The Daily Broadside


Posted on 02/11/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 2/5/2022 12:51:22 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 5:42:03 AM

Gun control is racist!

The Black Attorneys of Legal Aid, along with other public defender groups, wrote a legal brief last year arguing that "New York’s licensing regime criminalizes the exercise of the Second Amendment" and unfairly devastates the lives of minorities in poorer neighborhoods who fear for their safety.

Political activist Maj Toure, who founded Black Guns Matter to educate Black Americans on the use of firearms and their Second Amendment rights, agreed.

"All gun control in America is racist," he told Fox News Digital. "Many people on the left don’t want Black people to have the right to defend their lives from Democratic tyranny."

In California, he said, the issue rate for concealed carry permits by zip code reveals glaring racial disparities.

"By design, the people who are most affected by violent crime are having their constitutional rights violated the most," he said. "If you live in Compton, you’re not getting a license."

Swearer said data shows that concealed carry permits in restrictive counties in California are given to "overwhelmingly rich, white, well-connected people."

Amid a Los Angeles crime wave, wealthy residents are rushing to buy guns while Black residents are often denied the same privilege due to their ZIP code and the complicated process involved in getting a concealed carry permit, Fox News Digital previously reported.

So will this make the Dems change their mind on gun control? After all, they are anti-racist.

Excuse me, they ARE racist.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 6:15:54 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

 In California, he said, the issue rate for concealed carry permits by zip code reveals glaring racial disparities.

"By design, the people who are most affected by violent crime are having their constitutional rights violated the most," he said. "If you live in Compton, you’re not getting a license."”

Well… not to defend California's insane gun laws; but it’s also likely the case that in Compton, you’re also likely to find a higher percentage of the population with criminal records, compared to other areas.  

vxbush 2/11/2022 6:32:30 AM

In #23 JCM said: We have exhaust every Constitutional, Legal means at our disposal, before politics by other means is justified. We also have to be as clear in grievances as the Founders in the Declaration of Independence. Not the muddle morass of ideas we have now. 
Actually, that isn't true. We could also pursue an Article V Constitutional Convention. So far, 18 states have signed on

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 6:59:04 AM

Circleback Psaki:  Dropping mask mandates = bad when De Santis does it, good when Democrats do it

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 7:01:14 AM

In #3 vxbush said: Actually, that isn't true. We could also pursue an Article V Constitutional Convention. So far, 18 states have signed on. 

And again: I think this is an idea that is at best, pointless; at worst, incredibly dangerous.

There is nothing basically wrong with the current US Constitution.  

Let me repeat that:


A constitutional convention would likely be hijacked by Leftists, who would ram through all sorts of fun ideas about "positive rights". 

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 7:13:20 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

According to one article on PJM (slipped off their page now), this convention is being called with specific rules that prevent it from doing anything other than limiting the Federal government.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 7:42:40 AM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: this convention is being called with specific rules that prevent it from doing anything other than limiting the Federal government.

And then, once the convention is in place, they change the rules.

There's precedent... 

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2022 7:44:05 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

What you said. 

To which I will add that the effort being pointlessly expended on behalf of this deus ex machina/slow quick-fix would be far better spent on housecleaning the local political parties, state and local governments, and electees to federal office.

JCM 2/11/2022 8:08:41 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

The first gun control laws in the country were to keep blacks and indians from having guns.

So yes gun control has a history of racist intents.

According to Critical Theory therefore all gun control is bad.

JCM 2/11/2022 8:09:50 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Article V is one of the Constitutional methods we must use.

JCM 2/11/2022 8:13:22 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Article V is a method of relief provided to the country. If the gov't is out of control, and congress won't act it was the method given to the states to take corrective action. It is not a Constitutional Convention. It is a Convention to Propose Amendments, when then are subject to ratification by 3/4 of the States.

Yes the left will attempt to hijack it. But the left has complete control of the Federal Government now.

The process is there, and we have to use the tools we were given, if we don't use it. Then it damages the justifications for using other methods.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 8:22:44 AM


buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2022 8:29:57 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

We've gone from Vestal Virgins to bestial burgeons.

vxbush 2/11/2022 8:38:26 AM

In #12 Occasional Reader said:

A good comment posted there: 

Biden considers himself cognitive-fluid.

