The Daily Broadside


Posted on 11/09/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 11/6/2021 3:09:29 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 5:47:51 AM

Lucius, you should look into this place - University of Austin 

But based on this article, you have a lot of competition

vxbush 11/9/2021 6:16:08 AM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: Lucius, you should look into this place - University of Austin 

If this is going to be a physical space, then they are going to need IT people. Time for me to apply! 

Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 6:59:34 AM

Helicopter is back - and it is (partially) black - is it coming after me?

Occasional Reader 11/9/2021 7:07:01 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:


Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 7:14:30 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

The zoom effect makes it look like the helicopter is right over the house, but the power lines are on the far side.

Occasional Reader 11/9/2021 7:41:49 AM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: are on the far side

Next to the cigarette-smoking dinosaurs? 

doppelganglander 11/9/2021 7:51:00 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

Most of the big names are advisors. If you get on the email list, there's an option to receive notices of faculty openings. 

I've already seen tweets from conservatives dismissing the project out of hand because it includes people on the left like Steven Pinker. The point is to have a heterodox board and faculty so all viewpoints are addressed. I've also seen lefties dismissing it because it's nonaccredited. Uh, it can't be accredited because it doesn't exist yet. Passing off people on both sides sounds like they're on the right track.

JCM 11/9/2021 8:43:43 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

You see that round thingy under the nose?

Yah, that's the 5G vaccine nanobot activator!

buzzsawmonkey 11/9/2021 8:47:17 AM
Butt of course:  "Trans"-portation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announces that he is going to use federal funds to address "racist" road design.
vxbush 11/9/2021 8:53:32 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: Butt of course:  "Trans"-portation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announces that he is going to use federal funds to address "racist" road design.

Stop signs are red and make you stop -> they are oppressive tools of the white cisnormative patriarchy -> All stop signs are removed. 

QED. Progress!

Occasional Reader 11/9/2021 8:56:01 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: Butt of course:  "Trans"-portation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announces that he is going to use federal funds to address "racist" road design.

Well, it's good to see that Pete has recovered from the rigors of childbirth, anyway.  That hospital bed was put to good use. 

JCM 11/9/2021 9:03:30 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

All black top roads to be closed and destroyed.

Regulatory road signs will no long be black on white.

Purple on mauve will be the new color scheme.

All lane markings will be rainbow!

Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 9:06:17 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:
Roads are black and everyone drives over them, and there are white lines telling drivers where to go! White Line Supremacy!

buzzsawmonkey 11/9/2021 9:10:48 AM

Reply to vxbush in 10:

There is some truth to the notion that racial considerations figured in certain roadbuilding; supposedly, Robert Moses designed the overpasses on the Long Island expressways to provide clearance for automobiles, but to be too low to permit excursion buses to get by---the idea being that excursion buses would enable poor folk, some of them black, to visit Jones Beach and other such waterfront spots on Long Island.  It may be true, though it would not surprise me if it were merely an urban legend, given that it is unlikely that even the buses of 70/80 years ago would hardly have been taller than today's semi-trucks, which certainly zip around the expressways on Long Island.  Furthermore, expressways are not the only way to get to a particular destination; there are the expressway service roads and the roads that existed pre-expressway.  

In Chicago, the Dan Ryan expressway was certainly built to provide a barrier between the black and integrated neighborhoods of the eastern South Side from the white-ethnic neighborhoods (mostly Irish and Polish) of the western South Side.  But that was 60-odd years ago, and the demographics have changed since then.  The idea of blowing several fortunes to pretend to undo the alleged racism of more than half a century ago is ridiculous.

It is true that when building expressways and the like, poor neighborhoods suffer "disproportionately" (hate that term); if you're going to have to spend eminent domain money to acquire the land for a public works project, it makes sense to acquire the land that's cheaper.  

vxbush 11/9/2021 9:14:47 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: Well, it's good to see that Pete has recovered from the rigors of childbirth, anyway.  That hospital bed was put to good use. 

How many months off did he get as new parent? 

buzzsawmonkey 11/9/2021 9:15:27 AM

In #15 vxbush said: How many months off did he get as new parent? 

