The Daily Broadside


Posted on 08/26/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 8/22/2021 8:20:34 AM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 5:50:48 AM

Good morning.

 The left is very skilled at acquiring power, but incompetent at using it.”

And some other Proverbs of Hell for our times, at Ace od Spades:

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 5:58:35 AM

lucius septimius 8/26/2021 6:00:31 AM

Joseph Epstein pulled up an old Chicago-ism in the WSJ this morning and referred to Biden as "the Borax man."

Buzz will get the reference no doubt.

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 6:04:38 AM

And Xi Jinping is now full-on Maoist Personality Cult:

vxbush 8/26/2021 6:43:25 AM
The COVID news is buzzing today (at least, where it is allowed to be discussed) about a pre-print article from Israel showing that natural immunity is also better and longer lasting than vaccine shots, but that those who have gotten the shots have a larger chance of breakthrough infections and a much greater chance of having symptomatic infections. 
vxbush 8/26/2021 6:45:13 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

I don't want to hurt people or make them feel worse about getting the vaccines, but this fixation on having everyone get vaccinated is beyond ridiculous and into the realm of criminal.

vxbush 8/26/2021 6:45:41 AM
JCM, your breakfast pictures are seriously dangerous to my waistline. Man, that looks so good today!
buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 6:50:26 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:


buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 6:51:18 AM

In #3 lucius septimius said: Joseph Epstein pulled up an old Chicago-ism in the WSJ this morning and referred to Biden as "the Borax man." Buzz will get the reference no doubt.

Well, there goes my reputation.  I've heard of 20-Mule-Team Borax, but "the Borax man" is a new one on me.

lucius septimius 8/26/2021 7:00:15 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

Slimy manipulative door-to-door salesman.  The guy who shows up trying to sell you cleaning supplies.

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 7:00:27 AM

Kabul Kaboom!

There was a large explosion at Abbey gate at the Kabul airport, Hamid Karzai International Airport, according to a tweet from Pentagon press secretary John Kirby.

CNN reports several causalities among Afghans, but these reports are unconfirmed. 

buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 7:00:54 AM

So, judicial Obama appointee Linda Parker, in Michigan, not only tossed out an election-results suit but is really going after the lawyers for daring to bring suit in the first place.

The NPR bit that I linked to above continues the tradition NPR began in the wake of the election of reflexively using rhetorical editorializing overkill ("baseless, fraudulent claims" and the like) in every what-should-be-objective-reportage discussion of these issues.  While I certainly don't know the truth (or lack thereof) of any particular claim in this area, the rhetorical overkill---and the obvious vindictiveness with which the bench is punishing the lawyers involved for merely having the temerity to file the suit---does nothing whatever to make me doubt the validity of the claims; quite the opposite.

I can't decide whether the Left is really so clueless as to not realize that its rhetoric is having the opposite effect from that supposedly desired; whether this is a psychological guilt reaction ("Methinks the lady doth protest too much"), or whether this is yet another bragging in plain sight to the effect that the Left did blatantly cheat and get away with it ("What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?").

Opinions welcomed.

buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 7:01:47 AM

In #10 lucius septimius said: Slimy manipulative door-to-door salesman.  The guy who shows up trying to sell you cleaning supplies.

You mean like Borax Hussein Obama?

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 7:02:24 AM

In #5 vxbush said: The COVID news is buzzing today (at least, where it is allowed to be discussed) about a pre-print article from Israel showing that natural immunity is also better and longer lasting than vaccine shots, but that those who have gotten the shots have a larger chance of breakthrough infections and a much greater chance of having symptomatic infections. 

Interesting, because that is the opposite of the statistics from Israel that have been reported in jpost, that vaccinations produce a lot more antibodies and vaccinated are less likely to get seriously ill.

vxbush 8/26/2021 7:11:27 AM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: Interesting, because that is the opposite of the statistics from Israel that have been reported in jpost, that vaccinations produce a lot more antibodies and vaccinated are less likely to get seriously ill.

This is a preprint, and therefore it hasn't been peer-reviewed yet. It is suggestive, but peer review may find issues with the study. There's a big part of me that doubts that, but it could happen.

I've seen the CDC take only those studies they like and ignore the ones they don't (specifically about masks; PJMedia had the article on that). If the study holds, this might be one that ends up on the trash heap because it doesn't help push out the vaccine. 

