The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/16/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 3/12/2022 3:23:20 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 3/16/2022 6:53:41 AM
Something I picked up yesterday over in the Frontier.... 
JCM 3/16/2022 7:15:22 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

The bridge doesn't give a hoot what the designer looks like, feels like, has between their legs.

The bridge only responds to physics.

lucius septimius 3/16/2022 7:19:16 AM
Sort of deconstructed hash -- I like it.
vxbush 3/16/2022 7:38:25 AM

In #2 JCM said: The bridge doesn't give a hoot what the designer looks like, feels like, has between their legs. The bridge only responds to physics.

Enough problems such as these, and the program could have a very bad end. 

vxbush 3/16/2022 7:38:59 AM

In #3 lucius septimius said: Sort of deconstructed hash -- I like it.

Can't say I'm a hash person. Just don't generally like the texture of it, for some reason.

Occasional Reader 3/16/2022 7:39:51 AM
Occasional Reader 3/16/2022 7:43:51 AM

Via Insty:

In the name of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, we are henceforth supposed to refer to persyns with menstrual periods as "bleeders".  

doppelganglander 3/16/2022 8:08:21 AM

Ukraine update: DIL's parents joined up with a convoy and got out of the occupied area. Now the Russians are attacking the city they fled to. Their plan was to head west this morning but I'm not sure if they were able to. 

Sorry the linky thing isn't working for me.

No escape from Putin's bombs via

Occasional Reader 3/16/2022 9:26:56 AM

Today's funniest headline!

Occasional Reader 3/16/2022 9:35:13 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:

May they stay safe.

buzzsawmonkey 3/16/2022 9:46:53 AM

In #7 Occasional Reader said: In the name of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

As we all know, vox populi, vox DEI...

vxbush 3/16/2022 9:51:58 AM

In #10 Occasional Reader said: May they stay safe.

Seconded, with my own prayers. 

JCM 3/16/2022 10:19:13 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

We're relevant! We're relevant!

We told them to stop... we can sleep well tonight!

@PBJ3 3/16/2022 10:28:29 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:

I sure hope they get out of there safely.

doppelganglander 3/16/2022 10:52:02 AM
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. 
JCM 3/16/2022 11:29:21 AM

Big meeting, Sr. managers and SMEs about software tools issue.

FNG Jr. eng. in the middle of the meeting time on job 14 days. Wants to know why things are so messed up and whose fault it is.

Sr. Mgr. "Not the time or place".


buzzsawmonkey 3/16/2022 11:47:40 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:

Prayers and hopes for their safety.

Occasional Reader 3/16/2022 1:41:51 PM

Reply to JCM in 16:

Sounds like my former friend (the one who broke off our friendship over politics).  He'd get hired, then within a few weeks or months start loudly declaring that senior management/the company's owner were doing everything wrong; then be stunned when he was sh*tcanned a few months later. 

Kosh's Shadow 3/16/2022 2:38:20 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

Change a few words in this strip and you have a perfect fit

Occasional Reader 3/16/2022 3:04:19 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

I don't know if there's a name for that rule, but yes, it's a rule.  "If more than 4, maybe 5, maybe 6 people in your life are absolute, intolerable, flaming assholes... the problem is most likely you."

(See, e.g., the Islamists, who hate everybody.) 

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