The Daily Broadside


Posted on 11/24/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 11/20/2021 10:46:17 AM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 11/24/2021 6:06:37 AM
Good morning!  CNN caught white-facing the (alleged!) perpetrator of the Waukesha Massacre.
Kosh's Shadow 11/24/2021 6:48:55 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:
And the official story is still that ramming the parade was not deliberate. He was fleeing some other "incident".


And was zigzagging down the street trying to murder as many people as he could.

Only Tucker Carlson is discussing the motive (link)

The more we learn about Darrell Brooks, the easier it is to understand why the media don't want to talk about him. Brooks's social media feeds are full of racist and Black nationalist propaganda. In one of his rap songs, he includes lines from Malcolm X justifying race-hate against Whites. He posted a picture of a fruit bowl arranged to display the letters BLM with a raised fist. And not insignificantly, Brooks also criticized the jury's verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. 

Kosh's Shadow 11/24/2021 8:04:29 AM

Someone almost had a road kill Thanksgiving.

The part of the street I live on has a 25 mph speed limit. Wild turkeys were crossing the road and someone was driving at least 35. Did manage to stop in time.

Occasional Reader 11/24/2021 8:07:18 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

he is the next poet laureate of the United States of America. 

/i’m not entirely sure that I’m kidding

Kosh's Shadow 11/24/2021 8:08:10 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

Plus Brooks supports the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. 

Occasional Reader 11/24/2021 9:57:13 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Yet another example of white-supremacist violence.

/stroking chin sorrowfully

Occasional Reader 11/24/2021 10:01:21 AM

AOC and perfect timing.

Occasional Reader 11/24/2021 10:30:39 AM

Dining on Acela with Little OR, using my K-Bar Tactical Spork to slice and serve his pizza.


doppelganglander 11/24/2021 11:23:34 AM

All three defendants found guilty in the Ahmaud Arbery trial. 

Finally, something the left and the right can agree on.

Occasional Reader 11/24/2021 1:54:52 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 9:

Is the case really that cut and dried?  From what I have read, admittedly not so much, the defendants were not too out there in suspecting Arbery was casing properties for burglary.

lucius septimius 11/24/2021 3:11:06 PM
Hard to get used to this business of it nearly being dark by 4:00.
lucius septimius 11/24/2021 3:11:06 PM
Hard to get used to this business of it nearly being dark by 4:00.
Alice in Dairyland 11/24/2021 3:36:49 PM
Wow.  JJ Watts is offering to pay for all the funerals from the Waukesha Christmas Massacre.  Wonder what Kaepernick is planning to doing.
Kosh's Shadow 11/24/2021 4:37:10 PM

In #13 Alice in Dairyland said: Wonder what Kaepernick is planning to doing.

Paying Brooks' bail?/

Alice in Dairyland 11/24/2021 4:52:16 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:

There ya go.  That's very believable.

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