I think he's still "getting off" on being a new parent...

JCM 11/9/2021 9:17:49 AM
White House tells businesses to proceed with vaccine mandate despite court-ordered pause
JCM 11/9/2021 9:44:35 AM

F.B.I. Searches James O’Keefe’s Home in Ashley Biden Diary Theft Inquiry

Last May.

Biden won’t allow Justice Dept. to seize reporters’ records
Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 9:44:43 AM

Trump would beat Biden if the election was held today

JCM 11/9/2021 10:05:40 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

Trump beat Biden the first time 'round.

Occasional Reader 11/9/2021 10:38:39 AM

Reply to JCM in 18:

Since when is the (alleged) theft of a woman's diary an FBI matter in the first place?

We live in a banana republic. 


Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 10:46:26 AM

I can't figure out how the clickbait ad companies stay in business.

Are there really that many people dumb enough to click on them but still smart enough to use the Internet?

JCM 11/9/2021 10:53:27 AM


Diary leak: Biden daughter Ashley describes "inappropriate" Shower with Joe

O’Keefe’s conservative organization had refused to publish the diary, but claimed to know where it was. Project Veritas later even claimed to have an audio recording of Biden herself admitting it was hers. In his Friday video, O’Keefe said the group had been contacted by whistleblowers who “temporarily” lived in the same hotel room as Biden’s daughter, alleging that she “left” the diary.

O’Keefe said Project Veritas turned the diary over to law enforcement after first contacting Ashley Biden’s attorney, who “refused to authenticate”. O’Keefe stressed that he had contacted the US Department of Justice of his own volition and “provided incontestable facts showing that Project Veritas is not involved in criminal activities and / or criminal intent”. The group said they chose not to publish the diary because they couldn’t verify its contents or whether it really belonged to Ashley Biden.

buzzsawmonkey 11/9/2021 11:47:24 AM
How are people who believe all this climate-change nonsense able to tie their shoes in the morning?
Occasional Reader 11/9/2021 11:50:57 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 24:


buzzsawmonkey 11/9/2021 1:10:52 PM
If I Ever Get a Job Again
buzzsawmonkey 11/9/2021 1:12:18 PM
I've Gotta Get Up and Go to Work
JCM 11/9/2021 1:21:34 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 25:

Nike Self Tying Shoes

Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 1:32:42 PM

Took the dogs out for their run around the yard. They started sniffing at a large pile of animal droppings that had seeds in it.

Black bear scat. So we have evidence of a bear in the yard.  Have seen bear tracks before, but this is clear evidence.

Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 2:20:33 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29:


vxbush 11/9/2021 2:22:18 PM

In #29 Kosh's Shadow said: Took the dogs out for their run around the yard. They started sniffing at a large pile of animal droppings that had seeds in it. Black bear scat. So we have evidence of a bear in the yard.  Have seen bear tracks before, but this is clear evidence.

In #29 Kosh's Shadow said: Took the dogs out for their run around the yard. They started sniffing at a large pile of animal droppings that had seeds in it. Black bear scat. So we have evidence of a bear in the yard.  Have seen bear tracks before, but this is clear evidence.

Are there any steps you need to take to minimize the bears coming by? I'm just wondering where your trash can is most of the time and if that might attract a bear or two.

Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 2:29:54 PM

Reply to vxbush in 31:

We'll stop putting out birdseed, That attracts bears.

Trash bins never have trash in them until I take them out in the morning.

Back before the bins, when we'd leave bags out overnight, we'd find the bags torn right where there was a dog food can or chicken bone inside. Too small to be bear tears; figured raccoon. Started spraying the inside of the bags with Clorox cleaner or ammonia, and that stopped.

Now we have the bins, which are picked up by a mechanism on the truck.

JCM 11/9/2021 2:47:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 30:

End Polar Bear Privilege!

Kosh's Shadow 11/9/2021 2:59:17 PM

Looked up cost of flying the helicopter over the power lines.

Variable costs, $584/hour

Including fixed costs, total is $765/hour

Probably higher now with higher fuel costs

JCM 11/9/2021 3:02:50 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 34:

Which is cheaper than have a crew slog up the right of way.

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