The Daily Broadside


Posted on 01/28/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 1/22/2022 12:44:22 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 5:43:01 AM
Good morning. So> Whoever the SCOTUS nominee turns out to be; if confirmed, should she from then on simply be referred to as Associate Justice Black Woman?
lucius septimius 1/28/2022 6:14:00 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Kim Strassel had a good column this morning about what a bone-headed play this is for Biden and the Ds. Progressive Twitter has been squirming with delight about how this will prove to everyone how raaaaaacist the GOP is!!!!!!  Yes, this will finally show the people of America the evil truth!!!!!!11!!!!! Legions of POC will come out to vote giving the Dems TOTAL CONTROL OF CONGRESS!!!!!11! END OF GOP FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!11eleventyeleven

The reality, as she points out, is far more prosaic and, in electoral terms, stupid.  

First of all, Schumer wants the whole confirmation process over by April.  Even using New Math, that's six months before the election.  People will have long forgotten, especially Dem voters who can't remember what they had for breakfast yesterday. Inflation, foreign policy debacles, further Biden missteps will be in people's minds, not a SCOTUS nomination from half a year ago.  

Add to that the fact that the GOP is really the only group that (according to polling) really cares all that much about SCOTUS unless abortion is on the line.

Secondly, it won't change the composition of the court.  The GOP knows this.  Let everything go forward and then come November hang the choice around the necks of Ds in vulnerable swing states.   

Third, since confirmation is more or less guaranteed, the only question is whether Biden appoints a Kagan or of Sotomayer.  In the former case, nothing really changes on the bench; if the latter, the likelihood of the liberals forming any kind of coalition with the conservative justices declines, making more potent the conservative majority.  Moreover, if the nominee is yet another screaming commie harpy, the GOP can just point at her and say "you really want more of this?" To which the bulk of the electorate will say "fuck no."

So despite the squeals of joy from the progressives, the choice will (1) have no effect on the composition of the court (2) not hurt the GOP but very likely (3) hurt the Dems, especially if Biden follows form and lets the Communist wing of the party dictate his choice.

Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 6:16:50 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

I wonder if they'll find a trans candidate and check another woke box.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 6:17:44 AM

In the face of SnowCycloneBombpocalypse, Boston Mayor's chief of staff declares need for "snowplow equity":  That is, prioritizing bike lanes over... everyhing else.

So, cheer up, Bostonians; if you have a medical emergency during the blizzard, the bike-ambulance will be on its way. 

Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 6:21:48 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: So, cheer up, Bostonians; if you have a medical emergency during the blizzard, the bike-ambulance will be on its way. 

Maybe they can import the ambucycles (motorcycles) Magen David Adom uses?/

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 6:24:27 AM

In #2 lucius septimius said: Moreover, if the nominee is yet another screaming commie harpy, the GOP can just point at her and say "you really want more of this?" To which the bulk of the electorate will say "fuck no."

I hope you (and Kim) are right; I fear that the great bulk of the polloi have no clue, and no interest.   They've been brainwashed into thinking that chromosomal nose-counting is an unalloyed good; and that's all they'll see. 

Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 6:25:40 AM

NIH normalizing pedophilia?

This is ugly. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) dropped roughly $8 million on an app that gathers data on the sex lives of gay and trans boys as young as 13 who have sex with men.

No wait, I know the worst part of this situation. The U.S. government isn’t going after the predators having sex with gay and trans boys as young as 13 years old. They are happy to simply gather the “data” juicy details.

It “almost” seems like this left-leaning government is trying to normalize pedophilia. Check this out, from the NIH site,

    The MyPEEPS Mobile intervention is a novel evidence-driven intervention using mobile technology to deliver HIV prevention information. This is the first study to test the efficacy of a scaled-up, mobile version of an existing HIV prevention intervention originally developed, designed, and piloted for, a diverse group of YMSM.

FYI, YMSM means “Young Men who have Sex with Men.”