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 7:14:35 AM

Reply to vxbush in 15:

It also doesn't show whether the vaccine is still worth it, especially for vulnerable people. Even if getting COVID and recovering is better should you recover, if you are likely to have a serious case and the vaccine reduces the probability of that, it would still be worthwhile for such people.

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 7:27:56 AM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: There was a large explosion at Abbey gate at the Kabul airport, Hamid Karzai International Airport, according to a tweet from Pentagon press secretary John Kirby.

It was just a matter of time.  Crowds of helpless, desperate people are too inviting a target for the jihad boys to pass up.  


vxbush 8/26/2021 7:40:06 AM

In #16 Kosh's Shadow said: It also doesn't show whether the vaccine is still worth it, especially for vulnerable people. Even if getting COVID and recovering is better should you recover, if you are likely to have a serious case and the vaccine reduces the probability of that, it would still be worthwhile for such people.

True. And that determination has to be a private matter between that individual and the individual's doctor. I have a big problem with that, and really despise the idea that this decision is taken out of your hands. Businesses are starting to apply pressure to get the max via mandates and intimidation. I saw that Delta is going to charge those who are unvaccinated an extra $200 a month beyond their normal insurance payments. If this study is correct and shows that vaccinated individuals are more symptomatic, then Delta's decision is absolutely crazy. 

vxbush 8/26/2021 7:41:08 AM

In #18 vxbush said: I have a big problem with that governments and businesses not letting people make the decision themselves, and really despise the idea that this decision is taken out of your hands.

Thought I should clarify what "that" was. 

vxbush 8/26/2021 7:51:33 AM

Oh--and Public Health England also has been studying how the vaccinated do against COVID versus the unvaccinated, and they found similar results: 

(Quotes below are from the Daily Expose article on this paper)

As of the 19th July 2021, 121,402 people who are unvaccinated have tested positive for the allegedly rampant and dominant Delta Covid-19 variant. Whereas 28,773 fully vaccinated people have tested positive for the same variant. Of these 13,427 were fully vaccinated and over the age of 50. The 28,773 cases of fully vaccinated people allegedly infected with the Delta variant of Covid-19 is an increase of 166% over the figure seen just four weeks ago which stood at 10,834. 

A further 33,003 people have also tested positive for the Delta variant after having a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine at least 21 days prior to their positive result. And a further 21,088 people have tested positive for the Delta variant less than 21 days after having a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. 

This means that people who have had at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine account for 40.49% of all alleged cases of the Delta variant between the 1st February and 19th July 2021. However, the double vaccinated account for just 14% of all cases, but 35% of all positive cases in people who’ve had at least one dose of a Covid-19 jab.

Not encouraging.

The above table shows that of the 121,402 alleged cases of the Delta variant in people who are unvaccinated, 2,152 people presented to emergency care which resulted in overnight admission to hospital. This translates to 1.7% of cases resulting in an overnight hospital stay in emergency care.

The above table also shows that of the 28,773 alleged cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who are fully vaccinated, 843 people presented to emergency care which resulted in overnight admission to hospital. This translates to 2.9% of cases.

This means that the chances of being hospitalised with Covid-19 increase by 65.5% if you have had two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, according to the Public Health England data.

Now, drill down into the deaths themselves: 

Unfortunately the PHE death shows that it is much worse when it comes to deaths due to Covid-19 if you have had two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine.

The above table shows that of the 121,402 alleged cases of the Delta variant in people who are unvaccinated, just 165 have sadly died. This translates to 0.1% of cases.

The above table also shows that of the 28,773 alleged cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who are fully vaccinated, 224 people sadly died. This translates to 0.8% of cases.

The means the data published by Public Health England shows us that people who have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have a 507% higher chance of dying due to the Delta Covid variant than people who are unvaccinated.

vxbush 8/26/2021 7:56:14 AM

Reply to vxbush in 20:

As you can see, it is easy to make scary headlines about the data when the percentage of people who die from the illness are still small. I can scaremonger with statistics with the best of them. But it also means that the data *in general* about the efficacy of the vaccine isn't as strong as we were led to believe at the beginning of the year. That's why there are so many discussions about booster shots. 

If the vaccine didn't work before, why should I get another shot that won't work, either? 

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 8:04:53 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

See my #2

And there are more articles about another explosion, but don't have time to link

vxbush 8/26/2021 8:14:16 AM

Wow--I just saw a Democrat ad that is going out by email. Check this out: 

Pandemic aside, 2020 was defined by the historic protests against anti-Black brutality in policing. And 2021 may be defined by the flurry of GOP fascism in response. Republicans across the country are considering – and passing – a slew of anti-free speech measures.

