The Daily Broadside


Posted on 08/18/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 8/14/2021 4:21:35 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 8/18/2021 5:34:00 AM

Netanyahu knew what would happen if/when the US left Afghanistan

Netanyahu rejected Kerry’s Afghanistan-style solution for Palestinians

“In 2013,” Netanyahu wrote, Kerry “invited me on a secret visit to Afghanistan to see, in his words, how the US established a local military force that can stand up to terror on its own.”

Netanyahu said he “politely declined,” and that he thought at the time that Afghanistan would fall apart once the US left.

“That, unfortunately, is what is happening now: An Islamist extremist regime conquered Afghanistan and will turn it into a terror state that will endanger the world,” he wrote. “We will get an identical result if, God forbid, we give parts of our homeland to the Palestinians. The Palestinians will not establish Singapore, they will establish a terror state in Judea and Samaria, a short distance from Ben-Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Kfar Saba and Netanya.”

vxbush 8/18/2021 6:10:33 AM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: Netanyahu knew what would happen if/when the US left Afghanistan

There have been a number of former military men, analysts, and foreign affairs folks who also knew exactly what would happen. What galls me is that the military gave Biden several different bug-out scenarios to avoid what we're seeing now, and he rejected all of them. Then he asked the Vice President for her opinion, and this is what we get. 

Happy Wednesday. 

Kosh's Shadow 8/18/2021 6:22:03 AM

In #2 vxbush said: There have been a number of former military men, analysts, and foreign affairs folks who also knew exactly what would happen.

Kruiser on PJMedia said something like "The drunkest of armchair diplomats could tell this would happen"

Occasional Reader 8/18/2021 6:24:53 AM

And in non0-Afghanistan-debacle news: In Haiti, the earthquake death toll has reached nearly 2,000.

It'll be "lucky" if the toll stays in the low four figures. 

vxbush 8/18/2021 6:27:17 AM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: Kruiser on PJMedia said something like "The drunkest of armchair diplomats could tell this would happen"

An excellent quote!

Occasional Reader 8/18/2021 7:31:23 AM

Good news, everyone! We have once again sternly warned the Taliban to be nice, in a sternly worded letter!

JCM 8/18/2021 7:46:02 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

Then the secondary deaths, from the disruption and destruction of what infrastructure they do have.

Kosh's Shadow 8/18/2021 7:57:18 AM

In #7 JCM said: Then the secondary deaths, from the disruption and destruction of what infrastructure they do have.

Or the UN could come in and give thousands cholera

vxbush 8/18/2021 8:42:38 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: Good news, everyone! We have once again sternly warned the Taliban to be nice, in a sternly worded letter!

The only strongly worded letter they respect is the one at the end of a very large and deadly gun, but no one in this administration understands that. 

JCM 8/18/2021 8:55:01 AM

Reply to vxbush in 9:

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Peace through strength.

I think President Dementia is trying to out Chamberlain Chamberlain.

Occasional Reader 8/18/2021 8:57:14 AM
And in other news: At the moment, we're under a tornado watch. 
JCM 8/18/2021 9:11:06 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

Is Congress in Session?

Would it be wrong to hope they get sucked away to Oz?

JCM 8/18/2021 9:14:36 AM

vxbush 8/18/2021 9:19:52 AM

In #10 JCM said: Speak softly and carry a big stick. Peace through strength. I think President Dementia is trying to out Chamberlain Chamberlain.

I'm seeing rumors about planes flying from Kabul that are British and European that have less than 10 people on board. I can't find confirmation of this. If true, this would be awful. 

JCM 8/18/2021 10:25:10 AM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

I give anything coming out of Kabul a 24 rule at least.

Occasional Reader 8/18/2021 10:54:35 AM

And meanwhile, the former President of the United States of America continues to be banned from Twitter:  But the Taliban are not. 

lucius septimius 8/18/2021 12:16:10 PM

Kosh's Shadow 8/18/2021 12:35:39 PM

In #16 Occasional Reader said: And meanwhile, the former President of the United States of America continues to be banned from Twitter:  But the Taliban are not. 

Neither are the leaders of Iran.

Occasional Reader 8/18/2021 1:24:22 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 17:

Heh.  Gladly, they didn't try that on my yesterday.

Actually, I was not anaesthetized, but rather sedated; some compound that apparently included Fentanyl (the recreational drug of choice of the Greatest American Who Ever Lived, George Floyd).   I never really felt very "out", and I think I could have done the thing without sedation, in fact.  [shrug]

Kosh's Shadow 8/18/2021 3:22:59 PM
So with all the social causes and "justice" Ben and Jerry's supports, if their BDS action puts them out of business, would that be just desserts?
Occasional Reader 8/18/2021 3:40:06 PM

In #20 Kosh's Shadow said: would that be just desserts?

They've traveled a rocky road to get here; and this ain't no sundae school. 

buzzsawmonkey 8/18/2021 3:51:46 PM
I guess now we know what happens when Pushtun comes to shove...
Kosh's Shadow 8/18/2021 4:21:02 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 22:

And that the US government's predictions are full of Kabull

Kosh's Shadow 8/18/2021 4:22:26 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 21:

New flavor- Palestinian Rock Thrower Road

buzzsawmonkey 8/18/2021 4:27:05 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24:


What about "Life is Just Hezbollah Cherries?"

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