There is no better way to normalize something repulsive than to give it a nice-sounding name. Remember, the left now calls pedophiles “MAPs,” which stands for “minor-attracted person.” The boys having sex with grown men are “YMSM.”

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 6:25:49 AM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: Maybe they can import the ambucycles (motorcycles) Magen David Adom uses?/

I had no idea.  Um... how does that work?  I imagine this is more a medic to render first aid, than an "ambulance", per se? 

buzzsawmonkey 1/28/2022 6:27:05 AM

In yesterday's Washington Post (1/27), there is an article headlined, "Gas stoves in kitchens pose a risk to public health and the planet, research finds."

I don't have a link to that, as I do not have a WaPo account---but here's a discussion of the same Stanford study from today's NPR, which can be read or listened to.

These people are dangerously insane.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 6:38:07 AM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: These people are dangerously insane.


We are way past being able to have relatively rational discussions with these lunatics over optimal corporate tax rates, or something of the sort.  

lucius septimius 1/28/2022 6:40:36 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

Which in this case helps conservatives.  Again, poll data shows that concerns over SCOTUS nominations is a major factor for mobilizing GOP voters. The hoi polloi - that is, your typical democrat - doesn't care. And in the current climate, especially in an off year when voting drops off by 20 points on average, a small GOP surge could be all it takes to shift control of congress.

buzzsawmonkey 1/28/2022 6:48:13 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

On the local NPR, they're covering protests in Greenpoint (Brooklyn), joined by Congresswomen Carolyn Maloney and Nydia Velasquez (the First Latino Congresswoman from NYC, gerrymandered into office via creation of the "Bullwinkle District"), against a natural-gas vaporization plant being built/expanded in the Greenpoint industrial area, because it's "only 3000 yards" (i.e., two miles) away from some public-housing project.

Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 7:09:02 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: In the face of SnowCycloneBombpocalypse, Boston Mayor's chief of staff declares need for "snowplow equity":  That is, prioritizing bike lanes over... everyhing else.

And sorry, you poor POC who take the bus to work. Go buy bicycles or walk. 

vxbush 1/28/2022 7:15:03 AM

In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: And sorry, you poor POC who take the bus to work. Go buy bicycles or walk. 

You can tell those Democrat politicians really care for their constituents, right? 

JCM 1/28/2022 7:19:36 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

Wouldn't anyone in the healthcare field be a mandatory report for child abuse.

So anyone at NIH would have to report the results to law enforcement.

JCM 1/28/2022 7:21:37 AM

This will end well...

Teens kicking in the doors of homes in Vancouver as part of TikTok challenge, police say

VANCOUVER, Wash. — Police in Vancouver say they are investigating at least seven incidents linked to a popular trend on TikTok.

The so-called “door kick challenge” has users record themselves kicking in front doors on unsuspecting people.

JCM 1/28/2022 7:31:42 AM

My first thought.....

Well isn't THAT convenient!

Bridge in Pittsburgh collapses hours before scheduled Biden visit to talk infrastructure

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 7:42:54 AM

Reply to JCM in 17:

what does “infrastructure“ have to do with icky stuff like bridges? I thought it was all about daycare and equity and stuff.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 7:45:29 AM

Reply to JCM in 16:

Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 8:05:22 AM

A couple of CH-47 Chinooks circled around a few times. Never over the house; over wetlands across the street.

Couldn't get good pictures,

JCM 1/28/2022 8:07:38 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20:

CH-47 another one of those designs that got it right. In Production now for 60 years.

Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 8:20:45 AM

In #21 JCM said: CH-47 another one of those designs that got it right. In Production now for 60 years.

Newer versions, though; better engines, modern avionics, other improvements.

Same with C-130

Good basic design.

B-52's need new engines, though. Problem is, new engines won't fit in the old nacelles, and that means designing and certifying new nacelles. Last I heard, they were thinking of using business jet engines, because they will fit, 2 per nacelle like the old ones.

