The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/08/2021 5.00 AM

lucius septimius 12/8/2021 5:04:04 AM
I'm the Null Value!

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 12/8/2021 5:21:37 AM
You could at least have posted a picture!
Kosh's Shadow 12/8/2021 5:25:04 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

lucius septimius 12/8/2021 5:33:03 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

vxbush 12/8/2021 6:06:03 AM

Kosh's Shadow 12/8/2021 6:06:14 AM

American Gulag

vxbush 12/8/2021 7:08:58 AM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: American Gulag

So where are all the other Republicans in Congress? Do they see the J6 incarcerated as toxically radioactive that they can't even stand up for their rights as Americans? 

No need to answer. It's clear. 

Occasional Reader 12/8/2021 7:30:16 AM

I really can do without breakfast food photos today, as my stomach is growling... I skipped breakfast, on purpose, because my works minions and I are having our holiday lunch today, at a restaurant that's famous for filling one up with lots of food.

In related news, I've proposed to them that next year, we should take advantage of the same occasion to have an "ugly holiday sweater/sweatshirt contest";  and they seem amenable to the idea.

What they don't realize is: I've already won.  

Occasional Reader 12/8/2021 7:59:56 AM
Interesting study out of Israel on Covid immunity. 
vxbush 12/8/2021 8:16:11 AM

In #7 Occasional Reader said: What they don't realize is: I've already won.  

Spot on! Excellent choice. 

JCM 12/8/2021 8:18:34 AM
Marxist Seattle Councilwoman Trails in Early Recall Results
Kosh's Shadow 12/8/2021 8:25:14 AM

In #7 Occasional Reader said: have an "ugly holiday sweater/sweatshirt contest";

I worked for a company that did that. The CEO might have been the instigator. I never participated.

Occasional Reader 12/8/2021 8:46:45 AM

The real story here: The Finnish Prime Minister is hawt.  

Kosh's Shadow 12/8/2021 11:58:14 AM

Who needs state control of the media when the MSM is willingly slanting their stories?

    According to CNN’s media newsletter, the Biden administration is meeting with journalists “behind the scenes” to change the way they are covering the supply chain crisis and other economic issues that have been hurting Biden’s approval ratings.

    “The White House, not happy with the news media’s coverage of the supply chain and economy, has been working behind the scenes trying to reshape coverage in its favor,” reports Oliver Darcy at CNN. “Senior White House and admin officials — including NEC Deputy Directors David Kamin and Bharat Ramamurti, along with Ports Envoy John Porcari — have been briefing major newsrooms over the past week, a source tells me.”

    “The officials have been discussing with newsrooms trends pertaining to job creation, economic growth, supply chains, and more,” Darcy continued. “The basic argument that has been made: That the country’s economy is in much better shape than it was last year. I’m told the conversations have been productive, with anchors and reporters and producers getting to talk with the officials…”

Occasional Reader 12/8/2021 12:11:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

Pravda and Izvestia smile. 

JCM 12/8/2021 12:25:17 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

A "real" journalist would decline the meeting and make it a story.

buzzsawmonkey 12/8/2021 12:32:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

It's too bad "American" doesn't scan as a substitute for "British" in the following old and well-worn verse.  Maybe "...the U.S. journalist..."?

You cannot hope to bribe or twist---

Thank God!---the British journalist.  

But, seeing what the man will do

Unbribed, there's no occasion to.

vxbush 12/8/2021 12:40:42 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

Yes, it's never about fixing the actual problems, because that's hard. It's always easier to change the reporting. And we just can't go back and do what Trump did, because he was mean and nasty. 

doppelganglander 12/8/2021 12:51:59 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

We're having a pot luck tomorrow, along with hot chocolate, decorating paper stocking, and a grab bag gift exchange. I have to make deviled eggs tonight,  but I basically get tomorrow off. 

Kosh's Shadow 12/8/2021 1:08:23 PM

In #17 vxbush said: Yes, it's never about fixing the actual problems, because that's hard. It's always easier to change the reporting

The chocolate ration is being increased from 5 grams to 3

vxbush 12/8/2021 1:19:25 PM

In #18 doppelganglander said: We're having a pot luck tomorrow, along with hot chocolate, decorating paper stocking, and a grab bag gift exchange. I have to make deviled eggs tonight,  but I basically get tomorrow off. 

That sounds like actually fun--at work! Is that allowed? //

Seriously, have fun and enjoy it. 

Occasional Reader 12/8/2021 1:35:21 PM

In #15 JCM said: A "real" journalist would decline the meeting and make it a story.


Alice in Dairyland 12/8/2021 2:40:30 PM

Teen allegedly rapes elderly woman at Waukesha Public Library

Sorry to ruin everyone's Holiday festivities but what the hell in going on in Wisconsin?  Please, please, please let Illinois take ownership of Milwaukee.  Heck, you can have pretty much from Fond du lac on down.

Alice in Dairyland 12/8/2021 2:47:44 PM

"One of our sources claimed some in the system are worried about “BLM outrage” if the boy, who is black, is charged as an adult. However, we’ve also learned that Waukesha police want him charged as an adult. That decision will ultimately be made by Waukesha County District Attorney Sue Opper’s office." from

Gee, I wonder how she'll decide to charge him.

Kosh's Shadow 12/8/2021 3:12:23 PM

In #23 Alice in Dairyland said: if the boy, who is black, is charged as an adult

Isn't it racist to call a black man "boy"?/

doppelganglander 12/8/2021 4:32:29 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 23:

BLM can fuck right off. I don't see them doing a damn thing about black crime except encouraging more of it.

Kosh's Shadow 12/8/2021 4:43:43 PM

In #25 doppelganglander said: BLM can fuck right off. I don't see them doing a damn thing about black crime except encouraging more of it.

And that is exactly what they want.

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