know many Iranians who loathe the regime, but they are stuck with it.

With repressive regimes I try to distinguish between those who support and those who are victims of a regime.

I don't go so far as say give aid to the victims of a regime, when in any why it would lessen the stress on a regime. The Palestinians are and example. Aid to them what isn't corruptly consumed by Hamas only frees up assets to use in their terror campaigns.

The best way to help the victims of a regime is to end the regime as soon as possible. That will mean more human suffering in the short term, which is uncomfortable to watch.

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 9:31:26 AM

In #19 JCM said: The best way to help the victims of a regime is to end the regime as soon as possible. That will mean more human suffering in the short term, which is uncomfortable to watch.

Exactly. The best way to help the people of Gaza is to let Israel get rid of Hamas. Short term, it would be miserable, but it would give them a chance for a better future. But they get one chance. Get rid of Hamas, bring in Egypt and Arab countries to run the place for a couple of generations, while teaching peace, not "kill the Jews; Palestine is ours", and then let them pick their own leaders. If they pick terrorists, then they are all fair targets.

After all, Hamas doesn't care about its people. Well, not quite. Dead Gazans are good for anti-Israel publicity, whether killed by Hamas rockets falling short or because Hamas launched rockets from a civilian area and was hit by Israel. They know the world media will just blame Israel.

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 9:58:30 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20:

Of course, Gaza did get a chance to become a peaceful place, but Hamas took over (not that the PA would have been much better for peace)

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 10:03:15 AM

In #21 Kosh's Shadow said: not that the PA would have been much better for peace

In a way, I “prefer” Hamas to the PA, because they don’t pretend to want “peace” (other than the “peace” of a Final Solution).

Their masks are off

buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2021 11:15:01 AM

In #1 vxbush said: Good morning. I don't know about all of you, but I'm starting the day exhausted. 

Some are born exhausted, some achieve exhaustion, and some have exhaustion thrust upon them.

It's a combination of the second and third for me; I had to drive the car all the way up to Queens in intermittent pelting rain.  The garage in my cousin's building very kindly agreed to rent me a parking space for six weeks or more, as necessary, in anticipation of my foot surgery next week; moving the car for alternate-side parking is a pain at the best of times, and if your right foot has just been surgically rearranged, as mine is supposed to be next week, that would make it well-nigh impossible.  Best to put the machine in storage for a while.  

I wasn't entirely sure I remembered how to get there---it's been some time---and that made things more exciting, since Queens streets and street numbers are pretty bewildering.  He insisted on us going to get breakfast in some place in Nassau county, which was fun---we haven't seen each other for more than a few minutes at a time over the last few years, the more so since he's been ill and since all the covid movement restrictions---but the trip up, the trip to and from breakfast, and the crosstown subway trip back left me pretty well wiped.

buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2021 11:21:37 AM

In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: To put it simply, any indication of support for Hamas is as uncomfortable to me as if it were WWII and someone had something indicating support for the people of Germany.

It's like someone wearing a T-shirt for the German-American Bund.

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 11:29:04 AM

In #23 buzzsawmonkey said: I wasn't entirely sure I remembered how to get there---it's been some time---and that made things more exciting, since Queens streets and street numbers are pretty bewildering.

Waze is owned (IIRC) by Google and therefore is evil; but it does a pretty good job in that sort of situation. 

doppelganglander 6/14/2021 11:31:01 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23:

Best wishes for a successful surgery and a full recovery. 

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 11:48:26 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 26:

Hear, here!  

And hear over there, too! 

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 11:57:32 AM

Glenn Greenwald on the Dems continuing to promote the false narrative that the Pulse nightclub attack was about "homophobia".

It was entirely about jihad.   The killer literally picked Pulse as the first Google hit after searching for "Orlando clubs".

JCM 6/14/2021 12:20:11 PM

Chernobyl 2.0?

At least that is how the first reports in the West started out.

Exclusive: US assessing reported leak at Chinese nuclear power facility

(CNN)The US government has spent the past week assessing a report of a leak at a Chinese nuclear power plant, after a French company that part owns and helps operate it warned of an "imminent radiological threat," according to US officials and documents reviewed by CNN.

The warning included an accusation that the Chinese safety authority was raising the acceptable limits for radiation detection outside the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong province in order to avoid having to shut it down, according to a letter from the French company to the US Department of Energy obtained by CNN.
Despite the alarming notification from Framatome, the French company, the Biden administration believes the facility is not yet at a "crisis level," one of the sources said.

Yeah of course Biden Admin is going to "believe" what they are told by the ChiComs, which makes the report of "acceptable limits" even more suspect.

buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2021 12:21:12 PM

In #25 Occasional Reader said: Waze is owned (IIRC) by Google and therefore is evil; but it does a pretty good job in that sort of situation. 

Oh, I'm pretty good at the directional thing; when the girlfriend and I went to Europe in 1985, I hadn't been to either Paris or Rome in 24 years, but I was still able to walk down certain streets and say, "...this should be a couple of blocks over here"---and it invariably was.  A combination of recollection, sense of direction, and simple map-reading.

My cousin and I went by the building where we'd shared a law office some 20-odd years ago; he wanted to show me the neighborhood changes, which were pretty profound.  I have a great affection for him; he's the one who encouraged me to take the New York bar despite being 14 years out of school; gave me the first couple of meat-and-potatoes cases I dealt with in actual practice; and we had a lot of fun together with a couple of the copyright cases that came in to me.  He reminds me in some ways of Donald Trump, another Queens native, in that both have a certain amount of braggadocio and bombast, but are basically mensches au fond. 

buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2021 12:30:31 PM

In #26 doppelganglander said: Best wishes for a successful surgery and a full recovery. 

Thank you.  I still have to pass my covid test and have a chest X-ray before it's absolutely on.  Damn thing was supposed to be done last December, but the covid rules got in the way.

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 12:52:13 PM

Reply to JCM in 29:

Well, that's... concerning.

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 12:52:53 PM

In #31 buzzsawmonkey said:  I still have to pass my covid test

Study hard!  

buzzsawmonkey 6/14/2021 12:56:11 PM

In #33 Occasional Reader said: Study hard!  

I took the prep course; I've got it covid.

JCM 6/14/2021 12:56:34 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 32:

Good news is the design is a modern western design, a Pressure Water Reactor (PWR) of European Pressurised Reactor (EPR) design.

The first takeaway it is European not Communist design, it has multiple redundant and independent cooling systems. The containments systems are designed to contain a meltdown. This design is post Chernobyl, and rolled some of the lessons of Fukushima into the design. It's design was to address some of the shortcomings of previous PWR designs.

That doesn't mean it's foolproof, but the design alone can mitigate a lot of human factors.

Occasional Reader 6/14/2021 1:29:35 PM

Reply to JCM in 35:

Perhaps the radiation leak will kill off the latest Wuhan Virology Institute bug leak... 

JCM 6/14/2021 1:44:59 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 36:

You know how that always goes.......

Kosh's Shadow 6/14/2021 2:20:53 PM

Reply to JCM in 35:

Since it is a PWR, it won't burn like the graphite reactors at Chernobyl.

But prepare the horror movie of giant mutant COVID viruses trashing Tokyo Beijing

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