JCM 1/28/2022 8:25:24 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 22:

They selected the Rolls Royce F130. Part of the problem is the design requires 8 engines. Yes it would easier to put larger single engines on each pylon. However with a 4 engine layout, an engine out is 50% power loss on that side, instead of 25%. The control surfaces of the plane are based on an 8 engine layout. It would require huge changes to controls to go to 4 engines.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 8:39:42 AM

Reply to JCM in 23:

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s time for a new heavy bomber.

buzzsawmonkey 1/28/2022 8:42:36 AM

In #24 Occasional Reader said: Or maybe, just maybe, it’s time for a new heavy bomber.

A "heavy bomber?"  Ted Kaczynski?

JCM 1/28/2022 8:44:34 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

B-21 Raider.

We have 45 B-1B, 19 B-2 and 74 B-52s.

The BUFF is over half our bomber force.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 8:50:45 AM

Reply to JCM in 26:

Yeah, I know.  Let’s see if it actually gets built in the numbers that are needed; or if instead it’s cancelled after a half dozen or so, and the rest of the funding diverted to USAF servicepersyn gender-transition surgery.

JCM 1/28/2022 8:55:37 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27:

Just paint the damn bombers in a rainbow flag!

Age old question.... or a least since since Douhey, are heavy bombers still relevant?

The BUFFs are relegated to stand off weapons. We can have the same effect with a dozen F-18s as a B-52.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 9:04:11 AM

In #28 JCM said: We can have the same effect with a dozen F-18s as a B-52.


doppelganglander 1/28/2022 9:05:42 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

So I ask myself, why are they against clean natural gas for cooking when just a few yecanars ago they demanded natural gas busses? We already know the grid can't handle current demand, yet they're pushing electric cars. And it occurs to me - they want higher demand for electricity precisely because it's scarce. It gives them the power to turn off the essentials of modern life instantly. No heat or AC for you, no hot meals, you can't drive more than 200 miles from home (if that, since we can shut down charging stations). Not to mention the internet, the cloud, and cell phone service. 

You will own nothing and be happy. You will also be sitting in the dark eating cold insect patties.

JCM 1/28/2022 9:06:47 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

Yah.... Remember Operation Black Buck. The Vulcan Raid on the Falklands. It took like 6 tankers to put one bomber on target.

doppelganglander 1/28/2022 9:06:53 AM

In #30 doppelganglander said: yecanars


Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 9:14:30 AM

In #31 JCM said: Operation Black Buck.


"The Vulcan Raid on the Falklands. "

Fascinating.   [raising one eyebrow]

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 9:15:22 AM

In #30 doppelganglander said: a few yecanars ago


JCM 1/28/2022 9:16:22 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 34:

I've been drinking covfefe for yecanars!

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 9:17:41 AM
I like "yecanars".  It sounds like Clockwork Orange slang.  I say we keep it.  
JCM 1/28/2022 9:20:11 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 33:


Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 9:20:46 AM

Reply to JCM in 37:

[I know.]

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 9:23:24 AM

Reply to JCM in 37:

Some OR trivia: I used to date an Argentinian woman whose dad had been the team leader of the first team of Argentinian Navy buzos tacticos* (SeALs equivalent) to arrive on the islands; which is to say, I think, the first Argentinian forces. 

* just imagine an accent on that first "a"

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 9:24:12 AM

In #39 Occasional Reader said: I used to date

This was about 11-12 yecanars ago. 

JCM 1/28/2022 9:24:42 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 38:

It's such a pretty plane, I can resist posting pics of it.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 9:47:49 AM
Biden was apparently a disaster on the call with the Ukraine president; Twitter obligingly covers for him, of course. 
Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 10:19:39 AM

In #42 Occasional Reader said: Biden was apparently a disaster on the call with the Ukraine president; Twitter obligingly covers for him, of course. 

I think some of the talk went "So, if you want help from the US, Burisma needs to hire Hunter for a lot more than last time. Kapish?"