Who has the silo-sized bottle of Thorazine? 

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 8:27:37 AM

Reply to vxbush in 23:

good God.

vxbush 8/26/2021 8:34:11 AM

In #24 Occasional Reader said: good God.

I found an expanded version of the text here. Not sure who or what OD Action is. 

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 8:41:30 AM

Reply to vxbush in 25:

So rioting, looting, burning is "free speech", but saying there are election irregularities is not.

Or saying anything other than the accepted party line on COVID. Or talking about Hunter Biden's laptop or "artwork".

But it is just fine for the Taliban to be on Twitter, but not Trump.

vxbush 8/26/2021 8:52:14 AM

In #26 Kosh's Shadow said: But it is just fine for the Taliban to be on Twitter, but not Trump.

Trump was mean, so no, it makes perfect sense. /

Seriously, I'm starting to think we should just put Thorazine in the water supply.

buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 8:55:04 AM

In #26 Kosh's Shadow said: So rioting, looting, burning is "free speech", but saying there are election irregularities is not.

In reference to which, see my #12 above.

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 9:29:28 AM

buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 9:32:58 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

Kermit the Prog?  He is "green," after all...

vxbush 8/26/2021 9:35:08 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

Damn. It's funny because it's true. 

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 9:41:52 AM

Caveat Emptor, but per this tweet, anyway, Biden has already called a "'lid" for today, and is off to Delaware.

buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 9:43:08 AM

In #32 Occasional Reader said: Biden has already called a "'lid" for today

A "lid?"  Has Delaware legalized marijuana?

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 9:49:15 AM

In #33 buzzsawmonkey said: A "lid?"  Has Delaware legalized marijuana?

The whole administration is acting like they're stoned.

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 9:56:58 AM

Earlier I saw a post stating that the Taliban were steering Western evacuees away from the airport, telling them to gather instead at a hotel near the airport.

A bit later, reports of a bombing at a hotel near the airport.

If both reports are true... could be the Taliban set these people up.  Or, AQ/ISIS just reading the tweets and shifting targets.  Who knows.  What a horrific, bloody mess. 

And Brave Sir Robinette runs away. 

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 9:57:46 AM

In #33 buzzsawmonkey said: A "lid?"  Has Delaware legalized marijuana?

Is "lid" part of pot lingo?  I honestly don't know.  

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 10:02:00 AM
I don't have time to write a sophisticated game, but how about one where you are trying to evacuate people from Afghanistan, but after getting past the Taliban, ISIS, etc, you end up with the really difficult enemy - the US who won't let you get on the plane
buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 10:11:01 AM

In #36 Occasional Reader said: Is "lid" part of pot lingo?  I honestly don't know.  

A "lid" is the term for an ounce of pot---or was when I was in college.  A "key" was slang for a "kilo" of the stuff.  There's an old Firesign Theatre routine where two people are confronted by a locked door, and one asks, "Do you have the key?" and the other replies, "That's all right, I've got a lid in the car."

Used to be that people would buy a quarter-pound of pot and sell off three of the four "lids" to others, thereby getting one's own supply free, and making a few bucks' profit in the process.  That is, by the way, the way that most American cities were built, also; someone would build a row of brownstones on borrowed money, sell off the bulk of the row, and keep one's own house for free.  Same thing was true in Chicago, where they didn't build row-houses mostly, but where someone would build bungalows on a block or a half a block, and keep the slightly-better corner house for one's self.

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 10:18:16 AM

In #38 buzzsawmonkey said: There's an old Firesign Theatre routine where two people are confronted by a locked door, and one asks, "Do you have the key?" and the other replies, "That's all right, I've got a lid in the car."

Another one, from The Further Adventures of Nick Danger

"How did you get in here? Do you have a key?"

"No, only half a key. I had to split it with the sound effects man"

[off mic] "Thanks, Rocky"

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 10:19:35 AM

In #39 Kosh's Shadow said: "No, only half a key. I had to split it with the sound effects man"

I seem to remember another line in there about "Half a Key Largo"

buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 10:30:46 AM

In #40 Kosh's Shadow said: "Half a Key Largo"

Half a key, half a key, half a Key Largo.  All into the valley of pot came the drug cargo...

