The Daily Broadside


Posted on 09/27/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 9/25/2021 1:37:34 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 5:53:26 AM

Crisis by design; collapse by design.

vxbush 9/27/2021 6:09:25 AM

In #1 Occasional Reader said:

Yup. Although this line made me pause: 

Despite the Department of Homeland Security insisting repeatedly the Haitians would be deported, as of Tuesday, it had only removed 1,000 of the estimated 15,000 under the bridge. Multiple news organizations including CNN reported that buses have been escorting them to a nonprofit organization in town where they purchase bus or plane tickets. 

Yeah, I don't believe they are coming in and buying their own tickets. It seems much more likely that the organization that is getting them to the busses is the group paying for the tickets--either through a grant from the federal government or the federal government is doing it directly. 

Happy Monday, campers. 

Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2021 6:09:53 AM
More cheery news
JCM 9/27/2021 7:12:56 AM

Cloward-Piven hasn't worked domestically.

So import the welfare cases.

JCM 9/27/2021 7:15:52 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

The photo and caption in the story cracked me up.

Head on view of a Royal Navy sub.... caption is "Royal Navy ambush submarine seen near Scotland"

No that is a publicity shot of the sub. And it is HMS Ambush, not ambush submarine.

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 7:19:49 AM

Reply to JCM in 5:

It's a Glock Battleship AR-15 submarine.

/after consulting my Journalist's Guide to Modern Weaponry 

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 7:24:08 AM

In #5 JCM said: And it is HMS Ambush

They missed their chance to name it the HMS No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 7:28:25 AM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: More cheery news

Not to worry, the New and Improved Taliban are "businesslike and professional".  

Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2021 7:29:10 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: It's a Glock Battleship AR-15 submarine.

You forgot it is an "assault battleship" and that it has a "high-capacity magazine"

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 7:30:12 AM
In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: I don't know what to make of this cartoon - Felix the Cat, Uncle Tom's Crabbin

I'd say that the action is too surreal to "make" anything of it; the use of background music ("Listen to the Mockingbird," "My Old Kentucky Home," "Dixie," etc.) is very interesting, and the allusion to the runaway slave Eliza escaping the hounds by fleeing from ice floe to ice floe across the frozen Ohio River (one of the most famous scenes in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," often alluded to in other cartoons, including "Rocky and Bullwinkle") by having the chase through the ice wagon is hilarious.  Note, by the way, that Felix himself closely resembles the stylized "darkies"; he, too, is black with a lot of white around the mouth.

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 7:30:53 AM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: it has a "high-capacity magazine"

I bet it has a bunch of high-capacity magazines in the ship's library...

Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2021 7:32:42 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

I just say "Frigate; we'll never get journalists to understand weapons. It just isn't in their Constitution"

JCM 9/27/2021 7:44:57 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:


lucius septimius 9/27/2021 8:10:15 AM

last full day at mom's and my sister texts me asking me if I'd thrown away everything in the basement yet.  I replied that I didn't know I was supposed to clean up the basement.  The reply?  "Well I assumed ...."

Gotta love passive-aggressive family shit.

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 8:10:15 AM

In #12 Kosh's Shadow said: I just say "Frigate; we'll never get journalists to understand weapons. It just isn't in their Constitution"

There's no need to make such Polaris-ing comments.  

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 8:11:33 AM

In #14 lucius septimius said: I'd thrown away everything in the basement yet

it might just be easier to collapse the house onto the stuff in the basement. 

JCM 9/27/2021 8:25:05 AM

I hate to say it....


*yelling at society*

CEO of Moderna Says Even Young Will Need to Take Vaccine Booster Shots Indefinitely

If you have to keep taking it.... IT IS NOT A VACCINE!

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 8:29:32 AM

In #17 JCM said: If you have to keep taking it.... IT IS NOT A VACCINE!

So the annual flu shots aren't a vaccine either?

vxbush 9/27/2021 8:30:39 AM

In #17 JCM said: If you have to keep taking it.... IT IS NOT A VACCINE!

Oh, but as long as they can snow people, they will. With the CDC changing the definition of vaccine, people will just go along. 