JCM 1/28/2022 10:23:33 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 42:

Mr. President release the transcript of the Ukraine call!


Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 10:48:39 AM

Reply to JCM in 44:

it’s different this time because shut up

buzzsawmonkey 1/28/2022 11:07:01 AM

In #30 doppelganglander said: We already know the grid can't handle current demand, yet they're pushing electric cars.

It appears that electric cars pose a number of other problems too, over and above the inability of the grid to be able to supply them with power.

JCM 1/28/2022 11:12:50 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 46:

Yet the article still cheer leads for EVs.

All of these points add up to one lesson: Get excited when you hear about lighter battery technology breakthroughs or battery energy density improvements that can allow a smaller battery to yield the same range as today's larger ones, reducing the weight of the otherwise heavier vehicles of the future.

The energy density of batteries is a long, long way from gas and diesel.

buzzsawmonkey 1/28/2022 11:18:38 AM

In #47 JCM said: Yet the article still cheer leads for EVs.

The Left is adept at pointing out the problems with their schemes that are glaringly in plain sight, and appearing to discuss them, while never once veering from pushing the clearly-flawed objective.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 11:45:52 AM
Biden DO"J" expliciitly endorses lighter setencing for crimes committed in the name of "Black LIves Matter". 
Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 12:00:02 PM

In #49 Occasional Reader said: Biden DO"J" expliciitly endorses lighter setencing for crimes committed in the name of "Black LIves Matter". 

Dept. of Racial Justice

JCM 1/28/2022 12:00:13 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 49:

it’s different this time because shut up

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 12:46:47 PM

In #51 JCM said: it’s different this time because shut up

It's the gift that keeps on giving.

doppelganglander 1/28/2022 1:31:27 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 40:

Go ahead, make fun of my autocorrect. You've mentioned that voice transcription on your phone is noticeably worse than previously. My autocorrect is also worse on this phone. For example, if I mistype qhen for when, it never suggests when. The W is right there! 

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 1:43:11 PM

In #53 doppelganglander said: Go ahead, make fun

I'm not!  I'm seriously a fan of Clockwork Orange-ian "yecanars".  

JCM 1/28/2022 1:56:27 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 53:

I don't even need autocorrect for typos!

Alice in Dairyland 1/28/2022 4:28:49 PM

And I thought my 2nd grade picture was bad.


Alice in Dairyland 1/28/2022 4:47:45 PM
I have a problem here (well not here here). The past couple of weeks I've been researching prices and selling items on FB Marketplace.  My dead mother's stuff, my dead mother-in-law's stuff, my grown son's stuff and stuff we don't need/want anymore.  The problem comes from when my research shows a value way over what I expect an item should get.  This is stuff I don't want and can't understand anybody else wanting it either.  I wouldn't mark it more than a dollar or two at a rummage sale and I'd be lucky to get that, but it's selling for way more than that on Ebay.  I live in a pretty "poor" county and don't think anybody here would pay $100 or more for an old toy or a dish or whatever.  One example is an original Transformer toy action figure.  This exact one has listed prices of close to $300. I listed it for $50 and feel like I'm trying to pull a fast one on someone.  First world problems I guess, but that's what I've been up to lately.  
Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 4:54:00 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 57:

A lot of those toys are collectors' items now.

Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 5:15:18 PM
Was going to set up a pub thread but I'm only getting to slow down now.
Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 7:04:52 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 59:

Well, it wouldn't have been worth the time.

Occasional Reader 1/28/2022 7:35:21 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 56:

Child abuse.

Just appalling.

Kosh's Shadow 1/28/2022 7:36:33 PM
Alice in Dairyland 1/28/2022 8:49:24 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 61:

He's forty years old and I plan on giving him the money, so there!///

Alice in Dairyland 1/28/2022 10:20:16 PM

In #61 Occasional Reader said: Child abuse. Just appalling.

My mistake, I thought you meant child abuse for selling my son's old toys!  Yeah, those poor little kids.  What a way to grow up.

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