The Daily Broadside


Posted on 11/05/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 10/31/2021 10:00:26 AM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 11/5/2021 5:56:32 AM
That's probably enough salt to get through the morning.
Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 6:02:13 AM

Good morning.

USS Connecticut, one of only three Seawolf-class attack subs in the US Navy, may be out of commission… permanently.



What the fuck is going on with the Navy?

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 6:22:40 AM

A great critique of the global climate summit. 

A few excerpts, but RTWT

Had participants in the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow this week not taken themselves so seriously, the global happening would have made for great comedy. It’s always amusing watching the “woke” trip themselves up without even realizing it, after all.

In fairness, it’s hard for people who concern themselves with the plight of mankind – and fate of the world’s grandchildren – to take individual human beings into account. This makes sense. Huge goals, and the trillions of dollars pledged for their future realization, are a lot easier to contemplate than small, far less costly ones that need immediate and inconvenient attention.

But woe to any skeptic who might suggest that a flimsy face-covering may be about as effective against eliminating a pandemic as banning straws keeps the temperature from rising.

PROTESTS OUTSIDE the venue were equally silly. Naturally, climate activist Greta Thunberg was prominent among the demonstrators, never missing an opportunity to spew a hefty dose of her own carbon emissions.

“No more blah, blah, blah,” she shouted. “No more whatever the f*** they’re doing inside there.”

It would have been wise advice, if she had not meant that they should be putting their money where their mouths are. Unfortunately, committing to throw exorbitant sums at the problem is precisely what they were “doing inside there.”

It’s incredible how many words can be wasted on conveying a tired, agenda-driven, socialist message. Yes, we know that a privileged girl like Thunberg can thumb her nose at the very Western actions and attitudes that have alleviated poverty.

But, then, “progressives” of her ilk do not think. They mimic, regurgitate and erupt on cue.

While engaging in this mindless exercise, and professing to worry about the welfare of all people, they fail to exhibit the most basic interest in or empathy for any particular person. Israel’s energy minister was treated to a small taste of this travesty. And this is in spite of her belonging to two groups favored by the self-anointed do-gooders: women and the disabled.

Stories like that of Elharrar explain why satire is in greater danger of extinction than rain forests and dolphins. It’s a sad state of affairs that deserves a hearty laugh in response.

Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 6:49:33 AM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: No more blah, blah, blah,” she shouted. “No more whatever the f*** they’re doing inside there.”

This is clearly one of the great thinkers of our time; and someone who should obviously be setting global public policy.

buzzsawmonkey 11/5/2021 7:37:47 AM

So, has Guy Fawkes Day been canceled yet?  It is, on the one hand, an overtly anti-Catholic holiday.  On the other hand, it is an anti-Catholic holiday---so it could go either way.  And burning someone in effigy to the accompaniment of fireworks is always fun.  In the meantime,

Please to remember the Fifth of November,

The Gunpowder Treason and plot.

I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot.

Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 7:49:51 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

Catholics are in no way a Favored Grievance Group (except to the extent that they are Catholics Of Color, but then it's the Of Color part that matters); so, no, GF day isn't canceled, at least not yet. 

doppelganglander 11/5/2021 7:54:43 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:
My granddaughter, age 4, learned about it in school. Her mother caught her on video trying to explain it. Apparently King James was very bossy and naughty. 

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 7:57:10 AM

Democrat's Self-Inflicted Wound

The recent election demonstrates that voters see through the duplicity of the current failed leadership of the Democratic Party and will make their party pay in next year's midterm elections unless there is reform at the top.

buzzsawmonkey 11/5/2021 8:14:15 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

The NYT had an article today---I had a friend send a link to it to me via their "subscriber" status, as I don't have an account myself---to the effect that 90-odd students in Conservative and Reform rabbinical/cantorial schools (a fairly large percentage of those institutions' total student body) have signed on to some "woke" statement regarding their increasingly-qualified support for Israel, and for US support for Israel.  Concerned about "social justice," "people of color," and "disproportionate" power, don't you know.  I printed it out, but haven't yet had a chance to read it.  Thought you might like to know.

Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 8:17:18 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

I don't know if "duplicity" is the right concept.  The openly socialist Dems are, at least, openly socialist.  

And I tire of the Dersh's "pox on both their houses" approach.   He cites "extremist" Republicans.  What are the "extremist" policies they support?  Actually having national borders, and enforced immigration laws?  Actually having freedom of speech?  

buzzsawmonkey 11/5/2021 8:25:31 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

Morning Sedition was going on and on this morning about the "white supremacist threat" of the Oathkeepers.  In none of their lengthy blather did they give any background on the organization or its stated principles, nor did they cite anything that the organization as such had done that was "threatening."  They merely reiterated the mantra that the Oathkeepers are "white supremacist" (even while admitting that there were Asian and Hispanic members).  

It was highly reminiscent of NPR's constant reiteration about the "false claim" that 2020 was stolen, the "lies" involved, etc., which they some how never managed to get around to enumerating, let alone analyzing.

JCM 11/5/2021 8:29:26 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

I'm wondering if the boat had a collision with a PLAN boat, maybe one of their boomers.

Chairman Milley is hell bent on keeping the ChiComs happy, to the point of treason.

Connecticut is an attack boat, their job is to follow missile boats and if things heat up, take the missile boat out before it can launch.

A miscalculation on either skippers behalf and there can be a collision. Happened a number of times between our attack boats and Soviet boomers.

If Connecticut hit a uncharted seamount, there isn't much of an issue, no damage by saying so.

However if there was a collision between Connecticut and a PLAN boat there could be an "incident" if both sides decide not to say much there isn't and "incident".