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2022 8:38:34 AM

In #11 JCM said: Article V is a method of relief provided to the country. If the gov't is out of control, and congress won't act it was the method given to the states to take corrective action. It is not a Constitutional Convention. It is a Convention to Propose Amendments, when then are subject to ratification by 3/4 of the States.

There is no guarantee that the amendments will be good; no guarantee that, if good, they will be ratified; no guarantee that, if ratified, they will be followed by a government already out of control and already in flagrant violation and disregard of the Constitution that the "convention" is supposed to amend.  

Elections are also a method of relief that are provided by the Constitution to the country.  Elections, if properly used, already provide the "term limits" which so many people ritually invoke.  The electorate has failed itself and the country by not properly policing elections and by failing to properly address the selection, and the process of selection, of candidates---things it still could, and should, easily do, and which are much more directly available remedies than the long-shot "quick fix" of a "convention of the states."  

JCM 2/11/2022 8:38:38 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

Here is ummmm, "gentleman" explaining pronouns.

JCM 2/11/2022 8:48:26 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

No there is no guarantees. Agreed.

If we claim to be Constitutionalists, then using a Constitutionally provided remedy is complete appropriate and necessary.

Can we continue with the current trajectory of Statism? We can't count on Republicans they are milksops. Democrats have been subverted by the radicals. And as the above DoE appointment shows the radicals are entrenched in the bureaucracy.

A Convention of the States to propose Amendments is a Constitutional provided remedy.

Elections alone won't solve the issues. Trump showed us that, the bureaucracy actively opposed him and hampered him.

If we don't try and use it, then we haven't exhausted all Constitutional remedies.

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2022 8:53:16 AM

In #17 JCM said: If we don't try and use it, then we haven't exhausted all Constitutional remedies.

We haven't used elections properly.  Handing a "convention of the states" to people who can't handle elections is giving a loaded machine gun to a five-year-old.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 8:57:57 AM

In #13 buzzsawmonkey said: We've gone from Vestal Virgins to bestial burgeons.


But, "in fairness",  apparently the distinguished gentlepersyn isn't into sex with animals; rather, into sex with men dressed as animals.  So, there.  it's different! 

And while we can laugh about this, it's a symptom of a rot in our society that is deadly serious.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 9:00:21 AM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: it's a symptom of a rot in our society that is deadly serious.

... and the Progs embrace this; and they're rubbing our noses in it, with actions like this nomination. 

vxbush 2/11/2022 9:02:35 AM

In #20 Occasional Reader said: and the Progs embrace this; and they're rubbing our noses in it, with actions like this nomination. 

Yes, because there are probably a fair number of other candidates who could do this job who don't have interesting sexual practices. 

JCM 2/11/2022 9:04:23 AM
In #19 Occasional Reader said: And while we can laugh about this, it's a symptom of a rot in our society that is deadly serious.


It has a nuclear engineer degree from MIT. But that is completely irrelevant because we know it is going to worry more about the gender of a nuclear waste cask and whether the design engineering firm was "diverse" enough than if it is up to the task.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 9:21:05 AM

Reply to JCM in 22:

Imagine the accident if a nuclear waste cask identifies as male and spews its contents.

JCM 2/11/2022 9:23:16 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:

The cask was triggered when it was dead named and mis-gendered! Completely understandable.

JCM 2/11/2022 9:35:38 AM

Jan. 6th mystery.

Where was Kamala Harris.

Charging documents against the Jan. 6 defendants included charges that breached the protective zone around the VP and VP elect.

DoJ is now saying Harris wasn't at the Capitol but at the DNC HQ.

That means the SS Detail put her in harms way of the DNC HQ bomb on Jan 6.

Exclusive: Kamala Harris drove within several yards of pipe bomb at DNC headquarters during Capitol riot

The bomber was sophisticated enough to leave no evidence, avoid surveillance and cell phone intercepts. But the trigger of his bomb was non-functional. He used a one hour kitchen timer which was not set.

The Strangest Ongoing Mystery of January 6

So many questions.....

JCM 2/11/2022 9:51:08 AM

James Webb First Light!

vxbush 2/11/2022 10:14:26 AM

Reply to JCM in 26:

I'm not seeing anything....but then, I have the background set to white, which could be hiding it.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 10:57:53 AM

Fear not, citizens! Our dear leader is going to “work like the devil“ to bring oil prices down.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 10:59:09 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 28:

 I’m gonna work like the devil to bring gas prices down which I’m gonna work into make sure that we keep strengthening the supply chain to bring the cost of energy and everything else and the goods that come to America… down… by helping the ports 24/7 by changing a whole range of things that, you know, what’s happened with COVID, COVID has caused significant increases in prices in the supply chain.”

there. Don’t you feel better?