I say it is high past time to stand up to stupidity. 

Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2021 8:41:51 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 18:

And there are other vaccines that need to be given periodically, like tetanus. 

Some viruses, including many coronaviruses (common cold, for example), have an immune reaction that does not last as long as for other viruses.

Flu viruses are also, iirc, coronaviruses. They have an additional problem that the proteins that trigger an immune response vary, but even if you had the same variant a few years ago, you'd need another vaccine. 

The COVID vaccines ARE vaccines, as they stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies that target the COVID virus. It is that the immunity does not last for years, but declines. Worse for elderly, because they are not as good at generating a strong immune response to a new virus.

JCM 9/27/2021 8:42:43 AM
Okay, let's unpack this one.....

Lawsuit over Inslee vaccine mandate grows as more state workers sign on

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- An additional 600 state and local workers have just signed on as plaintiffs to a lawsuit that seeks to overturn Gov. Jay Inslee's COVID-19 vaccination mandate, including the state fire marshal.


“Plaintiff Charles Paul LeBlanc is the Fire Marshal for the State of Washington," according to the court filing. "Despite decades of service to the state, and his doctor’s orders, he is being denied a medical exemption.”

Nathan Arnold, attorney for the workers, said the exemption issue prompted the court action.

“The fire marshal was told that his medical exemption would be accepted, but there was no possible way to accommodate him,” he said. "That means the agency would not be able to provide him a COVID-safe working situation."

First a valid medical exemption is being effectively denied.

The big thing because they can't provide a "covid safe environment".

So regular required testing, with quarantine, everyone else being vaccinated and mandatory masking do not provide a "safe work environment".

That when you think about really exposes the lie of the covid response.

lucius septimius 9/27/2021 8:47:33 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

The thing is, there is a great deal in the house that collectors would want and pay good money for.  My sister is incapable of seeing that, mainly because she is incapable of rational thought.  Throwing everything away is her way of "getting even" and, simultaneously, not dealing with her emotions.

I've been pushing for an estate sale, but she resists the idea, mainly because she just wants to throw things out.  it's maddening.  Of course she gets a $40K bonus out of the estate because I'm the favorite child or something.

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 9:02:28 AM

In #22 lucius septimius said: I've been pushing for an estate sale, but she resists the idea, mainly because she just wants to throw things out.  it's maddening. 

When Mom died, we hired a local estate sale outfit that had run many of the sales Mom had attended over the years to dispose of a lot of the "smalls" and personal effects.  

On the one hand, that meant we didn't have to do it ourselves, which was good as regards time.  On the other hand, they way underpriced a lot of stuff (silk scarves for $1 is really a little too generous), and didn't police the off-limits area where the not-for-sale stuff was all that well.

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 9:14:52 AM
And the "mainstream" Left in this country are doubling-down on their "mainstreaming" of political violence.  
JCM 9/27/2021 9:39:34 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

Monkey Wrench Gang 2.0

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 10:48:10 AM

Reply to JCM in 25:

Shoot them on sight.

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 10:56:58 AM

In #26 Occasional Reader said: Shoot them on sight.

And on-site.

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 11:12:53 AM

By the way, had a nice, lengthy lunch in a friend's sukkah on Saturday.  Things got a little interesting, though, when---for some reason---something 2nd Amendment came up (I didn't do it), and one of the people was yakking about how you don't need some sort of weapon to put venison on the table, or something of that sort.  I said, "The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting; it exists so that people like the recently-resigned Andrew Cuomo soil themselves in terror over what might happen to them if they overstep too far."  That pulled a few folks up short.  They then started talking about the "rights" to education, healthcare, who knows what, and were slightly shocked when I said that NONE of those things were rights under the Constitution; that all the rights protected by the Consitution were rights held by the individual against the government, and that any time you expected to get something from the government it was a privilege.

I can't speak for the other lunch guests, but I had fun.

JCM 9/27/2021 11:28:04 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 27:

Somebody holding a bomb?


Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2021 11:30:45 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 28:

You're off the list for ritzy Martha's Vineyard sukkahs///

‘You’re Disgusting!’: Larry David and Alan Dershowitz in Verbal Battle Outside Martha’s Vineyard Grocery Store

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 11:34:01 AM

In #28 buzzsawmonkey said: (I didn't do it)

Very brief jiukebox

"one of the people was yakking about how you don't need some sort of weapon to put venison on the table"

Does this person wrestle deer into submission?

But anyway; yes, the "you don't need an AR-Glockety-Uzi to hunt deer" schtick is tiresome, and never goes away. 

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 11:40:35 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 31:

Yeah, it was the "AR-Glockety-Uzi" argument that they came up with.  

Then they dragged out the "militia" argument, and I pointed out---as I have here in the past---that after the Revolution several rogue militias tried to carve out private kingdoms for themselves, and they were beaten down/back in large part because the armed populace was able to "regulate" them well.  That's basically what Aaron Burr was trying to do in the separatist plan that serves as the springboard for the story 'The Man Without a Country"; I'll have to brush up on that, one of these days---and on Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion, for that matter.

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 11:47:08 AM

In #32 buzzsawmonkey said: and the Whiskey Rebellion

You could write your own history of that, adding your signature rye humor.  

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 12:00:14 PM

NYC, city of the walking dead.

Buzz, your thoughts? 

When I was there (briefly) over Labor Day weekend, I could see the decay, but nothing this bad.  

vxbush 9/27/2021 12:06:50 PM

In #34 Occasional Reader said: When I was there (briefly) over Labor Day weekend, I could see the decay, but nothing this bad.  

City leaders of multiple cities across the US have no interest in protecting people, based on the allowance of tent cities with such drug use and mental health issues (as JMF has often documented here). They note that taking drugs has turned into a situation where no laws are broken and there is no reason to arrest people. 

There has to be more than simple political will to convince these leaders to put laws on the books that lead to arrests and removal of these junkies. 

Kosh's Shadow 9/27/2021 12:17:20 PM

Reply to vxbush in 35:

The junkies are the walking dead; the politicians are the woken (brain-) dead

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 12:27:50 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 34:

I haven't been in the city for 3 months plus, since it was too annoying to try with the boot(s) while the foot was mending---and I didn't really need anything from outside the neighborhood for a while before.  But this development in no way surprises me, given de Blasé-O's ideas of law enforcement.  

Back when I moved to NYC, I used to live near the open-air drug market on Eldridge St., below Houston between the Bowery and 1st Avenue. That was pretty creepy.  One of the art directors I worked for had an apartment on that street; he saw someone get shot across the street from him. He finally moved out when a rat fell out of a hole in the ceiling of the apartment and landed on his chest when he was lying in bed.

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 12:39:58 PM

In #37 buzzsawmonkey said: I haven't been in the city for 3 months plus

I'm intriigued here:  By "the city", you mean Manhattan?   I'd have thought a Brooklynite (even adoptively) would swalllow ground glass rather then yield the "The City" moniker to Manhattan...

"the open-air drug market on Eldridge St."

Not to be confused with Eldritch St., in Arkam, MA... 

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 12:55:09 PM

In #37 buzzsawmonkey said: he saw someone get shot

I am happy to continue with my life status of never having seen that happen.

Only once in my life have I seen someone shoot at another human being, but he missed (and, fortunately, did not hit anyone else); and that was in Peru, not the US. 

buzzsawmonkey 9/27/2021 1:02:31 PM

In #38 Occasional Reader said: I'm intriigued here:  By "the city", you mean Manhattan?   I'd have thought a Brooklynite (even adoptively) would swalllow ground glass rather then yield the "The City" moniker to Manhattan...

Everyone, or practically everyone, I know in the boroughs refers to Manhattan as "the city." Yes, Brooklyn was its own city once upon a time; hence the line in "The New Colossus" alluding to the Statue of Liberty standing in "the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame"---but that was long ago, and now our consolation is in the stardust of a song, as the saying goes...

Occasional Reader 9/27/2021 1:14:55 PM

In #40 buzzsawmonkey said: Everyone, or practically everyone, I know in the boroughs refers to Manhattan as "the city."

This information will only serve to retroactively reinforce my parochial-Manhattanite tendencies from the 1990s... 

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