The Daily Broadside


Posted on 10/07/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 10/3/2021 11:05:02 AM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 10/7/2021 5:47:43 AM
Those are some pretty eggs.
vxbush 10/7/2021 6:17:01 AM

Sharing this in the hopes that we can get this story out far and wide and hopefully convince the medical community to stop being idiots. I keep thinking this is illegal, but no one is talking about that. There will be more of this if we can't stop it now. 

Colorado Kidney Patient Denied Transplant Due to Vaccine Status – Both Willing Donor and Patient Unvaccinated, Hospital Refuses Surgery  

vxbush 10/7/2021 6:26:33 AM
I know very little to nothing about the biochemistry here, but Alex Berenson has tracked down more of the background on Peter Daszak and Fauci's funding of coronaviruses in China and research conducted at Wuhan's Institute of Virology. This looks like a smoking gun to me. He quotes from another person's work; that work was taken down but Alex got big chunks of it and has posted it on his Substack page. 
vxbush 10/7/2021 6:28:13 AM

In #3 vxbush said: I know very little to nothing about the biochemistry here, but Alex Berenson a writer on sub stack has tracked down more of the background on Peter Daszak and Fauci's funding of coronaviruses in China and research conducted at Wuhan's Institute of Virology.

My apologies; Alex Berenson linked to it, so I was misrepresenting who wrote this.

lucius septimius 10/7/2021 6:34:59 AM

A bunch of pharmacists in the German town of Moers (a dull suburb of Duisburg) came up with a PR stunt to hand out yellow badges saying "I'm vaccinated!"

They were thinking of a well-known German button from the 1970s/80s that said "Nuclear Power?  No Thanks" that was popular among the yutes (I remember seeing people wearing them when I was there in the 80s).  No one, apparently, paused for a second to consider the Holocaust association, though it's been picked up since then.  The story appeared in a local newspaper (without a hint of irony).  As one commentator said "noch schmackloser geht est nicht," meaning "can't get any more tasteless than this."

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2021 7:00:28 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Link is to this page

vxbush 10/7/2021 7:40:34 AM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Link is to this page

Zeut alors! How embarrassing. Please follow this link to the details. 

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2021 7:56:57 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

It's like hiring the Mafia to design the banks and sell security. Well, not quite, but in summary, they were trying to create diseases so they could sell the vaccines - and in this case, it got away from them, and I think our immunity to coronaviruses fades quickly - maybe that was part of the plan, so they'd have to constantly sell vaccines.

In any case, they all need to be locked up and used for experiments.

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2021 8:36:00 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:
I thought the "mad scientist" was a bad movie trope, not that people like that actually existed.

JCM 10/7/2021 8:58:37 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

Lysenkoism; science used to further political ends.

vxbush 10/7/2021 9:10:38 AM

In #10 JCM said: Lysenkoism; science used to further political ends.

I would have to agree with that, although I think an argument could be made that in fact it is science used to further monetary ends by creating something similar to the flu shot that has to be given every year and create an automatic line of funding for a company. The political ends would be the frosting on the cake. 

Occasional Reader 10/7/2021 9:18:24 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

absolutely shocking.

Occasional Reader 10/7/2021 9:23:27 AM

My thought for the day:

TWANLOC are pushing us toward TEOTWAWKI, because they don't realize TANSTAAFL.

JCM 10/7/2021 10:29:57 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

The only why they would understand is if you put that in emjois.

buzzsawmonkey 10/7/2021 11:56:37 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: TWANLOC are pushing us toward TEOTWAWKI, because they don't realize TANSTAAFL.

What is "TEOTWAWKI?"  A Hawaiian volcano?

buzzsawmonkey 10/7/2021 12:31:31 PM

I'm increasingly seeing "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" being abbreviated as "DEI," as in "Vox populi vox DEI."  

I think the abbreviation/acronym should instead be "DIE," since that is what they want to make our society do.

vxbush 10/7/2021 1:11:12 PM

In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: I'm increasingly seeing "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" being abbreviated as "DEI," as in "Vox populi vox DEI."   I think the abbreviation/acronym should instead be "DIE," since that is what they want to make our society do.

Just be aware that some places are writing this as EDI, putting equity before diversity. It still doesn't change the end result, but some may try to hide this using a different acronym. I'm also starting to see different phrases used instead of DEI, but I can't recall the latest one I saw. 

buzzsawmonkey 10/7/2021 1:16:05 PM

In #17 vxbush said: some places are writing this as EDI

How appropriate, given the eddies and cross-currents this abominable ideology is creating.

Occasional Reader 10/7/2021 1:38:46 PM

In #15 buzzsawmonkey said: What is "TEOTWAWKI?"

I will answer your question musically (they are not in the captain Renaud sense of the word):

buzzsawmonkey 10/7/2021 1:54:21 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: musically (they are not in the captain Renaud sense of the word):

...not that there's anything wrong with that...

buzzsawmonkey 10/7/2021 1:55:29 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

I still like the idea of it being the name of a volcano in some Indigenous Language...

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2021 2:07:21 PM

In #21 buzzsawmonkey said: I still like the idea of it being the name of a volcano in some Indigenous Language...

The volcano that, when it erupts, destroys the world?

buzzsawmonkey 10/7/2021 2:14:45 PM

How to tell a leftwing Jew-hater from a rightwing Jew-hater:

The leftwing Jew-hater pretends to support American Jews to excuse his spouting hatred of Israel.

The rightwing Jew-hater pretends to support Israel to excuse his spouting hatred of American Jews.

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2021 2:31:38 PM

Now my new computer is offering Windows 11 again.

Downloading. Does this make me a lab rat?

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2021 2:33:18 PM

Now my new computer is offering Windows 11 again.

Downloading. Does this make me a lab rat?

Comment error 475 26
buzzsawmonkey 10/7/2021 2:37:58 PM

In #26 Kosh's Shadow said: Does this make me a lab rat?

If you're conservative, you can be a lab raTory...

lucius septimius 10/7/2021 2:40:28 PM

In #15 buzzsawmonkey said: What is "TEOTWAWKI?"  A Hawaiian volcano?

No, that's Mount Wanahakaloogi.

lucius septimius 10/7/2021 2:42:42 PM

In #28 lucius septimius said: No, that's Mount Wanahakaloogi.

A joke only those of us who have been exiled to the island of Nomoanuki get anymore.

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2021 3:08:04 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 29:

I thought it was the slang for spitting - huck a loogie

lucius septimius 10/7/2021 3:18:12 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 30:

Bingo.  Also ...

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