JCM 2/11/2022 11:34:09 AM

Reply to vxbush in 27:

Linky goodness....

JCM 2/11/2022 11:36:27 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

Real easy.

Restore Trump energy policies.

Force CA to set aside AB5 for national security reason, and violations of the Commerce Clause, interfering with Interstate Commerce.

There done. POTUS JCM is going to go to the range.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 11:40:19 AM

In #31 JCM said: Restore Trump energy policies.

Especially a pipeline that is a keystone in our energy independence.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 11:43:44 AM

In #31 JCM said: CM is going to go to the range.

Have fun!  I am overdue for the same.

JCM 2/11/2022 11:57:50 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 33:

Can you imagine the media of a POTUS had regular range time?

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 12:46:52 PM

In #34 JCM said: Can you imagine the media of a POTUS had regular range time?

Especially if it was Trump - they'd make up stories that his targets were pictures of Blacks and Democrats.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 1:10:33 PM

In #35 Kosh's Shadow said: Especially if it was Trump - they'd make up stories that his targets were pictures of Blacks and Democrats.

Fixed it.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 1:37:22 PM
Republicans introduce 'HUNTER' Act to ban taxpayer funds for crack pipes
Occasional Reader 2/11/2022 1:51:14 PM

In #35 Kosh's Shadow said: Especially if it was Trump - they'd make up stories that his targets were pictures of Blacks and Democrats.

Remember when you-know-who at The Swamp hysterically claimed that there was a shooting range in the DC area (circa 2009) that was handing out paper targets that looked like Obama?  

That was my range.

The targets were "zombie" targets; some of the zombies are black guys, others look like white guys, white women, black women, etc.  The people who work at this "white supremacist!!!" range are a melting pot of races.  It was to laugh.  

JCM 2/11/2022 2:21:05 PM

Lying right out in the open....

Lakewood [WA] child dies of COVID-19, first child death in Pierce County

LAKEWOOD, Wash. – Pierce County is reporting its first child COVID-19 death.

The Lakewood girl, who is younger than 10, died Jan. 30, she’s the first under 18 death in the county.

Officials say she did have multiple underlying health conditions.

Right there.... she didn't die FROM covid, she died with it and co-morbidities.

Without the co-morbidities covid would not have been the cause of death. It is the combined effects.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 2:37:55 PM

Doctor Says She Was Pressured to Make Omicron Sound More Dangerous

“Because of all of COVID’s mutations, all of these scientists and politicians who aren’t from South Africa were contacting me telling me I was wrong when I spoke out, that it was a serious disease … they were telling me I had no idea what I was talking about, they kept attacking me,” she told the Daily Telegraph. “In South Africa it is a lighter disease, but in Europe it has been a serious, serious illness, which is what the politicians want me to say … there has been a lot of pressure from European scientists and politicians who have said ‘Please don’t say it is a mild illness.’”

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 2:55:43 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 40:

It also appears Omicron is doing what I said it would - give herd immunity. Number of COVID cases is going way down.

Much more effective than 4 vaccine shots, it seems.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 2:57:32 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 41:

However, with the decline in cases, COVID is killing the Democrat's ability for control.

JCM 2/11/2022 3:00:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 42:

That and the mid-term polling.

Hell even Beta-male suddenly is pro-second amendment.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 4:07:46 PM

In #43 JCM said: Hell even Beta-male suddenly is pro-second amendment.

Well, he is in Texas, where gun racks are required equipment in pickups./

doppelganglander 2/11/2022 4:08:33 PM
I finally heard back from my insurance company about the car. They totaled it, which was disappointing. However, the inflation in used car prices is working in my favor and I'm getting more than I paid for it. Of course, I'll also be paying more for another car with higher mileage. But I was really worried about covering the loan and it will, and then some.
Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 4:26:12 PM

Ian McDonald, a co-founder of pioneering progressive rock band King Crimson and stadium rock hit-maker Foreigner, has died. He was 75.


Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2022 4:56:35 PM
I did set up a pub thread

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