The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/14/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 3/12/2022 3:20:52 PM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 3/14/2022 7:31:28 AM
This second winter is more annoying than the first one.
Occasional Reader 3/14/2022 7:57:06 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: This second winter is more annoying than the first one.


Save us, crazy little Saint Greta!!!!

lucius septimius 3/14/2022 8:35:10 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

Has Greta become Gerhard yet?  I've been expecting them to come out as trans.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2022 10:05:06 AM

Elon Musk challenges Putin to single combat

(Not the Babylon Bee!)

vxbush 3/14/2022 10:42:12 AM

In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: Elon Musk challenges Putin to single combat (Not the Babylon Bee!)

What does he hope to accomplish with this? 

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2022 11:12:19 AM

In #5 vxbush said: In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: Elon Musk challenges Putin to single combat (Not the Babylon Bee!) What does he hope to accomplish with this? 

Imagine what it would bring in on pay-per-view, with all Russians required to watch or be conscripted/

vxbush 3/14/2022 11:40:58 AM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Imagine what it would bring in on pay-per-view, with all Russians required to watch or be conscripted/

Heh. No disagreement there. But it makes me think of the Billy Jean King and Bobby Riggs match. I'm not sure which one is Putin or Musk; I'll let others decide that. But it is an action with no seeming logic behind it. 

Occasional Reader 3/14/2022 11:41:52 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

publicity? Or perhaps just sort of messing around. He seems to do the just messing around quite a lot.

In any event, he had better hope that Vladimir does not accept; unless Bladimir’s health is much worse than it has been light on, or In any event, he had better hope that Vladimir does not accept; unless Vladimir’s health is much worse than has been let on, and/or Musk has quite a lot of training that I’ve never heard about. Putin is supposedly an expert in both judo and “combat sambo”.

Occasional Reader 3/14/2022 11:43:25 AM

* then has been let on


I love when the iPhone pretends that it’s going to correct the mistake in voice transcription, and then just doesn’t.

doppelganglander 3/14/2022 11:56:20 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

Elon is a master shitposter. Most people can't tell if he's joking or not. IMO this is a joke.

Occasional Reader 3/14/2022 1:26:35 PM

In #10 doppelganglander said:

 Elon is a master shitposter.”

Yep.  He’s good at baiting people, too.  Which means he’s a… oh, you know.

vxbush 3/14/2022 1:27:38 PM

In #10 doppelganglander said: Elon is a master shitposter. Most people can't tell if he's joking or not. IMO this is a joke.

Perhaps that should be a job title that goes on business cards: "Professional shitposter." As for Elon, you might be right. The lack of details about any match are missing, which suggests sarcasm. But these days, you never know......

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2022 2:06:34 PM

In #12 vxbush said: As for Elon, you might be right. The lack of details about any match are missing

Phasers at 0.0000000000003 AU

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2022 2:11:01 PM

So the Metropolitan Opera is having a concert for Ukraine.

What, are they going to sing opera to Putin until he pulls out of Ukraine?////////////////

vxbush 3/14/2022 2:21:49 PM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: What, are they going to sing opera to Putin until he pulls out of Ukraine?////////////////

Oh, they could go through the entire Wagner series and say he can't push in any more troops or supplies until the music is done. 

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2022 2:42:40 PM

In #15 vxbush said: Oh, they could go through the entire Wagner series and say he can't push in any more troops or supplies until the music is done. 

There's an "It ain't over until the fat lady sings" joke in there somewhere.

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2022 3:07:13 PM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: the Metropolitan Opera is having a concert for Ukraine.

If anyone does want to listen to it live 6-7:30 PM, this is a link to WCRB Boston, and the Play button is under the CRB logo at the top left

buzzsawmonkey 3/14/2022 3:43:56 PM

In #16 Kosh's Shadow said: "It ain't over until the fat lady sings"

It ain't over until the plus-sized person sings...

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2022 4:12:27 PM

In #17 Kosh's Shadow said: In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: the Metropolitan Opera is having a concert for Ukraine. If anyone does want to listen to it live 6-7:30 PM, this is a link to WCRB Boston, and the Play button is under the CRB logo at the top left

The last piece (on now) is the final movement of the glorious 9th Symphony of Ludwig Van Beethoven. Bliss and heaven,. Hear angel trumpets and devil trombones. 

--Alex, from A Clockwork Orange

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2022 4:19:07 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

Sorry, Buzz, but I have to rate Beethoven's 9th Symphony as better than any of the music of the 20th century.

Occasional Reader 3/14/2022 4:20:19 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

Beethoven of course composed that for the sound track of Die Hard.

buzzsawmonkey 3/14/2022 4:28:59 PM

In #21 Occasional Reader said: the sound track of Die Hard.

The movie Die Laughing takes place in the Sokitumi Plaza.

turn 3/14/2022 5:00:48 PM
Hi! I posted an update on Revobob in the Frontier. I hope you are all doing well!
turn 3/14/2022 5:02:55 PM

Reply to turn in 23:
… as well as can be expected under this dreadful Biden administration!

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