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 8:34:28 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: to the effect that 90-odd students in Conservative and Reform rabbinical/cantorial schools (a fairly large percentage of those institutions' total student body) have signed on to some "woke" statement regarding their increasingly-qualified support for Israel, and for US support for Israel.

Given that Reform has gone woke a while ago, I'm not surprised at them. Conservative hasn't been as bad. But we have a whole generation brought up on the crap the NY Shturmer prints. Of course, we can't exactly trust the NYT. They had an article about how unhappy Israelis are, ignoring that it is the 14th happiest country; Israelis responded showing themselves doing happy things with the #sadsadisrael tag.

(Link to the article about it)

So take the Times article as trying to justify themselves. 

Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 8:36:55 AM

In #11 buzzsawmonkey said: It was highly reminiscent of NPR's constant reiteration about the "false claim" that 2020 was stolen,

"Trump's lie",  is how I hear them refer to this lately, in their... "news" "reporting".  

Any sensible Journo 101 student would recognize this as the language of an opinion piece, not news reporting.  But they've abandoned even the basics of journalistic integrity, in pursuit of hyper-partisan shilling for the left wing of the Democratic Party.  And the best part is: You and I get to help pay for it!  Whether we like it or not!

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 8:37:03 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: And I tire of the Dersh's "pox on both their houses" approach.   He cites "extremist" Republicans.  What are the "extremist" policies they support?  Actually having national borders, and enforced immigration laws?  Actually having freedom of speech?  

Marjorie Taylor-Greene is somewhat of a nutjob - but the Republican leadership in no way endorses her, unlike the Dems endorsing the "sordid Squad". I forget if it was Tlaib or Omar who had a progressive Black opponent, but he did not get their endorsement, the Squad member did.
What he misses is that the Dem leadership is 100% on the socialist train; they just pretend they are centrist.

Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 8:37:43 AM

In #12 JCM said: I'm wondering if the boat had a collision with a PLAN boat, maybe one of their boomers.

The official story is that it was with an uncharted seamount.

buzzsawmonkey 11/5/2021 8:46:19 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

"Conservative" Judaism---founded as a reaction against Reform---is about where Reform Judaism was about 20 years ago.  One of the reasons I left the local Conservative congregation, despite there being many people there I liked, and miss, is that much of their "theology" consisted of "We're not them"---i.e., Orthodox.  It seemed then, and seems now, a pretty arid form of self-definition.  

JCM 11/5/2021 8:48:04 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

That's the story, and if it is the truth, no need for all the secrecy around the event.

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 8:52:09 AM

Reply to JCM in 18:

If the sub did collide with a Chinese boat, what happed to that boat? I doubt it would have been undamaged.

The ChiComs could make a stink that one of our subs was careless and collided, or they might have lost the sub and don't want to admit it.

JCM 11/5/2021 9:01:38 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

Or was it even a collision? Did a PLAN boat intentionally collide or worse a PLAN skipper lost his cool and fired on the Connecticut? Now that would be worth keeping under wraps.

The simplest and most likely is the Connecticut drove into a seamount. 

That's the problem with a lack of transparency.... it breeds speculation.

Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 9:48:34 AM

In #18 JCM said: no need for all the secrecy around the event.

... well, except that perhaps you don't want to go public with what our subs can and cannot do in this area. [shrug]

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 9:48:51 AM

Reply to JCM in 20:

A collision with an uncharted seamount is also a much more likely explanation. Subs can be heard on passive sonar; seamounts can't.

JCM 11/5/2021 9:58:17 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 21:

Especially if it someplace it shouldn't have been.

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 22:

A collision with a seamount is the most likely.

When now know about Parche, Seawolf, Russell and Operation Ivy Bells. So if she was up to something like that, that would explain the secrecy.

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 10:34:04 AM
The 10 Commandments of Wokeness
Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 11:21:14 AM

In #24 Kosh's Shadow said: The 10 Commandments of Wokeness

1) Thou shalt have no other Gods before the all-powerful State
 Read the rest there.

buzzsawmonkey 11/5/2021 12:05:50 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:

If when you hear the trumpets you do not bow down, you shall be cast into a Fiery Fairness...

Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 12:22:22 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 26:

Back in my first year of law school, someone (not me, alas) came up with the Ten Commandments for 1Ls, the first of which was:  

I am the Lord thy God, Emanuel; thou shalt have no other gods before me.  

buzzsawmonkey 11/5/2021 12:34:13 PM

In #27 Occasional Reader said: I am the Lord thy God, Emanuel; thou shalt have no other gods before me.  

Hey, it's difficult to learn anything new without Emanuel a manual.

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 12:50:11 PM

In #28 buzzsawmonkey said: Hey, it's difficult to learn anything new without Emanuel a manual.

Difficult to find manuals today, especially in cars.

buzzsawmonkey 11/5/2021 12:53:10 PM

In #29 Kosh's Shadow said: Difficult to find manuals today, especially in cars.

Come on down to New York's 9th Avenue.  Lots of people willing to give you a "manual" there, at reasonable prices...

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 1:27:36 PM

In #30 buzzsawmonkey said: Come on down to New York's 9th Avenue.  Lots of people willing to give you a "manual" there, at reasonable prices...

And some of them are trannies.

Occasional Reader 11/5/2021 1:30:22 PM

This pun thread is going into overdrive; but I know I can count on you guys to come through in the clutch. 

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 2:21:26 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 32:

Seems like the pun thread is revving down. I guess we got tired.

Alice in Dairyland 11/5/2021 3:08:39 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 33:

I've got a spare pun if you need one.  It's in my trunk, next to the box of dem votes.

Kosh's Shadow 11/5/2021 3:52:15 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 34:

Maybe that can jack up the puns

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