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 10:53:03 AM
So if nothing else, drug culture at least helped teach Americans the metric system.
buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 10:56:00 AM

In #42 Occasional Reader said: So if nothing else, drug culture at least helped teach Americans the metric system.

Of course, they were too stoned to remember it...

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 11:06:28 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26:

Here's another example of eeeeevil GOP passing a law banning protests.

Wait, California is run by Democrats

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 11:12:40 AM

In #32 Occasional Reader said: Caveat Emptor, but per this tweet, anyway, Biden has already called a "'lid" for today, and is off to Delaware.

But just now, NPR "News" was reporting he's in the Situation Room at the Whtie House.  [shrug]

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 11:20:35 AM

In #45 Occasional Reader said: In #32 Occasional Reader said: Caveat Emptor, but per this tweet, anyway, Biden has already called a "'lid" for today, and is off to Delaware. But just now, NPR "News" was reporting he's in the Situation Room at the Whtie House.  [shrug]

His body is in the situation room and his mind is in Della Where?

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 11:28:53 AM
Gosh, if only we had some... second option for an airfield in Afghanistan to use for this evacuation; perhaps one that, oh, I dunno, was already heavily fortified due to years of military use. Crazy idea, eh?
buzzsawmonkey 8/26/2021 11:33:30 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 44:

There's a "Vaccine Waters" joke in there somewhere...

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 11:52:04 AM
BBC News is interviewing a former Royal Marine who is in Kabul trying to get Brits out.  He is scathing about Biden: last-minute rule changes, abandoment of Bagram, etc. 
Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 12:00:10 PM

In #49 Occasional Reader said: He is scathing about Biden

So, allies, which President got more respect for the US?

Trump, who you despised, or Biden?

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 12:06:43 PM

Our troops who flew into the middle of this maelstrom to help our peoplle, including those killed and wounded today... I'm reminded of the  "lions led by donkeys" expression. 

My salute to them.  I wish they had better leaders.   I wish WE had better leaders.   

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 12:10:03 PM

Today has been the deadliest day for US forces in Afghanistan since 2011.

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 12:32:15 PM

BBC saying ISIS claimed the airport attacks.

They're also now interviewing an MP who's on their foreign poiicy committee; scathing about Biden, again, "we heard 'America is back', that turned to 'America alone'. "

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 12:36:39 PM

In #53 Occasional Reader said: "we heard 'America is back', that turned to 'America alone'. "

Should be "America turned its back"

lucius septimius 8/26/2021 12:57:28 PM
About to go into a big family zoom call in which I think I'm the only one still on speaking terms with everyone else involved.  Fun, fun, fun,
JCM 8/26/2021 1:16:35 PM

U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate


Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 1:17:44 PM

In #56 JCM said: U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate execute


Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 1:26:36 PM

Reply to JCM in 56:

See post #2

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 2:03:02 PM

In #56 JCM said: U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

Goddamit, was just replying and my page crashed.

Anyway.  In brief, yeah, that's where Gropey Joe has put us.  Pentagon  briefing today, Gen. McKenzie directly said, we depend on Taliban for perimeter security, and are sharing intelligence with them on AQ and ISIS.  I don't blame him, he has to deal with the shit sandwich that was handed to him.  I blame Biden and his handlers. 

Occasional Reader 8/26/2021 2:26:40 PM
And our Dear Leader is now speaking... if that's the right word.
Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 3:11:30 PM

In #60 Occasional Reader said: And our Dear Leader is now speaking... if that's the right word.

Biden to Isis: "We will hunt you down and make you pay"

President Joe Biden, his voice breaking with emotion, vowed on Thursday the United States will hunt down the attackers of twin explosions at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan and said he has asked the Pentagon to develop plans to strike back at Islamist militants.

"We will not forgive, we will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay," he said in remarks at the White House.

"We will not be deterred by terrorists ... We will continue the mission," Biden said.

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 3:13:03 PM

In #61 Kosh's Shadow said: President Joe Biden, his voice breaking with emotion, vowed on Thursday the United States will hunt down the attackers of twin explosions at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan and said he has asked the Pentagon to develop plans to strike back at Islamist militants. "We will not forgive, we will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay," he said in remarks at the White House.

I'm sure that has them shaking in their sandals - from laughter

doppelganglander 8/26/2021 3:53:45 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 55:
Thoughts and prayers.

Kosh's Shadow 8/26/2021 4:54:50 PM
You know Biden is bad when he makes me miss Obama

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